--- Begin Message ---
Are the billionaires stronger than the rest of mankind?
Matters touching the 9-11 crashbombing frame-up,
the conquest of Afganistan and globalism's new reliance
on mass murder and deceit

I think it is possible to discuss even so horrific a topic
with moderation and with charity for all. People must
come to a meeting of minds before the evil that is loose
in the word drags us all down to dust.

I think that men of good will in the presence of the facts will
have no trouble coming to agreement about the nature of
the crimes surrounding 9-11 and what must be done.

Below, Swedish economist Boudewijn Wegerif, a man I
greatly admire,  sifts facts and  promotes a non-violence
victory over globalist criminality.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.

>From http://www.whatmatters.nu/wmemails/wmemailsindex.html


WHAT MATTERS-26a                                   --November 20, 2001
The War and Love's Nonviolent Victory -
A digest of 17 items about what is happening, of which three give hope.

Dear list members,

In this two-part posting I want to bring home just how seriously the world
is now at war against itself. Yet I believe that a great people's movement
will win through for the certain, eventual overcoming of the debt money
beast. There is a digest of 17 items of information and news after this
introductory letter. Three give hope. The way to love's victory is through
what Mahatma Ghandi called Satyagraha (the power of truth) in non-violent
witness, as per the examples in items 1, 15 and 16.

Love's victory must come, or the suffering of the many martyrs for truth and
love through at least two thousand years has been in vain. An impossible
thought. Lord Krishna of Love, Gautama the Buddha, Jesus the Messiah,
Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King have set the standards for the
non-violent overcoming of false authority. It will be more difficult now
than it was for the 20th century Indian and civil rights liberation
movements. Reprisals will be more vicious. Disinformation more cunning.

"How much violence was there in Nazi Germany before the old Germany, the
center of theater, opera, philosophy, poetry, psychology, medicine, the
whole culture-how many incidents took place that were not coincidental
before it was called fascism? What were the transitions? How many people?
Was it when the first tailor disappeared? Or librarian? Or professor? Or
when the first press was closed or the first song eliminated or the first
poem? When the first poet mysteriously disappeared? Or when the first
political science teacher was killed coming home on his bike? How many
incidents happened there that were perfectly normal until people woke up and
said, *Hey, we're in a police state!'*"

Thus wrote the late Mae Brussell, who made a mark in the U.S. through her
exposure of how defected, top Nazi SS officers were key figures in shaping
the CIA. Item 3 in this digest is from the web site dedicated to her. It is
an excerpt from a book by Buckminster Fuller in which he reports on how
Afghanistan was defined as "the heart of the world's heartland" by an
adviser to the British government nearly a hundred years ago. The adviser,
Sir Halford Mackinder, was Britain's chief geo-strategist from the latter
Victorian period to 1930. It was his considered opinion that "Whoever
controls the Heartland, rules the world."

Items 4, 5 and 6 relate to the later day geo-strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski,
who was actively interested in Eurasia when he was the National Security
Advisor to President Carter. "Ever since the continents started interacting
politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of
world power," he writes in the preface to his book The Grand Chessboard,
published in 1997. "And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics
is Uzbekistan." Which just happens to be where U.S. troops were first
deployed for the long-planned October incursion into Afghanistan. Brzezinski
advises that "it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable
of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America."

Those pulling the strings to G8 leadership will have heeded the advice,
surely, and will have extraordinarily well convinced the leaders themselves
that their sole concern should be the capture of bin Laden and the well
being of the people that are being bombed into a peaceless state as he is
hunted down. Not a word about Afghanistan's geo-strategic value to the
capitalist  "West" was said by Sweden's Prime Minister Göran Persson, for
example, when he won a comfortable vote from delegates at the Social
Democrat party conference two weeks ago for the continued, horrendous
bombing of Afghanistan. The oft-repeated word "terrorism", "terrorism",
"terrorism" and the naming of bin Laden as the arch-terrorist was enough to
rally the party to the US/UK led "war against terrorism". And it has been
about the same everywhere where the protection of our credit card, consumer
way of life appears to have blinkered appointed protectors from seeing much
beyond the media dazzle.

In recent e-mail correspondence, I much appreciated list member Cal Schindel
coming forward with a clear statement that it is the money system that is
the causal agent for "what happened in Germany and what is happening here
now" - *here* being for me the whole world. "The idea that money needs to be
held at some scarcity for it to work well is one of the fundamental issues,"
he writes. "The idea that money itself has to retain value is another
fundamental issue." I hope to be posting a fuller statement from Cal soon.

I think we also, incidentally, need to take note of the statement from list
member A.E. Lewis that "the U.S. is drifting - or perhaps not just
*drifting*, but actually motoring - toward a civil war." This was written in
his introduction to an article "Gun Groups See Steady Bleed Into Militia -
Domestic Unrest Still Growing In United States", by Bill White for
Pravda.ru, posted at http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/10/18/18529.html.

The good news is in item 15. The Rainforest Action Network reports that in
sixty communities and campuses across the U.S. people have taken action to
confront the Citigroup's role in financing global warming, forest
destruction and a host of other human rights violations. And in Holland a
campaign spearheaded by Milleudefense, Greenpeace Netherlands, and Sawit
Watch, a coalition of Indonesian NGOs, has led to the largest Dutch bank,
ABN AMRO, agreeing to cease funding extractive industries in primary and
high conservation value forest ecosystems. It is a small but significant
breakthrough, confirming the way of non-violent, even joyful confrontation
as the way we have to go to liberate the world from the corporate
capitalist, debt money beast. And we will do so.

Californian Teri Madsen writes in his letter to Senator Boxer, in item 1:
"The media blackout in this country cannot keep Truth from prevailing."

Peace activist Starhawk writes in her article Only Poetry Can Address Grief,
item 16, there is now nowhere to go, we stand our ground. "We don't have the
luxury of defraying action to a more favorable moment.  We need the movement
to keep moving forward." That is the way it is in the poem that is lived
experience. One stands one ground in the move forward to freedom.

Since What Matters-25, Janice from New South Wales, Australia and David
Diamond from New Hampshire, USA have added their answers to the What Matters
to You? column at http://www.whatmatters.nu/wmac1.html. We are on our way to
hundreds of statements of commitment to what matters to us personally.

If you think that this E-letter is relevant and a contribution to love's
victory over the debt money beast, feel free to forward it to friends and
others. The E-letter is already in place at
http://www.whatmatters.nu/wmemails/wmemailsindex.html .

There will be a joyous final healing of all war wounds, with an accompanying
cancellation of debts entered into for profit, and with that the end to the
cannibalisation of the world economies by money lenders.

In friendship,

Boudewijn Wegerif,
What Matters Programme
Folkhogskola Vardingeby**


T Madsen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - a resident of Los Angeles, CA, has
written the following powerful letter to California Senators Barbara Boxer
and Diane Feinstein, Congressman Henry Waxman and President Bush. If one in
ten thousand Americans wrote a letter like this to their political
representatives, what an impact that would have:

Dear Senator Boxer,

I've been deeply disturbed not only by the highly suspicious events
surrounding the tragedy of Sept. 11th, but long before - when we the people
were robbed of our Votes and our Voice in the coup d'etat, formerly known as
the Presidential election of 2000.

In summary, a few pieces of the puzzle surrounding the Tragedy on 9-11-2001:
('Global Hawk' remote flight control technology + CIA
foreknowledge/forewarning + insider trading + Elder Bush doing business with
bin Laden + repression of US Constitution and the Florida recount + the
Caspian Oil pipeline + "Hundred-Years War" + missing nuclear devices?!) =
Sufficiently suspect coincidences which warrant a Full Congressional
Investigation into wrong-doing which may lead to Impeachment of the Bush

Polls may show that the majority of Americans support the current U.S.
Senior Administration, polls which appear, from my own local community
interactions and worldwide contacts, to be grossly biased. The media
blackout in this country cannot keep Truth from prevailing. You cannot
ignore the passionate protests against the selective anti-terrorist actions
by the U.S. government, the dismantling of The Bill of Rights, or the
outrage at a stolen election. Myself and millions of like-minded, VOTING,
thinking, TAX PAYING, U.S. Citizens will fight to uphold the Original U.S.
Constitution and the good of Humanity.

This is an IMMEDIATE and URGENT CALL for a Congressional Investigation into
the competency of the US Executive Branch with respect to the events
surrounding the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

If in time there is no action on these matters, The People have the
prerogative to petition the World Court and will.

Teri Madsen ___

SOURCE: Media analyst Robert Rodvick - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

American dissident and renowned scholar Prof Noam Chomsky is accusing the
U.S. "of being the world's biggest rogue state", and has declared that the
real terrorism is being perpetrated on the innocent people of Afghanistan.
He quotes UN figures that suggest that a million or two Afghans could perish
due to starvation induced by the US-led war against Osama bin Laden.  And he
has linked Washington's present bombing campaigns in Afghanistan to its
other foreign policy quests including the anti-missile defence programme,
saying militarization of space and the assault on Afghanistan were part of a
hegemonistic design. Chomsky is also reported as saying that the United
States is "a leading terrorist country, which has borrowed its
anti-terrorism manual from the Nazis."

SOURCE: A summary of a Chomsky statement in a recent Jean Hudon posting to
the Earth Rainbow Network list.  To subscribe to Jean's list of now close on
2,000 people, write to him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . The original
statement by Chomsky is posted at http://www.dawn.com/2001/11/06/top3.htm

Sir Halford Mackinder was Britain's chief geographical advisor from the
latter Victorian period to 1930. Mackinder pointed out that the British
Empire was built on its mastery of the world's sea routes from the Orient to
Europe . . . . He showed the British that the railways were the
large-tonnage-capacity, previously seagoing, cargo carriers going up onto
the land . . . . Mackinder showed the British that the only economically
successful trans-Europe and Asia railroad route would have to be from France
to Constantinople and thence via Turkey and Iran to Kabul, Afghanistan, and
thence through the Khyber Pass, through Sinkiang and Inner Mongolia to
Shanghai, China, cutting shipping times down very much as compared with the
sea routes around Africa to the Orient. Mackinder's counsel was heeded by
the British.
Mackinder showed the British that Russia could, by taking Afghanistan and
Pakistan, reach the Persian Gulf and then come through the Indian Ocean to
intercept British cargo ships en route to the Orient. Mackinder identified
on the map what he called "the Heartland." The heart of Mackinder's
Heartland was Afghanistan, with its Khyber Pass leading to the east and its
ability to break through to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Mackinder
said, "Whoever controls the Heartland, rules the world." Afghanistan was
(and as yet is) the heart of the world's heartland . . . . Until the end of
World War II the British had kept the Afghanistan heartland well under
control. Then, after World War II, they let its militarily guaranteed
isolation greatly deteriorate. Meanwhile the Russians were busy giving
Afghanistan such "presents" as a first-class highway from Russia to Kabul.
The U.S.A. gave them naught.

SOURCE: list member Mark Anielski uncovered this excerpt from Critical Path
by R. Buckminster Fuller (St. Martin's Press, 1981, pages 188-197) posted at


The very first words in the book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And
It's Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Basic Books, 1997)
are: "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five
hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power." Eurasia is
all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way
through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East
and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says
Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to
controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no
surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W.
Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress just days after the
attacks of September 11 as the very first place that the U.S. military would
be deployed. As FTW [From The Wilderness] has documented in previous
stories, major deployments of U.S. and British forces had taken place before
the attacks. And the U.S. Army and the CIA had been active in Uzbekistan for
several years. There is now evidence that what the world is witnessing is a
cold and calculated war plan - at least four years in the making - and that,
from reading Brzezinski's own words about Pearl Harbor, the World Trade
Center attacks were just the trigger needed to set the final conquest in
motion . . . .

World events since the attacks of September 11, 2001 have not only been
predicted, but also planned, orchestrated and - as their architects would
like to believe - controlled. The current Central Asian war is not a
response to terrorism, nor is it a reaction to Islamic  fundamentalism. It
is in fact, in the words of one of the most powerful men on the planet, the
beginning of a final conflict before total world domination by the United
States leads to the
dissolution of all national governments. This, says Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) member and former Carter National Security Advisor, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, will lead to nation states being incorporated into a new world
order, controlled solely by economic interests as dictated by banks,
corporations and ruling elites concerned with the maintenance (by
manipulation and war) of their power. As a means of intimidation for the
unenlightened reader who happens upon this frightening plan - the plan of
the CFR - Brzezinski offers the alternative of a world in chaos unless the
U.S. controls the planet by whatever means are necessary and likely to

. The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in
world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not
only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world's
paramount power. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final
step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United
States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power. (p. xiii)

. But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges,
capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The
formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is
therefore the purpose of this book. (p. xiv) .

SOURCE: Extracted from an article, A War in the Planning for Four Years by
Michael Ruppert (with a minor rearrangement of the first sentence) posted at


American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
six months before the Soviet invasion on December 24, 1979. President Carter
's national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, admitted this in an
interview published in Le Nouvel Observateur (France) on January 15-21, 1998
(p. 76 - not included in overseas' edition). President Carter signed the
first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in
Kabul on July 3,1979.  "And," says Brzezinski, "that very day, I wrote a
note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this
aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention."  Asked if he
regretted what he had organised, Brzezinski replied, "Regret what?  That
secret operation was an excellent idea.  It had the effect of drawing the
Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?  The day that
the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We
now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR
its Vietnam war. "

SOURCE: The interview published in Le Nouvel Observateur was translated and
sent to Richard Moore, the owner/publisher of Cyberjournal, by Bill Blum -
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and posted to Cyberjournal list members on October 7. Blum
is author of Killing Hope: "US Military and CIA Interventions Since World
War II" and "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower". Portions
of the books can be read at http://members.aol.com/superogue/homepage.htm.


We have come to recognize that there are potentially desirable limits to
economic growth.  There are also potentially desirable limits to the
indefinite extension of political democracy . . . . A government which lacks
authority . . . . will have little ability, short of cataclysmic crisis, to
impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary.


Condolezza Rice, Bush's National Security Advisor, was in Houston to give a
speech in March of 2000. This was prior to Bush assuming the Presidency and
her assuming her new position in his administration. She had worked under
Bush Senior as head of Russian and East European Affairs. In the speech she
said: # "We need a common enemy to unite us." # "We need a new threat as a
marker to where we will lead." # "Separation of powers is a problem for
foreign policy." These statements were not in response to questions but were
in the body of her speech. Afterwards Rice was asked about America losing
its moral authority, which, the questioner believed, was the decisive factor
in the U.S. *victory* over the Soviet Union. Rice was visibly angered and
retorted, "We have other means of asserting our authority".

SOURCE: list member Dick Eastman- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


CONTINUED FROM WHAT MATTERS 26a          --November 20, 2001
The War and Love's Nonviolent Victory -
A digest of 17 items about what is happening, of which three give hope.

Item 8.

The White House has assumed vast new powers for internal repression,
establishing by executive order an Office of Homeland Security that is not
subject to either congressional oversight or any vote on the personnel
appointed to run it. An all-encompassing political police agency is coming
into being, through the passage of an "anti-terror" law that effectively
amalgamates the FBI and CIA and abolishes the longstanding separation
between overseas spying and domestic policing.

Side by side with the bombing of Afghanistan, the Bush administration has
declared that there is a second front in the war, the war at home. The
federal government issues vague and unsubstantiated *terror alerts*, which
fuel anxiety while providing no protection to the
public. Government spokesmen urge the population to get used to measures
like random police searches and roadblocks as a permanent feature of life.
National Guard troops patrol the airports, harbors, bridges, tunnels and
even the US Capitol.

SOURCE: Excerpt from Bush's War at Home: A Creeping Coup d'état, by the WSWS
(World Socialist Web Site) Editorial Board - November 7, 2001

They have the destructive power of an atomic bomb, but they can barely make
a dent in U.S. news coverage. I'm talking about the 15,000-pound bombs the
United States is using against Afghanistan this week. The so-called Daisy
Cutters, named BLU-82, are the world's biggest non-nuclear device. In many
places, the development received a 10-second mention on the evening news,
five or six items down in the program line-up . . . .AP describes
(http://commondreams.org/headlines01/1106-02.htm) the Blu-82, nicknamed *Big
Blue*, as being *as large as a Volkswagen beetle, but heavier*. Digging for
the less charming details, one finds that the bomb got its other name,
*Daisy Cutter*, because of the shape of the crater it leaves -and that it
has the ability to clear a 3-mile-long path. Dropped from huge transport
aircraft, *Big Blue* releases a cloud of inflammable ammonium nitrate,
aluminum dust, and polystyrene slurry, which is then ignited by a detonator.
The result is a firestorm that incinerates an area the size of five football
fields, consumes oxygen, and creates a shock-wave and vacuum pressure that
destroys the internal organs of anyone within range. "As you would expect,
they make a heck of a bang when they go off," General Peter Pace,
vice-chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff told a press conference.
"The intent is to kill people."

SOURCE: Extract from Weapons of Mass Destruction - U.S. is Dropping World's
Biggest Non-Nuclear bomb in Afghanistan, by Laura Flanders, posted at


Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and
prosecutes government corruption and abuse, reacted with disbelief to The
Wall Street Journal report . . . . that George H.W. Bush, the father of
President Bush, works for the bin Laden family business in Saudi Arabia
through the Carlyle Group, an international consulting firm [and major
armaments supplier]. Judicial Watch earlier this year had strongly
criticized President Bush's father's association with the Carlyle Group,
pointing out in a March 5 statement that it was a "conflict of interest
(which) could cause problems for America's foreign policy in Middle East and
Asia." Judicial Watch called for the senior Bush to resign from the firm
then. "This conflict of interest has now turned into a scandal. The idea of
the President's father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a
company under investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11
is horrible. President Bush should not ask, but demand, that his father pull
out of the Carlyle Group," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General
Counsel Larry Klayman.

SOURCE: This item of news has been on several lists and was original posted
at http://www.judicialwatch.org

The so-called economic stimulus package that passed the House last week
would have been scurrilous in times of prosperity. But in this time of
national crisis it is, quite simply, grotesque . . . . The House package is
little more than a rehashed corporate wish list, doling out $115 billion in
tax breaks to big business and the wealthiest taxpayers, and a comparatively
measly $14 billion to poor and moderate-income families in the form of tax
rebates and unemployment benefits. And while the tax cuts for the haves are
permanent, those for the have-nots are good for only one year . . . . All
you really need to know about the true nature of this bill can be found in a
largely unnoticed provision that makes permanent a gaping tax loophole that
was about to expire. It allows multinational corporations such as GE and
Ford to avoid paying taxes by shifting profits to their offshore
subsidiaries - but only if those profits remain overseas. Tell me, how
exactly is providing incentives to keep money out of our economy supposed to
stimulate our economy? . . . . The juiciest goodie in this box of corporate
bon-bons, the retroactive repeal of the corporate alternative minimum tax,
will lead to $25 billion in instant corporate rebate checks to needy
companies such as IBM (slated to get $1.4 billion), GM ($833 million) and GE
($671 million). Of the $25 billion refund, over $6.3 billion will be given
to just 14 corporations. Not surprisingly, these 14 lucky winners have been
regular and generous political donors. Over the last 10 years, they've
poured almost $15 million in soft money into the national committees of both
parties. It turns out that may be the smartest investment they've ever made
. . . . Let history record that, after September 11, our leaders brought the
nation together and decided to fight the war on terrorism by making business
lunches fully tax-deductible and levying no taxes on corporate profits
patriotically funneled off shore. Call it Operation Enduring Avarice. It's
enough to put a lump in your throat.

SOURCE: Extracted from an article, The Enduring Avarice by Arianna
Huffington, included in a Jean Hudon, Earth Rainbow Network E-letter (see
item 2 Source) and originally posted at

I'm sitting here waving the American flag, secure in the knowledge that, by
the end of the day, the armed forces of my country will have squandered
another $150 million of the American people's money. So far the cost of the
campaign in Afghanistan to the American people has been $1.5 billion. The
score currently stands - US Department of Defense: $1.5 billion vs. The
Taliban: $38,000. And that is very typical of the wars we fight.

For that $38,000 worth of ammunition, they have been able to shoot down two
of these ultra-modern, sophisticated surveillance drones, which cost the US
taxpayers $10 million a piece. Or else they just came down because of
mechanical failure.

SOURCE: Excerpt from The Reign of George "Caesar" Bush: More Fraud, More War
and More Power to the State, by Al Martin - A retired US Navy Lt. Commander
and former officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence, now a leading
whistleblower on government fraud and corruption. Posted at

In 1986 the World Court convicted America of being a war criminal for its
crimes committed in Nicaragua in '83 and '84. They insisted that America
face the music, and the American government refused. And the only reason
that no one could enforce the decision that the World Court came to is
because America is currently the foremost superpower in the world. If that
wasn't the case though, maybe America would have been bombed, and some of
the people in other countries would have felt that we deserved it, just like
many Americans now feel that it's unfortunate but necessary that innocent
Afghani civilians are killed in the current bombings if it means that maybe
bin Laden and the Taliban will be killed in the process. You can find out
more about America being convicted by the World Court for its war crimes in
Nicaragua at:

SOURCE: Richard - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - in an e-mail to Jean Hudon, posted in the
Earth Rainbow Network E-letter, Corpocracy Uncovered 3, 16 November 2001
(see item 2 Source)

The view from space of Earth is becoming marred by smoke and dust as
environmental destruction grows increasingly visible, the commander of the
International Space Station said. US astronaut Frank Culbertson told the BBC
that the view had changed markedly since his first space mission in 1990.
"There is smoke and dust in wider spread areas than we have seen before,
particularly as areas like Africa dry up in certain regions," he said. "I
have seen changes in what comes out of some of the rivers, in land usage. We
see areas of the world that are being burned to clear land, so we are losing
lots of trees." . . . . Mr Culbertson has  piloted space shuttle missions in
1990 and 1993.

SOURCE: Excerpt From The Independent, London, August 31, 2001:

On Nov 7th in over 60 communities and campuses across the U.S. people took
action to confront Citigroup's role in financing global warming, forest
destruction and a host of other human rights violations.  With actions
ranging from credit card cut ups, to consciousness raising tables, to
demonstrations and symbolic deliveries Citigroup got the message across the
country that we will no longer tolerate them funding destruction. Meanwhile
on the other side of the Atlantic our allies scored a major victory that
will send ripples through the world of finance.   ABN AMRO, the largest
Dutch bank and a lead investor in fossil fuels and logging operations, made
an historic commitment to cease funding extractive industries in primary and
high conservation value forest ecosystems. This pledge comes at the end of a
campaign spearheaded by Milleudefense, Greenpeace Netherlands, and Sawit
Watch, a coalition of Indonesian NGOs. . . . Send the strongest message
possible to Citibank! Cut up your credit card!  Send the letter available to
Citibank along with your cut-up credit card!

SOURCE: Extracted from the Rainforest Action Network - Monthly Email
Newsletter, October 2001 -


In the middle of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence march in Washington DC last
month, I found myself nose to nose with a line of police attempting to push
the crowd back.  I was facing an angry but very short policewoman so in my
case it was actually nightstick to bosom. "Get back, get back!" she was
shouting, but our line was not giving ground.  I explained to her, calmly
and I thought, quite reasonably, that we were not going to get back, because
there was nowhere for us to go. I think of that moment now as a metaphor for
where what I like to call the Global Justice movement is today.  We are
facing an array of forces telling us to get back, to disperse, to leave the
scene.  The forces of the state, the media, all the powers that support
global corporate capitalism would like to see us go away.

But we have nowhere to go.

We have nowhere to go because the conditions we have been fighting have not
gone away.  The disparity between rich and poor has not grown less, the
attempts of the corporate powers to consolidate their hegemony have not
ceased, the environment has not miraculously repaired itself, and our
economic and social systems have not suddenly become sustainable.   We're on
the Titanic; our efforts to turn the course of the ship have just been
hijacked, and we're churning full steam ahead into the iceberg.

We don't have the luxury of defraying action to a more favorable moment.  We
need the movement to keep moving forward.

SOURCE: Extracted from an article Only Poetry Can Address Grief: Moving
Forward after 911 by peace activist Starhawk, posted at
http://www.starhawk.org . I had it through Richard K Moore's, Citizens for a
Democratic Renaissance - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - and he had it from

and at 200,000 hits a day, the winner..?

SOURCE: List member Anita S., list member

** The What Matters Programme is an initiative by Boudewijn Wegerif, to
spread information about what is happening in the world today, and how
things could be --  schooling at all levels to free the self and the
world from debt/guilt oppression and money madness - a schooling for love.

You can read WHAT MATTERS E-letters 1-26 at the WHAT MATTERS web site -

To subscribe to the WHAT MATTERS E-letters:

Boudewijn Wegerif,
Torsberget, 669 92, Deje Sweden.

--- End Message ---

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