[I have attached a long note from AOL followed by a number of responses.
Although I have my own opinions on the Irish conflict, I will stay out of this
debate. --Declan]


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 11:21:49 EST
Subject: Irish Forum

I saw some of the traffic regarding the Irish Heritage message boards and
wanted to provide you with some additional information.

The Ireland message boards in the International Channel of the US service were
taken down on December 11, after repeated postings that violated our Terms of
Service.  The boards were cleaned up and reopened on December 28th.

The TOS violations included profanity, vulgarity and personal threats.

TOS and other policies for the boards are clearly posted in the area.  Below
I'm including the posting announcing the reopening of the boards as well as
the "Content of Posts" language that spells out the policies for the Boards.

I hope this is helpful.  Let me know if you need more information or give me a
call at 703/265-2896.


Jim Whitney

Subject: Ireland Reopening
Date: 12/28/98 1:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: <A HREF="aol://3548:Intf Ravon">Intf Ravon</A>
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear members,
   You'll note a new politics folder has been opened.  We encourage you to
make this a more amiable place where any person, regardless of faction, can
openly discuss political issues and current events.  So many of you have a
wealth of knowledge from past personal history, family connections or just
being well abreast of the relevant issues.  We welcome you back to the
International Channel boards and invite you to share that information with
your fellow posters.  We encourage and remind you to debate issues only, and
not resort to personal attacks or member harassment.

  If you believe a post is in violation of AOL's Terms of Service or Channel
Policy, the following steps should now be taken to report that violation.

Go to:  <A HREF="aol://1391:43-25107">Keyword:  Notify AOL</A> >
<A HREF="aol://1391:43-25107">Message Boards</A>

You will need the complete path to the post.  For the politics folder, that
path would be:

Keyword:  Ireland > Message Boards > Economy & Politics > Politics > <post

You must include all of the above.

Copy the entire post and paste it in the appropriate area and if possible,
include the violation that is being reported.  Example:

Violation:  Vulgarity

Additionally, as quoted at <A HREF="aol://1391:43-25107">Keyword: Notify AOL

<< Please remember, in cases where you feel threatened or believe that someone
else is in danger, you should contact your local law enforcement agency
immediately. To report cases of suspected child exploitation, please go to the
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's CyberTipline at
<A HREF="http://www.missingkids.com/cybertip/">http://www.missingkids.com/cybe
rtip/</A> >>

Again, welcome back and may you all find peace in 1999.


Intf Ravon
Department Manager
International Channel Message Boards

Content of Posts

** Please remember that these are public <A HREF="aol://5863:126/mB:89768">
message boards</A>, and even though sometimes they appear to be "private" (in
that the same several members maintain a continous dialogue), they are not.
All AOL members, including children, have access to these areas.
** Irish Heritage message board monitors are here to insure smooth operation
of the Forum, not to play dictator or babysitter.  When required, posts will
be removed.  INTF volunteers are also AOL members, and will not submit to
harassment, any more than would any AOL member.

** AOL's Terms of Service agreement is always in effect, and will be
enforced.  TOS rules can be read at Keyword: <A HREF="aol://1391:41-4688">TOS
</A>.  Profanity, vulgarity and member harassment will not be tolerated.  INTF
volunteers are not Terms of Service staff; they report violations in the same
manner as members.

** Posts inappropriate to the area will be deleted.

** Chronic offenders may find posts removed without notification, and
recurring problems will be reported to TOS.

** Get involved as much as you like in the discussions! The folders in our
areas are open to all members.

** As well as you can, format your posts to look like the print in a
respectable newspaper. That means employing capital and lowercase letters in a
traditional manner. . . neither all caps, nor all lowercase. ;) Capital
letters look like SHHHHOUTING on a board, making a message written entirely in
capital letters an eyesore.

** Feel free to suggest new folders if you think your message warrants one,
but please don't be offended if we change the name slightly.

** If you would ever like a post deleted or reviewed, send e-mail to the
board monitor, noting the date of the post, and the subject line.

** Our message boards are here for the purpose of discussing various topics.
They are not intended as a forum for reproducing news articles or other
copyrighted material.  Current International Channel policy is that whole
articles may not be reproduced on any of our
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/mB:89768">message boards.</A>  Members may quote
excerpts from the article for purposes of presenting their opinion, and if the
article is available via the web they may include a hotlink to the entire
article (using the complete URL to describe the link.  "Click here"  isn't
acceptable).  Posts in violation of this policy may be removed without notice.

** Thanks for visiting  Irish Heritage  and we look forward to your
participation in our message boards!  :)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esther Dyson)
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:42:13 -0500

There's a difference between discussing how to seduce children, and
"purporting to report the news in an unbiased style and never
>admitting that they're communists with a very specific political agenda."
Discussing how to seduce children is closer to discussing how to bomb a
I am not commenting on the specifics of this AOL case because I don't know
Esther Dyson


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 22:41:49 -0500
From: "Thomas H. Lipscomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites

Platt makes a lot more sense than the original post did.

Most people in the Republic of Ireland are totally exasperated with the
anti-democratic remnant of the Marxist fringe terrorist group that today has
the gall to call itself after the once gallant IRA. And the Irish are not too
fond of the deluded idiots in the US who have supported NORAID and other
destabilizing groups, apparently because of some Y1900 problem with their
calendars which kept them from realizing that things have changed quite a bit
in the old country since their ancestors left Queenstown during the potato

Precisely because of the superb understanding the IDA and Republic of Ireland
has shown of the digital world and its economic opportunity, Ireland has gone
in the past decade from having the highest unemployment rate and the most DOA
economy in the EC to its present ability to boast the highest and fastest
growing GDP in the EU and unemployment far below France or Germany. Ireland
today exports 1/3 of the computers made in Europe and more than 60% of the
software, and they aren't even breaking a sweat over there yet..

And let's not kid ourselves. The current peace process between Ulster and the
Republic came about not because of anything the "IRA," Clinton, or the latest
Kennedy retard in Phoenix Park contributed, but simply because the
British-subsidized North could no longer look down their Orange noses upon the
Republic as some kind of Celtic Appalachia whose threadbarre Paddys lined up
at the border on the weekend to shop in Ulster. They had to admit that the
Republic was taking off without them, and they were stuck contemplating an
increasingly uncertain economic future on the British dole . These days the
average Ulsterman is more than willing to chuck the drums and statues of King
Billy, if he can just get aboard too.

The current "IRA" and its supporters would far rather bring the technological
and systemic benefits of Cuba and North Korea to both Ulster and the
Republic-- destabilizing the peace process at precisely the time when reunion
is most opportune.

That doesn't mean AOL has conducted itself admirably in this matter. But it
does mean it is well worth looking into it further before assuming some kind
of "no Irish need logon"
policy has now been adopted in Northern Virginia.

TEL: (212) 794-9058 FAX: (212) 794-4422


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 21:58:07 -0500
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites

At 09:48 PM 1/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Most pornographers have the honesty to admit that they are offering
>pornography--and the initiative to set up their own web sites, instead of
>trying to sneak into a family-oriented service provider and then whining
>when they get caught. Writers of agitprop could learn from their example.
Not to disagree with Mr. Platt, but these folks evidently
DO have a website, full of material which (of course) claims
that they are the victims of terror from the other side.
Regards, Jim Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are
drinking Barry Manilow." -- Dave Barry
PGP=A7D63DA9 + 98 1F 39 BA 93 86 B4 F5 57 52 64 0E DA BA 2C 71


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:55:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Melora Ranney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites

This post exemplifies why I shudder to think of all the simply practical
issues involved in institutionalized censorship (never mind the ethical
"If X isn't OK, isn't it obvious that Y isn't? And if Y isn't ok, isn't
it perfectly clear that Z is totally unacceptable?" and on, and on, and
on ad nauseam. By the time everybody's done censoring potentially
controversial topics, the only thing left is statistical data about
incredibly boring subjects of no interest to anybody. Blah.


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 04:22:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites

I would be interested in seeing a few examples of the postings Mr. Platt
finds so appalling as to require censorship. Perhaps someone was planning
to set a fire in a crowded theater in Belfast. But short of such clear
and present danger, I would defend the free speech rights of everyone.
Including agitpropagandists. And pedophiles.
- Charles -


Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 00:13:19 -0600
From: "Mark Crook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: More on AOL silences Irish forum sites

False allegations of child abuse have been heard so
frequently in recent years that they tend to cast doubt
upon the allegater. ;-)
McMartin Pre School, any number of divorce cases,
and worst of all, this was allegation was used by
the FBI used to justify their assault on Waco.
(When the dust settled, there was no evidence of child
abuse, simply a lot of dead children.)
Now Mr Platt makes the same charge in the defense
of what clearly appears to be just one more AOL's
attttempts to suppress free speech.
Evidence, Mr Platt, Evidence, lest we dismiss you as
And no, I am not Irish, I am not Catholic, I have
no dog in the Irish fight.


[from a longtime politechnical]

First off, let me say that I worked at AOL for two years. In my
experience, they have demonstrated a capriciousness that is virtually
unmatched in the online world, and this kind of behaviour is totally

At Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:12:42 -0500 (EST), Charles Platt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only thing that troubles me about the news item is that the terrorist
> sympathizers won't admit what they are.
Yeah, right. And the Unionists are any better? I seem to recall
that there has been a hell of a lot of bloodshed on the parts of both
sides, and that *anyone* favouring one community over the other is
taking a very dangerous and highly unsupportable position if they
want to continue to call themselves "neutral".

If AOL wants to eliminate those accounts that result in "reduced
enjoyment" on the parts of some members, then they need to cancel
accounts and forums on both sides of the equation -- simply silence
everyone and force the communications to go elsewhere.
As it is, they've clearly placed themselves in the Unionist camp,
and they shouldn't be too surprised if they should find any AOL
assets in either the UK or the US that are now targetted by
Nationalist groups. Myself, I'm damn glad I don't work for them
anymore -- the thought of being over here in Europe with a great big
huge AOL pyramid painted on my back isn't a particularly pleasant


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:07:24 +0100
From: Tjebbe van Tijen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: AOL silences Irish forum sites

I do not want to protest against this kind of cernsorship, but to show that
also the Internet can not go beyond human social relationships... when they
are good... no problem Internet communication can work fine... but when
they as bad as they still are in Ireland (whatever part) the same phenomena
of bad human relationships in Ireland tend to be reproduced  and sometimes
amplified by the electronic medium...

Strong statements, flaming, is an understandable effect of such indirect
ways of communication where you do not need to face someone to say "it".
Shouting insults to someone that can not be seen, at the other side of the
wall, is now done electronicaly. That is a new situation, especialy because
the insults are carried by a medium that records it at the same time. It is
different from the shouting over the wall, because there are always
realiable witnesses. It is like asking a policeman to come to your house
and listen to you insulting your neighbour. Who would do it?

There has always been the difference between the 'one to one' insult or
threat and the publicly expressed threat or insult. So with the one to many
communication of newsgroups on the Internet you always act in a public
situation. Now the age old problem is "who is to judge?" In this case the
firm AOL takes it on itself to judge. Not surprisingly such a corporate
organisation is not well equiped to take on this difficult task.

I think there must have been several people making misuse of the
possibilities for communication that AOL sells before they started to act.
You can even see it as a good sign that big business can not accept
outrageous and intollerant behaviour, be it for pure commercial reasons.
When I would use the shouting over the wall metaphor again, than the
solution AOL has choosen (closing down newsgroups/wensites that permit such
shouting) equals the gagging of all the members of a family, while in fact
is was only one person in the family that was using bad language. Another
approach could have been to knock down the wall between the warring
families, call in some people from the outside to help and let both parties
voice their grievances in the face of each other for as long as they have
energy (keeping them from bodily violence through the assistance of outside
helpers). I know it is a silly idea, but such a counseling form of conflict
resolution, is the only alternative I can see for the gagging, the shutting
down of an Internet connection.

In this case it was an Irish conflict, there are and will be so many
possible shouting and insulting targets that a more structiral approach
than just shutting down of a site or a service needs to be contemplated.
One can of course say that a provider should not intermingle, but that
seems not to be a practical proposal as the Irish example shows. The
creation of electronic counselling facilities, re-education camps as you
wish, might be another more positive apporach to this eternal problem. Here
the potential of the Internet can be used fully, the wide almost
problemless availibility of counsellers that will help to  bring some
people to the minimal behaviour standards that are needed to move in public

What I fear that this (Irish) conflict will be just used to criticize the
easy scape-goat AOL, because it is a truism that all big business is bad.
Freedom of speech though, can not be a product of laws, but is a product of
the  social relations in a society. We have to do something for it
contineously to have it.

So maybe there could be some creative thinking to suggest solutions to AOL
what to do in such kind of situations..
Tjebbe van Tijen

Imaginary Museum Projects (IMP), Amsterdam

Background information on:


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 23:04:18 -0800
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gölök Z.L.F. Buday)
Subject: Re: FC: AOL silences Irish forum sites

I see America's bigotry towards the Irish, hasn't changed much over the
years. Once again it has reared it's ugly head.
Gölök Zoltán Leenderdt Franco Buday
Free-Lance Writer; Humorist; Web Master; Mental Patient
Vancouver, BC
ICQ: 9834094. (wwp.icq.com/9834094)
The My Ego Times: http://RidingAssoc.dragonfire.net/
The Official Court Jester WebSite...warning offensive language:
Cafe: http://CourtJester.dragonfire.net/Marios_Coffee_Express/
Actor Zoltan: http://www.freespeech.org/zoltan/


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