So Steve here is the item I pulled up the other night re cattle
rustlers.......might add too the expriments done with cattle pineal
glands and it takes thousands to get this ingredient which,  when put in
a tank with tadpoles, turned the tadpoles into - well removed their

Maybe this is what was used to turn Michael Jackson and his sister from
brown to prison palor white?   Something old, or is it something new?

Regardless the cattle were butchered on the spot in a hap hazard manner
and no doubt some wanted someone to believe it was something
extraordinary ......bit money involved here and big organized particular now with cattle being slaughtered needlessly.

McDonalds is being sabotaged guess that is one way to get rid of them?

There are numerous items now on web re this  cattle rustling -

Pretty soon you will all know what the golden calf is - seen the good
meat prices lately?


Web posted  Tuesday, August 8, 2000
5:34 a.m. CT

Tracking cattle rustlers goes high tech
The Associated Press

FAIRFIELD, N.D. - It takes a lot more than a six-shooter and a posse of
angry ranchers to track down the rustlers that stalk cattle country
these days.

The price of beef is up, and law enforcement officials say more cattle
are being stolen from the vast, open land where they graze. Officials in
many states report little success in catching the rustlers, despite
reward offers.

"You don't see any other business owners leave a $500 piece of
merchandise up on the side of a mountain," said Gary Shoun, a Colorado
brand inspector. "We're the only industry in the world that has to do
business that way."

The main weapon against thieves is the 200-year-old cattle brand, which
ensures that only legitimate cows are sold at auctions. But some places
do not require brand inspections, and many calves on the range do not
have brands.

Brand inspectors also say rustlers are getting more sophisticated. Some
butcher the beef on the spot with electric chain saws.
In North Dakota, officials believe a band of rustlers in the badlands
uses spotters with radios, motorcycles and dogs to circle the cows.
Authorities also say collapsible corrals and semi-trucks are used to
cart cattle out of state under the veil of darkness.

"It's just not anybody that can go out into those badlands and steal
cattle," said Dennis Krumm, chief brand inspector for the North Dakota
Stockmen's Association. "It has to be someone with a good plan. No
ordinary man could go in there and do it."

Early this summer, rustlers got away with $100,000 worth of cattle from
the National Grasslands in western North Dakota. The grasslands are
520,000 acres of buttes, draws, rolling prairie - and a maze of dirt
roads that can hide an escaping truckload of cattle. Krumm said the
theft is the biggest he can remember in North Dakota.

Sonny Egly, a rancher in Fairfield, finds more of his cattle stolen each
year - first a few, then a couple of dozen, then 74 cows and 74 calves
boldly snatched over a period of a few weeks in May and June.

The losses were not insured. Egly's wife, Gwen, said she and her husband
would be forced to quit ranching if they did not already own their house
and property.

Sonny Egly said he was so angry about the theft at first that he was
ready to sell. "But it was my dad's place, and I want it to be my
children's place," he said.

Gene Fedorenko of Medora lost 20 cattle last month and 40 cow-calf pairs
last fall. His fences were cut, and the thieves left behind tire tracks
and a $35,000 to $40,000 hole in his profits.

"I'm pretty sure they're using radios and lookouts," he said. "Other
than that, I don't know what they're doing or where they're going."

Because of an increase in demand for beef and decrease in supply, cattle
prices are up 19 percent above last year. and almost 40 percent since
1996, said Wade Moser, executive vice president of the stockmen's
Statistics on rustling are nearly impossible to compile. Brand
inspectors in North Dakota, Nebraska, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho say a
suspect is caught in only about 10 percent of the open-range thefts in
their states.

Officials in Oklahoma and Kansas say they have no similar figures
because of the nature of the crime - it is often hard to tell whether
cattle are stolen or wandered off.

Since ranchers leave cattle unattended for months at a time, crime scene
evidence such as truck tracks are often long gone by the time the thefts
are discovered.

"A smart guy can go out there and steal three or four and nobody would
ever find out," said Larry Hayhurst, a brand inspector in Idaho.
Shoun, the Colorado brand inspector, said officials are starting to use
new strategies to combat thefts, such as DNA testing and placing
computer chips in cows to conduct sting operations.

"We're kind of coming out of the rock-and-stick age - and many states
are," he said. "We're just getting smarter than we used to be about it."
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