Note how the phrase "conspiracy theorists" is used here, categorically,
as if I or any serious researcher ever bought the baloney promulgated by
Stanton Friedman and his fellow psyop scummies. ‹ AC

The Times
Surveyor wipes aliens off the face of Mars

NEW pictures taken from a Nasa spacecraft orbiting Mars have debunked one of
the most persistent myths surrounding the Red Planet: the famous ³Martian
The ghostly face that stares out from photographs of the Martian surface
taken 25 years ago by the Viking 1 has sparked sensational fantasies of
intelligent life on the planet.
Nasa always insisted it was a natural rock formation but conspiracy
theorists pronounced it a monument built by an ancient alien civilisation.
New technology has revealed that it is neither a monument nor a face.
The first clear, high-resolution images of the formation, taken from the
Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, show it is a rocky outcrop similar to
Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock, Australia, or the landforms of
Americaıs Monument Valley in Arizona.
The pictures are ten times sharper than the Viking images of 1976 and,
unlike similar ones in 1998, they were taken on a cloudless day in the
Martian summer, offering the best view yet.
Further evidence that the structure is natural has come from measurements
taken from a laser altimeter, which show its contours are similar to other
formations, and that the eyes, nose and mouth of the original photograph are
blurry optical illusions.
Jim Garvin, chief scientist of Nasaıs Mars exploration programme, said that
he took new pictures of the area because of public interest in the face. ³We
felt this was important to taxpayers,² he said. ³We photographed the face as
soon as we could get a good shot at it. Itıs not easy to target.² On April
8, 2000, the Global Surveyor took its most recent look. ³We had to roll the
spacecraft 25 degrees to centre the face in the field of view,² Dr Garvin
said. ³One observer said: ŒGee, it doesnıt look like a face to me!ı
³As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image three times
bigger than the pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like
airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you
could see what they were.
³We took hundreds of altitude measurements of the mesa-like features,
including the Face. The height of the Face, its volume and aspect ratio ‹
all of its dimensions, in fact ‹ are similar to the other mesas. Itıs not
exotic in any way.²
Similar structures are found on Earth, Dr Garvin said. ³It reminds me most
of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Thatıs a lava dome that
takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on
Dr Garvin remains keen to send astronauts to the formation should a manned
mission to Mars be organised. Nasaıs information about the Face is now so
detailed that it is possible to calculate what it would be like to climb.
He said: ³An apron of boulders around the base would make the climb
difficult, but a human could do it well. It would take about two hours to
reach the summit. From there the view would be spectacular.²

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