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Are We To Blame?

By: Cactuspat - 12/18/01

"The current flows fast and furious. It issues in a spate of words from the 
loudspeakers and the politicians. Every day they tell us that we are a free people 
fighting to defend freedom. That is the current that has whirled the young airman up 
into the sky and keeps him circulating there among the clouds. Down here, with a roof 
to cover us and a gasmask handy, it is our business to puncture gasbags and discover 
the seeds of truth." -Virginia Woolf

After having received a steadily supplied diet of news accounts and commentary 
detailing the blatant lies, distortions, and propaganda surrounding Smirk's War 
Against Afghanistan, Freedom, and Democracy (SWAAFD) - a friend recently deigned to 
respond with the following flabbergast-

"I really am not sure but, it seems that you believe the radical Muslim line that 
somehow we are to blame for their unwarranted attacks."

This from an individual who's opinion has always been heretofore valued. A person 
possessed of, IMO, an extraordinary intellect and keen insight. It has lent great 
pause whilst considering the effectiveness of the CIA/Military PSYOPS warring upon the 
minds and hearts of my fellow American citizens.

As far as radical Muslim lines go, I don't buy into radical Muslim lines of BS any 
more than official U.S. government lines of BS, having had the luxury of time to fully 
research the current situation. It's not clear who really perpetrated the attacks. No 
verifiable proof of anything has been offered to date. Certainly nothing that would 
stand up in any court of law anywhere in this country or the world for that matter. 
All indications, sieved mainly from foreign sources, indicate prior U. S. government 
knowledge of the "terrorist attacks". This foreknowledge includes news and 
intelligence reports from the Israelis, as well as the French, Indians, Russians, 
Czechs, Germans, and British.

As to "are we to blame?" One can only hope and pray that the depraved fascist swine 
now in control of the U.S. government are not directly involved. In this time of 
government/military psyop induced patriotic fervor, the extremists in this country are 
certainly playing everything possible to their direct advantage. While most mind 
controlled Americans are wrapping themselves in the flag, the fascists have made 
startling moves to further consolidate power, destroy Our citizen's Constitutionally 
guaranteed freedoms, and perform multiple raids on the Treasury in continuing the 
largest redistribution of wealth in the nation's history. All this while stifling 
dissent under the jack boot of blatant propaganda and outright tyranny. But it's far 
more complicated than just "are we to blame?"

In a sense, it's a half century of failed foreign policy come home to roost. In many 
aspects you could say a century. Ever since Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick. At least a 
half century of murder and assassination of foreign citizens and their democratically 
elected leaders. Fifty years subversion of democratic processes and coercion of 
sovereign governments worldwide. Fifty years of economic blackmail through mandated 
"restructuring" administered by the IMF and World Bank. Fifty years of global 
exploitation of natural and human resources, despoiling the environment and 
subjugating entire populations to lives of abject poverty and hopelessness.

These flawed policies have certainly provided the environment necessary to spawn 
extremist movements of the type likely responsible for the 911 attacks. And that's 
discounting the possibility of any direct involvement/complicity of the Executive 
Ranch or any of the nefarious "intelligence" agencies.

Cactuspat is a contributing writer for Liberal Slant

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