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Date sent:              Fri, 2 Jul 1999 17:58:09 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I_UFO-L)
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Bailey)
Subject:                IUFO: Solar Flares, Planets, and 5/5/2000
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A Mesh of Cosmic Oscillations

"How planets regulate solar eruptions, geomagnetic storms, conditions of
life, and economic cycles."

by Theodor Landscheidt
Director of the Schroeter Institute for Research
in Cycles of Solar Activity
Belle Cote
Nova Scotia
Canada b0e 1C0

Published by:
Urania Trust
396 Caledonian Road
London, N1 1DN

c 1st 1989

ISBN 1-871989-00-0

The main idea presented here is that the center-of-mass of the solar
system is usually within the core of the Sun; however, there are times
when Jupiter and Saturn line up, which causes the center-of-mass to move
from within the Sun to completely outside of the Sun.  When this happens,
solar activity and solar flares happen.  The center-of-mass stays
constant, and thus the Sun must move.  The magnitude and duration of the
solar flares can be shown to be affected by the directions of travel of
the center-of-mass outside of the Sun, the angle to the surface of the
Sun, and the Sun's rotation at the time.

Where the Earth is at that time also makes a difference as to what happens
on Earth as a result of these solar flares.

His calculations show an 80% fit of his theories to measured Earth data.

Page 44 shows the path that the center-of-mass has taken from 1945 to
1996. The center-of-mass was completely outside of the Sun from 1978-
and has been outside since 1993.

I note that 5/5/2000 will produce a major pull on the Sun by Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, with the Earth on the other side, all in
an almost very straight line.

You see this planetary arrangement for yourself at:


The effects of any increased solar activity and solar flares will be very

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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