The Pentagon plans to ask President Clinton to call up about 30,000
reservists and National Guard members to bolster the attack against
Yugoslavia, the NEW YORK TIMES is set to report in Friday editons. 

The Pentagon is still working out the details of which units will be called
up, the paper reports.  "While a senior defense official said the total
would be around 30,000, an administration official said it could be as high
as 33,000. By law, Clinton can authorize the activation of 200,000
reservists National Guard members."

The call up would be the largest single activation since the Persian Gulf
war in 1990.

Of the $5.9 billion in emergency spending the White House is expected to
request from Congress, a dramatic increase over previous estimates, nearly
5.4 billion would cover the cost of reservists' salaries, fuel and other
supplies and munitions, reports the TIMES in its Friday lead.

                                       X X X X X 


**Exclusive Details**

Dan Burton bounces back.  The DRUDGE REPORT learned late Thursday night that
former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung will be subpoenaed to appear
before a congressional committee.  The subpoena, which will be issued in the
morning, calls for Chung to appear on May 27 and 28 before the House
Government Reform Committee.  

With TV cameras running, Chung will be questioned in great detail about what
he knows, and Chung has indicated that he will fully cooperate with the
committee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

The House Government Reform Committee wrote Attorney General Janet Reno
requesting permission to question Chung on April 7 after a story appeared in

The story stunned the city:  China's head of military intelligence took
funds from Beijing and secretly spent them to reelect President Clinton,
Chung has told federal investigators. 

"Chung's testimony has provided investigators the first, direct link between
a senior Chinese government official and illicit foreign contributions that
were funneled into Clinton's 1996 reelection effort," the TIMES reported.

Late Thursday, AG Reno gave the green light for the committee to subpoena Chung.

Reno put no limitations on the questioning, according to senior government

"Chung wants to tell his story, in public," one well-placed source told the
DRUDGE REPORT late Thursday night from Washington.

                                       X X X X X 


There are reports tonight out of Yugoslavia of complete carnage and chaos in
the wake of the continued NATO bombing.

But hold on to your TIME WARNER stock, CNN again issues a press release
announcing that its TV ratings are booming with the bombings.

On the ground smoldering skeletons and a woman cut in half... a man's head
lying in a field with the wind blowing his brown hair against the grass, and
corpses lying in a squalid hospital nearby: details from the horror scene of
the refugee caravan bombing reported by London's INDEPENDENT newspaper on
Friday, coming only days after the passenger train bombing.

But to every story there's a silver lining.  And down in Atlanta at CNN
headquarters, it's been press release after press release during the Crises
in Kosovo.

"In primetime, the network posted a 1.1 rating...  an increase of 22%,"
rejoiced CNN's David Bittler and Alison Rudnick in a press release that
moved on AP EXPRESS wires midweek.

"The network series of four primetime Special Reports on the crisis in
Yugoslavia posted a 1.2 rating and delivered 895,000 households."  Up.

Bittler and Rudnick point out increase by increase, daypart by daypart.

LATE EDITION airing Sunday on CNN "experienced increases of 100%" during
last week's NATO runs.  CROSSFIRE lifts 38% over a year ago; INSIDE POLITICS
surged 80%.

The practice of issuing vaunting press releases celebrating increased
viewership during wartime is not a CNN exclusive.

On Thursday, ABC NEWS, in a press release, played up a NIGHTLINE win for
last week's 90-minute broadcast BAD OPTIONS: THE CRISIS IN KOSOVO, even
breaking the numbers down into Madison Avenue-friendly demographics.

Koppel's Kosovo coverage kicked Conan!

ABC NEWS declares in a press release:  In adults 25-54, Koppel pulled
2,210,000 over NBC's 2,150,000.

Lettermankilborn trailed with 1,890,000.

[Laugh track]

                                       X X X X X 


Monica Lewinsky is signing so many copies of her book on her European tour,
she actually dislocated her shoulder.  Michael Isikoff, also out on the
circuit, pushing a book, dreaming of the sensation...

                                       X X X X X 


More and more it seems like national policy is being driven by polls:  

"Poll shows Support builds for ground troops."

"Majority of Americans Against Impeachment, Says New Poll."

But just who is being polled?  And what do they really have swirling in
their brains?

Veteran Democratic pollster Rob Schroth on Thursday unveiled a national
survey that suggests that likely voters in the U.S. would  prefer at least
three entertainment or business figures to the current roster of
presidential candidates!

Among the highlights of survey:

As an independent candidate for the presidency in 2000, Donald Trump
narrowly leads Al Gore among likely voters -- and is within striking
distance of frontrunner George W. Bush.

Bush            35%
Trump           31%
Gore            30%
Undecided       06%

Clint Eastwood also leads Al Gore among likely voters -- and is also within
striking distance of frontrunner George W. Bush.

Bush            39%
Eastwood        29%
Gore            27%
Undecided       05%

If she entered the presidential race as an independent candidate, Oprah
Winfrey would be very competitive with both Al Gore and Elizabeth Dole.

Dole            34%
Winfrey         32%
Gore            30%
Undecided       04%
Ø Robert Redford is viewed more favorably (63%) and is better known (86%)
than two-time presidential candidate Lamar Alexander (27% favorable/43% name

Ø Clint Eastwood is viewed more favorably (72%) and is better known (93%)
than U.S. Senator and presidential candidate John McCain (26% favorable/36%
name recognition).

Ø Former Chicago Bull forward Michael Jordan is viewed more favorably (77%)
and is better known (94%) than former New York Knick, former U.S. Senator,
and current presidential candidate Bill Bradley (42% favorable/56% name

Ø Oprah Winfrey is viewed more favorably (76%) and is better known (96%)
than former cabinet member and current presidential candidate Elizabeth Dole
(63% favorable/92% total name recognition).

Ø Over one-third of likely voters are prepared to vote for an un-named,
generic "successful businessperson who's never run for office before," which
would place he or she ahead of Gore and only one percentage point behind Bush:

Bush                    35%
Businessperson          34%
Gore                    25%
Undecided               06%

[The poll was conducted from April 5-9 among a random selection of 800
registered voters who self described themselves as likely to vote in the
November, 2000 general election for president.  The margin of error for the 
survey is +/- 3.5%.]

George Lucas for NATO Supreme Commander! 

Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant  for steaks and breaks
Not for reproduction without permission of the author

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