-Caveat Lector-

P.O. Box 1055
Culver City, CA 90232
Tel: 310-288-5003
Web: http://people.we.mediaone.net/part2001/index.html
- Thursday, 4 January 2001 -

PART's Perspective:

This editorial, under the title: PART's Perspective: Abolish the Imperial
Presidency appears in the new issue of "Turning the Tide: Journal of
Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education," Volume 13 number 4, Winter
2000-2001, available from PART (People Against Racist Terror), PO Box 1055,
Culver City CA 90232. Samples are free; a four-issue subscription is $15
payable to Michael Novick, editor/publisher.

George the Second, President-Select, takes office as the first U.S.
president of the Twenty-first Century under an unprecedented cloud. Despite
his media-maintained mantle of "inevitability," "Dubya" came in second to
Al Gore in the balloting across the country, and even in the actual vote in
the pivotal state of Florida.

Bush's coup clings to a fig leaf of legality by virtue of the approval of
five Justices of the US Supreme Court, all appointed or elevated by
Reagan-Bush or Bush-Quayle. In Chile or the Philippines, such a coup would
require bloody repression to enforce and martial law to maintain. Even in
imperial metropoles like France or Germany, it would be greeted by massive
street protests and civil strife. Yet in the U.S., the predominant response
has been "relief" that the electoral uncertainty is over.

Bush's mass base is in the old Confederacy, and he won through large-scale
disenfranchisement of Black voters. Fittingly, he serves due to the
Electoral College mechanism designed to placate the slave owning states,
and by the anointment of 5 reactionaries and racists on the US Supreme
Court. But he also "won" because in the campaign and in the post-electoral
contest, Gore and the Democrats were more afraid of waking up the voters or
rocking the boat, than they were of allowing Bush and the GOP to take
power. Bush relies on the complacency of even most Democratic voters, and
the still larger body of people who don't bother to vote. His reign, like
those of supposedly more "legitimate" presidents, ultimately rests on the
fact that masses of people in this country continue to "buy in" to our own

What has this "civics lesson from hell" taught us about the true nature of
the government and society of the United States? Americans have learned
that our votes don't count, may not be counted, and that in fact, under the
Constitution, there is no "right to vote."

Not only this time, but every time, the campaign and election are a
necessary spectacle, a grand farce, a ceremonial exercise whose winner is
pre-ordained, a contest with carefully circumscribed parameters so that,
whoever wins, the rulers win.

Well, the sausage-maker who has seen what goes into the casing would never
eat a link. Hopefully, this exposure of the everyday criminality and
subterfuge that passes for democracy will deepen our distaste to the point
that the legitimacy of the entire state apparatus, not just the head of
state, is called into question. We must begin to withdraw our consent to be
governed in this way.

It's a measure of the system's intolerance for even the narrowest dissent
from the economic and political program demanded by the corporate elite,
that they were forced to resort to this level of naked coup to install Bush
in power. Gore and Bush differ only marginally on the best way to maintain
and extend the U.S. empire and corporate economic interests. Even so, the
more naked white supremacist and Christian right Bush camp could not
countenance a Gore victory. They resent any concessions to the people of
color, organized labor, bourgeois feminists and environmentalists in the
Democratic Party's mass base.

Opponents of Bush and defenders of democracy must recognize not only that
Bush won the dollar election of corporate contributions, but also that an
overwhelming majority of white male voters, and even a bare majority of
white women voters, went for Bush, an ill-prepared and dim-witted liar
whose main claim to the office, apart from inheritance, was his alleged
"affability." This is a measure of the continuing grip of white supremacy
and allegiance to empire on masses of Euro-Americans. It is this racist
racial solidarity which must be broken with and challenged directly. More
so than guns or the media monopoly, it is the main strength and resource of
the system of exploitation and oppression.

The problem is not just the illegitimacy of the gangster scion of a
gangster family -- the Kennebunkport Corleones or Texas Prizzis, as the
Bushes have been called -- though their multi-generational involvement in
the secret government that links the intelligence agencies, organized
crime, the fascists and the corporate elite is well documented. The problem
is the illegitimacy of a gangster system that most people in the U.S. still
revere and accept. The undemocratic election of 2000 is the result not only
of the hollowing-out of democracy that has been carried out during the
recent period of corporate globalization and direct corporate rule through
NAFTA and the WTO. It is the consequence of the essentially undemocratic
nature of the U.S. state and society.

We need to look back farther than the last 40 days since Election Day, or
the last 40 weeks since the campaigns began. We need to rethink the past
240 years of U.S. history. First of all, we must recognize that the U.S. is
neither a democracy nor a republic, but an empire. The people who run it
understand this quite clearly. Their tactics and strategies flow naturally
from this understanding. In an empire there are no citizens, first or
second class -- there are only subjects. But until we understand our true
colonial condition and situation, we will be incapable of struggling
effectively for our rights.

The Electoral College isn't an anachronistic throwback to an earlier, less
democratic period of US history. The Electoral College is an accurate
manifestation of the imperial nature of our state and society. It only one
reflection of the fact that the U.S. "Revolutionary" War simply replaced
British colonialism with settler colonialism. The Electoral College is
hardly less democratic than the winner-take-all presidency itself, the
Supreme Court, or the US Senate, where each state has two powerful Senators
regardless of population.

Bush's selection gives the lie to the US claim to be a government "of laws,
not men." But beyond the man, the law itself is the heart of the problem.
What is the Constitution, the vaunted Supreme Law of the land that the
Supreme Court claims to uphold and the President swears to defend? The
slave-holding and mercantile ruling elite of the late 1700's chafed at the
limited powers of the government of the United States under the Articles of
Confederation. They adopted the Constitution to create a powerful executive
- George Washington, the original imperial president - and a legislature
with the power to control commerce and coin a common currency. But to win
approval, they had to guarantee the inviolable power of the slave-owners.

They did this with the Electoral College, with the bicameral legislature,
with the apportionment of Congressional representatives based on 3/5 of the
non-citizen African slave population, and with a ban on Congressional
action against slavery or the slave trade. They feared Indian resistance,
African insurgency, and the possibility that poor whites might make common
cause with indigenous people and slaves against them. They designed a
system to guarantee stability and prevent further revolutionary upheaval
through a seductive ability for whites to participate in the loot of empire
and a deceptive distribution of power in branches and levels of the system.
Thereby they assured themselves a steady supply of lieutenants and a
difficult target for opponents.

This rotten deal cemented the ability of the newly formed state to protect,
defend and extend the colonists' empire in America. The compact was
strengthened by the Jeffersonian recoil against the truly democratic
slave-led Haitian revolution. Federalism is a blueprint for further
expansion. The purchase of Louisiana territory, the conquest of Florida,
the genocidal ethnic cleansing of the Cherokee Nation and other indigenous
people of the east coast, were all accomplished by "Democrats." They acted
in the spirit of the Constitution, although often contrary to the letter of
its law.

The US flag, with its 13 stripes for its original settler colonies and 50
stars for the added conquered territories, is the visual depiction and
symbol of this imperial expansion, carried out under the racist doctrine of
"Manifest Destiny," the "god-given right" of Europeans to conquer the
continent. "Democratic" reformers like Andrew Jackson -- a militarist,
Indian killer and slave owner -- extended the franchise to more white men
as a tactic to strengthen white supremacy and empire.

This sorry record continued with the annexation of Texas and the conquest
of the remainder of northern Mexico; the Civil War itself was necessitated
from the rulers' point of view by a struggle over whether slavery would be
extended into the territories stolen from Mexico. Consolidating the power
of the national government over the states of the empire allowed the
purchase of Alaska from the Czarist Russian empire; and subsequent to the
Civil War, the violation of the sovereign Indian Nations in the Plains and
the northwest. At the dawn of the century that just closed, the U.S. empire
went global, with the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy and the illegal
annexation of Hawaii, despite the defeat in the Senate of the treaty of
annexation. In a war with Spain, the U.S. seized the Philippines, Cuba and
Puerto Rico, the last of which is still a direct colonial possession.

It is no accident that the two states where the Bush boys are governors,
and from which they launched their takeover of the White House, are the two
former Confederate States that had been added to the U.S. by military
conquest. This conquest, slavery and the white supremacist consolidation of
settlers loyal to the empire, form the key strongholds of racism and
reaction not only in the U.S. but globally.

So when we talk about defending democracy in the U.S., it must go far
beyond abolition of the Electoral College, campaign finance reform,
updating antiquated ballot machinery in poor areas, or even protecting the
voting rights of people of color.

Direct democracy can only begin with de-colonization. Economic democracy
cannot be based on a "fairer" distribution of the spoils of empire. What we
must do is dismantle the empire and replace it with a system of economic
self-management and political self-determination.


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