The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-58, Day 36, Update 1
Apr. 28, 1999; 1:00AM EDT


Belgrade              1. NATO Kills 20 Women and Children in Small Serb Town

Moscow               2. Talbott's Moscow Mission Fails; World Inches Closer

Moscow               3. Even Erstwhile Russian Moderate Sounds Alarmed;
                                 Russia's Nuclear Chief Issues Warning
Against NATO Bombing

Washington         4. Pentagon Pushes for Full-scale Invasion of Serbia
from Hungary

Athens                 5. Renowned Greek Composer Denounces NATO, Calls on
                                 Greek Public to "Resist"

Phoenix                6. Barbershop Small Talk Turns Ugly


1. NATO Kills 20 Women and Children in Small Serb Town

BELGRADE, Apr. 27 - Here we go again... NATO has just killed at least 20
civilians, mostly women and children, in a daytime raid on Surdulica, a
small southern Serbian town near the Bulgarian border, Reuters news wires
reported this evening.

A Reuters television crew filmed the destruction in Surdulica.  Local
officials and residents said 16 missiles had rained down on the town for 25
minutes at midday.

"One third of the town was totally destroyed," a town official, Miroslav
Stojiljkovic, told Reuters Television. "Between 200 and 300 families have
been left without roofs over their heads."

State television quoted local officials as saying they had already
recovered 20 bodies but feared more would be found. It said 300 houses had
been destroyed.

Stojiljkovic said an army barracks two km (1.5 miles) from the town had
apparently not been hit during the raid, the third on Surdulica.

"Two missiles directly hit one house, and killed all the people who were
sheltering in the basement,'' resident Stanisa Ivanovic told Reuters
Television. Ivanovic, 37, said two men who had climbed on the roof of
another house to install a satellite dish had also been killed when
missiles struck their house.

"Fascists!" one resident said, pointing to ruined homes.

The Serbian news agency Beta said the strike had also destroyed a health
center and cut water supplies in the town.
TiM Ed.: Whether due to incompetence or malice, this certainly constitutes
another NATO war crime.  Add a several dozen additional murder charges to
growing list already compiled against Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jacques
Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder and other NATO leaders.  Not to mention Clinton's
"mini-Goering," the arrogant NATO bomber-in-chief, Gen. Wesley Clark, who
confidently predicted that he would bring Serbia to her knees after only
three days of bombing.  So far, Clark is 33 days behind the schedule... But
WAY AHEAD on the list of NATO war crimes.

2. Talbott's Moscow Mission Fails; World Inches Closer to WW III

MOSCOW, Apr. 27 - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, Strobe Talbott, who spent
most of the day in talks with top Russian officials discussing the
situation in Yugoslavia, has failed to achieve a breakthrough, the UPI news
wires reported today. Moscow and Washington still appear to be at opposite
poles in their views on how to deal with the Kosovo crisis.

Talbott, dispatched by President Clinton to Moscow to listen to Russian
arguments, and explain why NATO is tightening the screws on Belgrade by
imposing an oil blockade, didn't succeed in changing Russia's opposition to
Western actions against Yugoslavia.

During a 90-minute meeting, Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, and
Talbott apparently disagreed on major points, with the Russian official
insisting that only the U.N. Security Council could impose a total oil

"Decisions made by organizations (such as NATO) are only relevant to
countries which are members of those organizations." Ivanov said.  "They
have no legal force for Russia, and Russia will act accordingly."

Earlier, Ivanov said if NATO wished to impose an oil blockade, it would
apply to the 19 members of the military alliance, but Russia would continue
to meet its international obligations to supply Yugoslavia with oil.
TiM Ed.: And so the Washington and Brussels madmen are nudging the world
ever closer to WW III.  Just consider the ominous warning issued by another
Russian official today (see the next story).

3. Erstwhile Russian Moderate Warns of "World Catastrophe;" Russia's
Nuclear Chief Issues Warning Against NATO Bombing

MOSCOW, Apr. 27 - A NATO ground force invasion of Kosovo could irreversibly
damage Western relations with Russia and spark a global catastrophe, a
prominent Russian pro-reform politician said on Friday.

Instead, NATO should take up Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's peace
offer of an international presence in Kosovo, former First Deputy Russian
Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais told Reuters on Apr. 25. "If NATO goes from
air force to ground force it will be a world catastrophe," Chubais said.
"(Russia) has never felt such anti-Western, anti-European feelings," he added.

Chubais is out in the political cold in Russia, sacked from the government
in November 1997, but has recently joined with other prominent pro-reform
politicians to establish a new center-right political party. He said that
NATO air strikes were responsible for the massive refugee flows in Kosovo.

Moscow served notice Monday it would regard as a terrorist act any NATO
bombing - even accidental - of Yugoslav nuclear installations.

Atomic Energy Minister, Yevgeny Adamov, quoted by Interfax, said that if
NATO directed a missile against any nuclear plants situated on Yugoslav
territory or in a neighboring country Russia would regard this as "an act
of nuclear terrorism."

The United States had been the first to insist it was inadmissible to
conduct military actions near nuclear sites, the minister said. "Today it
is up to us to remind them of this," said Adamov, who has sent a letter
with this message to Washington.

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said recently there were "three
nuclear reactors belonging to research centers in Yugoslavia and four
nuclear reactors directly inside the conflict zone, and they are
permanently in operation."

4. Pentagon Pushes for Full-scale Invasion of Serbia from Hungary

WASHINGTON, Apr. 27 - Unperturbed by the prospects that they might cause WW
III, the madmen in Washington are pushing for a full scale invasion of
Serbia, the London Guardian's said today.

"Key figures in the Pentagon are asking the White House to consider a
full-scale invasion of Serbia in which NATO would capture Belgrade, topple
President Slobodan Milosevic and haul his regime before the International
War Crimes Tribunal," the Guardian's Washington-based correspondent, Martin
Walker, reported today.

The plan, divulged to the Guardian by a senior official in the Clinton
administration, is by far the most extreme solution yet offered in the
debate over whether to deploy ground troops in Kosovo.  It would involve an
invasion through the new NATO ally, Hungary, allowing tanks to move on to
the plains of the Serb province of Vojvodina.
TiM Ed.: Which is exactly what TiM has been saying ever since NATO
destroyed the first Novi Sad bridge across the Danube on Apr. 1 (see Day 8,
Update 3, Item 1, Apr. 1, and Day 11, Update 1, Item 1, Apr. 3).
Despite its controversial content, the proposal is understood to have the
backing of NATO's supreme commander General Wesley Clark, the Guardian
said. A senior official confirmed the plan had been discussed with Downing
Street (i.e., the British).

Budapest's backing would be crucial for the success of any such invasion.
Hungary, which only joined NATO as a full member last month, has given
formal approval to NATO to use its facilities for the bombing campaign. But
launching a major ground assault from the territory is likely to cause
jitters about the fate of the 300,000 ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina, the
Guardian said.

The plan is also likely to provoke a nervous response from the Czech and
Slovak republics, both of which have promised NATO full logistical support
and access. NATO troops would have to cross their territory to get from
Germany to Hungary.

5. Renowned Greek Composer Denounces NATO, Calls on Greek Public to "Resist"

ATHENS, Apr. 27 - A renowned Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis, took center
stage in last night’s highly successful concert in downtown Athens in
support of the Serbian people, denouncing NATO’s raids against their country.

Facing a cheering crowd, Mr. Theodorakis stated:

“The leaders of the NATO member-states yesterday (Sunday) signed a death
sentence for the United Nations. The United States can now, with the
connivance of the European countries, judge, sentence and punish anyone
whom they view as objecting to their designs. I do not think it an
exaggeration to say that we are about to enter another Middle Age era. So,
get a hold of warm, wool clothing, mufflers, gloves, bitter cold lies ahead.

As I have stated since the start of the raids, all that is being said about
ethnic cleansing is merely pretext. I have said that they (NATO) don’t care
about dialogue and agreements; their sole aim is to turn the heretic
Yugoslavia into scorched earth.  And they intend to do just that, transform
Serbia into a desert made up of dust and blood, displaying it to the next
victims, warning them  ‘look, this is what lies ahead if you don’t succumb.’

We, the Greeks, should be proud since we were the only ones who all
together and in unison said  ‘NO’ to barbarity. We shall stand by the
victims, by the Serbs.  We want our singing today to overpower the air raid
sirens and the missile blasts. 'Belgrade, today we sing for you. We are on
your side. Be courageous, justice is on your side, and justice always
triumphs,' Theodorakis said to a thunderous cheers from his fans.

Meanwhile, a TiM correspondent reported this evening increased activity of
NATO planes and helicopters in the sky over northern Greece.  Also, convoys
of NATO tanks and APCs have been on the move, "under a strong (Greek)
police protection," this correspondent writes.
TiM Ed.: It figures.  It takes the police escorts to protect the "beloved"
NATO troops from the wrath of the people - in a NATO country!

6. Barbershop Small Talk Turns Ugly

PHOENIX, Apr. 27 - Greeks are not the only people outraged at NATO's war on
Serbia.  This writer just experienced the following condemnation of
Clinton's bombing by none other than a bunch of ladies at a Phoenix (co-ed)
hairdresser salon.

"So what do you think of Clinton's calling up the 33,000 reservists?", this
writer's long-time lady-haircutter casually asked this afternoon, while
trying to make small talk.  Little did she realize she was about to get
volcanic anti-war reactions from her customers, seated around the room in
various stages of disrepair, while being beautified.

One of the ladies said she was a human rights activist.  And she suggested
that all war criminals should be rounded up, and brought to trial.

"Right you are!" this writer reluctantly joined the partisan conversation,
while merely trying to get a haircut, after nearly two months in the
"bunker," so to speak.  "We must go straight to the White House and arrest
the war criminal!"

After a few seconds of stunned silence, all staff and customers broke into

When the dust settled, and the anti-NATO ladies' verbal volcano had run its
course, this writer meekly whispered to his hairdresser that he had just
returned from Serbia.

"You did what?" she shouted.  "You just went to Serbia?"

Then turning to her other customers, just in case they had missed her first
frantic reaction, she added:  "Did you hear this?  He just went to Serbia!"

Regretting what I had said, I was slinking in my chair while trying to
become more invisible than the "stealth" bomber.  The last thing I wanted
was to attract attention to myself while getting a long overdue haircut.

"Why on earth would you do a thing like that?" the hairdresser asked me,
after taking time out to duly register everyone's shock at my alleged

"Because I wanted the Serbs to know that not all Americans are as bad as
Bill Clinton," I replied.

Stunned silence followed.

"Now, we'll all second that, won't we, ladies?" my hairdresser said,
turning to her customers.  The ladies cheered. There were sounds of
approval even coming from some chairs occupied by male customers in this
co-ed hairdressing salon.

"What can I do to help?" whispered my hairdresser, an ethnic
German-American married to a Slovak-American.

"You can keep spreading the truth about NATO's war on Serbia," I replied,
giving her an anti-NATO Truth in Media button (see our Web site for a sample).

"Oh, I'll wear this with pride," she said, pinning the button on her shirt.
 "Can I get another one for my husband?"

She did.
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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