
We've received MANY requests for further information on Clinton's
Presidential Decision Directive #68.

You know: the one that pretty much completes the burial ceremonies for
the tattered remnants of our so-called free press. The one which decrees
that henceforth ALL "news" made available to the public be passed
through the screening processes of the newly-created International
Public Information (IPI) system, so that all news being reported is
"synchronized", "DE-CONFLICTED", sanitized, and otherwise completely
gutted of any semblance of inconsistency with the officially approved
version of reality which WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOLD.

In other words, ALL news reported in this country is due to be BLATANTLY
and thoroughly spin-doctored by Administration clones in pursuit of
completely seamless management and "handling" of the news; so that we
ONLY hear and see WHAT THEY SAY we can hear and see.

Why does this reminds me so much of the tactics of totalitarian regimes
like Communist China, Russia, Hitler's Third Reich and that satirized in
George Orwell's 1984?

It seems the actual text of this directive has NOT been made public.

Any guesses why that's the case?

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

For the most comprehensive report available on the subject

Weekly Edition
Published in Washington, D.C. August 2 - 8, 1999 -- Edition
"America's Newspaper"

Administration spin
to go global

By Ben Barber
A former senior Clinton administration official charged on July 28 that
a new multiagency plan to closely control the dissemination of public
information abroad is really aimed at "spinning the American public."
The plan, disclosed on July 28 by The Washington Times, emerged out of
concern that the U.S. public has refused to back President Clinton's
foreign policy, said the former official, who spoke on the condition he
not be identified. Administration officials "say news coverage is
distorted at home and they need to fight it at all costs by using
resources that are aimed at spinning the news," said the former
official, who had close knowledge of the plan's development.

Mr. Clinton in April issued Presidential Decision Directive 68, ordering
the creation of the International Public Information (IPI) system,
designed to make sure that all government agencies disseminating
information abroad share a single message. A draft charter obtained by
The Washington Times says the purpose of IPI is "to prevent and mitigate
crises and to influence foreign audiences in ways favorable to the
achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives."

Officials of U.S. defense, intelligence, diplomatic and other agencies
met for the first time on July 28 at the State Department to go over the
draft charter, said a source who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Only "minor changes" were made to the charter at that meeting, the
source said, but it was possible that "major" changes would be made in
the near future.

Future meetings of an IPI "core group" developing the new information
system are to be chaired by Morton Halperin, head of policy planning at
the State Department. The draft charter says information aimed at U.S.
audiences should "be coordinated, integrated, deconflicted and
synchronized with the [IPI] to achieve a synergistic effect." The former
senior official complained that the charter "did not distinguish what
would be done overseas and what would be done at home. . . . It talks
about a news war."

In a telephone interview after the meeting, an administration official
rejected accusations that IPI could be used in a partisan manner or be
used to influence American public opinion. "This is absolutely not the
case," said the official, who also declined to be identified. "We are
very cognizant of the history of the '80s. There are congressional
controls now." The official was referring to the 1980s Iran-Contra
affair, in which some Reagan administration officials covertly sold arms
to Iran to raise money to fund the Contra war in Nicaragua. After
October, IPI will be run by the newly created undersecretary of state
for public diplomacy, who will take over most of the duties of the U.S.
Information Agency (USIA), which is being disbanded. Former White House
aide Evelyn Lieberman has been nominated for that post.

However, the IPI system was said to be the brainchild of White House
intelligence chief Dick Clarke. His aide, former White House fellow
Jamie Metzl, largely wrote the plan and is now serving as IPI senior
coordinator, according to the former senior administration official.
Media and political analysts expressed concern about the plan. "This . .
. indicates a measure of desperation in President Clinton's foreign
policy," said Seth Ackerman of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a
liberal media-watch- dog group. "When it is not received well abroad, he
resorts to propaganda."

On the other end of the political spectrum, Ariel Cohen of the
conservative Heritage Foundation said he worried that the IPI system
could be used by the party in power to push its own agenda, rather than
the national interest.

"It would be a mistake to turn the U.S. public information system into a
tool of a partisan agenda," said Mr. Cohen. "It cannot be driven by any
political-correctness agenda that will not be representative of what the
American people think or that will reflect only a social-change agenda
of extremist activist groups," he said.

The IPI plan calls for establishing a system of control over all
government information going abroad, with a stated goal of countering
anti-American propaganda and aiding U.S. overseas military missions.
It also offers to help the United Nations use the system during its
peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.

Published August 2 - 8, 1999 -- Edition, in Copyright 1998 News World
Communications, Inc.

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Other information on PDD#68

A list of Executive Orders and Presidential Decision Directives can be
found here:

What is known of Presidential Decision Directive 68 is at this URL:

Some more on PDD #68:

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