Defense wins the play.


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(sent to USCMike1's 9,000+ readership - please re-post to your own mailing

    Well, Citizens, Patriots and Constitutional Militia, the TRUTH is OUT.
Randy Miller himself started the rumor that in February several Civilian
Militia would launch a pre-emptive attack against the federal government.
Instantly, I knew it was and had to be FALSE and told you so. Numerous other
Patriots and Militia said the same thing when asked. NO respectable Citizen,
Patriot, or Militiaman would even consider such an action.  Would you consider
Randy Miller to be respectable for even suggesting it?


    Thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Wolfe) for his post and the "confession"
he obtained from Randy Miller.

Subj:    Re: Confirm patriot/militia pre-emptive attacks? more like Agent
Provocateur ...
Date:   99-01-05 23:47:26 EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Wolfe)

> Dear Ed:
>   Thanks for your reply, input, and comments.
>     As you gathered from my comment on his post, I am highly skeptical that
> any such pre-emptive strike has even been in the minds of Militiamen and
> Patriots.  Sounds like a fed, FBI, BATF, FEMA, CIA, etc. sham by an Agent
> Provocateur trying to test the waters or preparing to do a little
> of their own and blame it on us.
> USCMike1


Well, he (Randy Miller) admitted he was testing
the waters, but says he thinks patriots might
miss an opportunity to force the enemy's hand.

"My own men and I created the rumor ourselves to
test patriot sentiment on taking a proactive stance
vs. reactionary." - Randy Miller

Aside from that, he has good ideas about getting
in communication and cooperation, etc., but I think
he has the wrong motivation.

Regardless of what anyone else says, I'm still for
a defensive position and don't trust anyone urging
an offensive position.

That would play right into the feds hands and fully
convince the public that we are the danger that the
feds/media say we are and that will allow the feds
to do just about anything to us with full approval
from the public.

Not a smart move at all.

We may not even have to ever make a defensive move.
The gov't may just implode or collapse for a variety
of other reasons.

Let the gov't screw up first and then try to
impose martial law when the people don't agree
with the need and then we'll have a lot more people
seeing things our way.

But I won't be surprised if no violent acts from
militias appear to be forthcoming, one is invented.

Possibly as soon as this week.

Bill's gonna have a double whammy with both the
impeachment and the breaking news about his
bastard child from a black prostitute.

I think Bill's overplayed the Saddam hand and
he and we know it. It's time to try something

"Militia Terrorists Kill 56,000 in D.C."

Or something along those lines might be
appearing soon on a headline.

I *really* don't think we need to do anything
in the way of a pre-emptive strike.


(Others BCC'd)
Do any of you know this person or know of him?

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