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such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

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Issue S99-63, Day 41, Update 1
May 3, 1999; 3:00PM EDT


Belgrade           1. NATO Knocks Out Electricity in Serbia

Pec                    2. NATO Hits Another Bus Near Pec, 30 Civilians
Perish; Woman
                             Killed in Srem. Mitrovica While Hanging Laundry

New York         3. Another "Albright Story:" Gen. Wesley Clark, Grandson of
                             Russian Jew, Mass Murderer with Personal Vendetta

Minnesota        4. The Real Agenda of a Foreign Cabal

Jerusalem         5. Jackson's CFR Mission (By Barry Chamish)

New York        6. Journalist: Standing in Solidarity with Serbs


1. NATO Knocks Out Electricity in Serbia

BELGRADE, May 3 - A day after Belgrade released the three American POWs
Washington and Brussels said "thank you" by bombing much of Serbia
practically into stone age.  NATO air strikes hit Kostolac and Obrenovac
gigantic electric power plants on the 40th day of bombing, leaving
Belgrade, Vojvodina and much of Serbia without power.

Last night's bombing has caused a complete breakdown in power supply to
about 65% of Serbia, 80% of Republika Srpska in the neighboring Bosnia and
Herzegovina, TiM sources estimate.  Some parts of Croatia and Macedonia,
who also receive power from Obrenovac.

"Civilians are left without water supply, bakeries don't work, hospitals
cannot treat patients etc.," a TiM correspondent from Belgrade reports.
Which means that the TV and Internet services have now also been cut off.
Except for those using laptops, whose batteries are also going to run out
in a few hours.

"Whose capacity to fight were they (NATO) trying to disable - of
pensioners, kids, bakers, kidney patients?" our outraged correspondent
asks, adding that, "THIS IS CLEARLY A WAR CRIME! Atilla the Hun and Hitler
had far more sensitivity for human suffering than (Bill) Clinton, (Gen.
Wesley) Clark and their bunch."

Other TiM sources in Serbia also report severe hardships in coping with a
life without electrical power at the end of the 20th century, which has
made so many people dependent on electricity.  But NATO's savagery is also
bringing the best in the people of Serbia, as families and strangers bond
together in a quest for survival.

One family in Vojvodina, for example, has cooked its main meal today using
an old propane camping stove.  Others are bringing out of their sheds,
garages or barns the long-forgotten wood burning stoves.  And families who
have either gas or wood burning stoves are sharing them with those who don't.

Fortunately, with temperatures in the low 80s (Fahrenheit; 28 Celsius), God
has once again intervened on behalf of the Serbs enabling them also to use
outdoor barbecues in lieu of kitchen stoves.

2. NATO Hits Another Bus Near Pec, 30 Civilians Perish; Woman Killed in
Srem. Mitrovica While Hanging Laundry

PEC, May 3 - Escalating its war on Serb and Albanian civilians, NATO hit
today a bus traveling from the western Kosovo city of Pec to Rozaje in
neighboring Montenegro, killing 20 people, according to an Associate Press
report, which cited the Montenegrin Montena-fax news agency.

Three civilian and two police cars also were destroyed in the attack, which
took place 12 miles north of Pec.  Many Albanian civilians on board the bus
were also killed, according to Serb sources.

SREM MITROVICA, May 3 - Elsewhere in Serbia, a 39-year old woman was killed
yesterday as she was hanging out her laundry to dry in Srem. Mitrovica, a
mid-size town some 40 miles west of Belgrade.  The mother of a small child
was hit by a shrapnel as NATO bombed again the nearby empty and long
ago-abandoned YU Army barracks.  The same site had been struck many times
before, damaging the nearby civilian homes.  But this was the first
civilian casualty which resulted from such senseless bombing.

3. Another "Albright Story:" Gen. Wesley Clark, Grandson of Russian Jew,
Murderer with Personal Vendetta

NEW YORK, May 3 - A story in today's New York Times revealed that Gen.
Wesley Clark is a mass murderer with a personal vendetta against the
Serbian Orthodox Christians, co-religionists of the Russians, who had
supposedly persecuted Clark's grandfather, a Russian Jew.

With one big difference, however.  The Serbs, more than 700,000 of whom
were also victims of fascism during WW II, have saved many Jews from
Croatian and Nazi pogroms, risking their own lives in the process.

Of course, the New York Times put a different spin on the general's
thirsting for Christian blood.  "Some say General Clark's roots give him
empathy for Kosovo's victims," read the article's sub-title.

In a way, what the Times revealed today is another "Albright Story" (see
"Da Bull," a TiM column about Albright's "discovery" of her Jewishness,
available at our Web site - Just like the secretary
of state, Clark supposedly didn't learn of his Jewish heritage until later
in life.  And just like Albright, he has changed his religious adherence
the way other people change their mailing addresses.  During his service in
Vietnam, he converted to Roman Catholicism, abandoning the Southern Baptist
faith of his mother.

Here are some excerpts from the Times story, titled, "His Family's Refugee
Past Is Said to Inspire NATO's Commander:"

"The American general who is leading NATO's military operation...
discovered as an adult that he is the grandson of a Russian Jew who fled
his country to escape the pogroms there a century ago. Gen. Wesley Kanne
Clark was raised as a Protestant in Little Rock, Ark., where he was brought
up by his mother and stepfather, Victor Clark. He was ignorant of his
ancestry, which disappeared from his life with the death of his father,
Benjamin Jacob Kanne, when Wesley was five years old. He learned of his
ethnic background when he was in his 20's and embraced the discovery,
according to several family members.

General Clark has not discussed his heritage with many people, sharing his
belated discovery of his biological father's family and background with
only a few close friends and his immediate family. He declined to be
interviewed for this article.

Since President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia began the forced exodus of
Albanians from Kosovo, many have drawn parallels with the expulsion of Jews
from Russia and the Nazi mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust in
Europe.  But in interviews, some of his relatives and friends say that
General Clark was inspired by the story of his grandfather's persecution
and escape from his native land, and that his determination to defeat
Milosevic is fed in part by his empathy for the victims of Serbian ethnic

In the late 1890's, Jacob Nemerovsky, the general's grandfather, fled
Russia in fear for his life during one of the episodic pogroms against
Jews, the Times also said. According to the family, Nemerovsky found safety
in Switzerland where he obtained a false passport under the family name of
Kanne, which he used to immigrate to the United States.

By the way, Clark's middle name is Kanne, the surname of his biological

For the full story, check out .  But
you'll have to do it, today, if you want to avoid paying for retrieval of
the Times' archives.

4. The Real Agenda of a Foreign Cabal

MINNESOTA, May 3 - We received the following reaction to the escalation of
NATO's war on Serb civilians from Heli North of Minnesota:

"I believe that the antics of the current administration with regard to
Serbia/Yugoslavia are best understood when one realizes just whose agenda
is being promoted and by whom. Here are some clues:

'You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders.
We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your
destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not
merely the latest great war, but of every other major revolution in your
history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your
personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long
we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might
have been yours if we had left you alone.'

                        Marcus Eli Ravage
                        Century Magazine
                        February, 1928

Now, it is time to realize just who is promoting this war in Yugoslavia:
Madeleine Korbel Albright, William Cohen, Strobe Talbot, Sandy Berger,
etc., ad nauseum. It is time to realize that the US has been seized and its
government is now occupied by a foreign cabal whose interests are in
diametric opposition to those of main street America. Exposing them is the
only solution."

Heli North, Minnesota

5. Jackson's CFR Mission (By Barry Chamish)

JERUSALEM, May 3 - Barry Chamish, an Israeli journalist and an occasional
contributor to TiM Bulletins, echoes our sentiments about the Jesse
Jackson's "unofficial" mission to Belgrade.  Here is a comment which he has
just sent us:

"So Jesse Jackson just unilaterally flew to Yugoslavia? No one asked him
too, he just decided to go? Look at your Council On Foreign Relations (CFR)
membership list and lo and behold, you'll find the name Jesse Jackson, one
of about ten blacks on the 3,000 name registry.

Of course, every American involved in this war is from the CFR. Look again
at the  same CFR membership list and you will find the names William
Jefferson Clinton, Strobe Talbott, Madeleine Albright, James Rubin, Samuel
Berger, William Cohen: everyone in Washington making war on the Serbs, be
they politician, general or spokesperson seems to be on the CFR membership

With that fact in mind, we can be sure Jackson's mission was no more
unilateral than Jimmy Carter's (a founding member of the CFR's daughter
organization, the Trilateral Commission) "unilateral" peacemaking mission
to Belgrade a few years ago. [Also, like Bill Clinton, Carter is a CFR
member. TiM Ed.]

Jackson had a message to deliver and a mission to fulfill. And if sure is
certain, it was on behalf of the warmakers, the CFR."

Barry Chamish, Jerusalem
TiM Ed.: Barry Chamish's comparison of Jackson's with Jimmy Carter's also
"unofficial" mission in 1994 is spot on.  Except that the former U.S.
president did not travel to Belgrade; he traveled to Pale, the capital of
Republika Srpska (RS - Bosnian Serb Republic) during the Bosnian war.
Carter's job was to con the Bosnian Serb leaders, who were winning the war
at the time, into stalling and negotiating for peace.

In other words, to buy time for the Clinton administration to arm and train
the Serb enemies.  The TiM version of the column even contained a cartoon
depicting Carter as the Trojan Horse (available at our Web site - see the
URL below).

As Carter met with Radovan Karadzic, then President of the RS, Gen. Ratko
Mladic, the RS Army chief, and other Serb leaders on Dec. 19, 1994, TiM
immediately saw him as a "Trojan Horse," and published a column by that
title.  The piece was subsequently also run by Mexico City's "The News"
publication, reportedly the most influential English-language paper in
Latin America (see "Jimmy Carter Is A Trojan Horse," The News, Jan. 5,
1995, available at our site -

"(Carter's) Bosnia trip will go down in history as a "Trojan Horse"-type
diversion for the benefit of the devious, rather than a mission by a real
peacemaker for good of the humanity," we said in the concluding paragraph
of that December 1994 column. Alas, the message obvious fell on deaf ears
in Pale.

6. Journalist: Standing in Solidarity with Serbs

NEW YORK, May 2 - Anne Williamson is a New York-based journalist, and a
former Wall Street Journal correspondent from Moscow (check out the TiM
Bulletins about her work in the E. Europe/Russia section of our Web site).
Here is an excerpt from a message which we have just received from her:

"Your speech at the rally was outstanding.  I wish I'd have known about
your visiting St. Sava - I'd have liked to have stood in solidarity with NY
Serbs and you.  And thanks for pointing out in your report today that
Chernomyrdin is Al Gore's tainted errand boy.

God bless, and may the Serbs soon have peace again in their land!"

Anne Williamson, New York
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