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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Robert Lederman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 25, 2005 4:31:34 AM PDT
To: "Robert Lederman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: Betrayal..........................

This is a forwarded message. Note that former President Bush was director of Eli Lilly before becoming President and that around that same time, ABC was owned by William Casey, who became Reagan's CIA chief. After WWII Casey was instrumental in bringing former Nazis to the US.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: [sprayno] Betrayal..........................


     Documents from the archives of Eli Lilly & Company clearly demonstrate that it was known as early as April 1930 that the thimerosal was dangerous. Yet last night ABC news felt perfectly comfortable to put Dr. Tim Johnson on the air to speak about how the "benefits" of vaccines far outweigh any possible harm. Dr. Johnson gave a one-sided commentary that championed the IOM and CDC, which still endorse the use of thimerosal in vaccines. Johnson also had the audacity to ridicule Robert F. Kennedy Jr. saying he was an "environmental activist and not a scientist nor a doctor and was not in a position to fully understand these things."  

    The Huffington Post reported, "Last week ABC canceled a story about a dangerous chemical in child inoculations. Last night, the network broadcast a recut version of its original story that had been edited into a piece of industry propaganda. ABC's original program showed how the vaccine industry, working with public health officials from the CDC and the federal government's Institute of Medicine (IOM), may have poisoned a generation of American children with the mercury-laced vaccine preservative thimerosal. The night before the scheduled airing, the shows were cancelled by high-level ABC officials."[i] 

   The reaction to the recut version from parents across the country was a mixture of disgust and outrage. One mother exclaimed, "I was speechless with anger, especially when at next commercial break the ads were selling drugs." What was obvious to even the casual observer was that ABC will not bite the hand that feeds them, which is the big pharmaceutical companies that buy air time for commercials. Don Imus, who interviewed JFK on Monday, was quoted as saying, "What ABC did last night was embarrassing and disgraceful."

You would have been greatly offended if you had seen how 
Robert Kennedy was treated by ABC News last night. 
It was the worst of American journalism that I have ever seen.
After tonight there is no doubt that the pharmaceutical
industry totally controls the mass media
                                                                                        Boyd E. Haley

    There are powerful vested interests that dearly want to see the autism epidemic forgotten and there are hundreds of thousands of outraged parents and caretakers who are hungry to identify and sue those responsible. The greatest medical scandal of the last century is finally making its way onto prime time television. In what was perhaps the best kept secret of the 20th century thimerosal was used without a care to its danger and the best the people in the know could say was: ''My first reaction was simply disbelief, which was the reaction of almost everybody involved in vaccines,'' said Dr Neal Halsey who heads the Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety. ''In most vaccine containers, thimerosal is listed as a mercury derivative, a hundredth of a percent. And what I believed, and what everybody else believed, was that it was truly a trace, a biologically insignificant amount. My honest belief is that if the labels had had the mercury content in micrograms, this would have been uncovered years ago." Dr. Halsey was responsible, with others, in approving an increase in childhood thimerosal bearing vaccines fifteen years ago. His words here show a great alarm at the level and danger of mercury in vaccines yet today the Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety and the rest of the medical establishment vigorously deny the danger and any link between thimerosal and autism.

    Dr. Halsey's comments were from five years ago when the FDA forced the CDC to review all medical products with mercury in them. During all this time the medical establishment has not budged in their backing of thimerosal and the reason is obvious as parent Max Salinas reminded everyone this morning. "Actually, consider that it is estimated that each ASD child may require $2M in support over his/her life, and there are an estimated 500,000 ASD children in the US alone, that comes up to $1 trillion. And that's just in the US!  I'd say they're starting to worry big time!"

    Johnson ridiculed RFK, yet readily accepted the CDC's and the IOM's position on thimerosal. The CDC said there is no cover-up and Johnson took them at their word without researching into the truth of the matter. So great is the lockstep in the mainstream press around the vaccine thimerosal issue that one seems like a fool to suggest that the medical establishment is wrong. Yet thousands of parents are primed today to inundate ABC with protest of last nights lopsided news broadcast. The National Autism Association suggests today that the entire autism and developmental-delay community flood ABC with faxes. 

     It is clear when it comes to medical issues the mainstream press feels compelled to present allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical companies in a favorable light without care to the truth or falsity of what they are expressing. As long as it's the truth accepted by medical officials and politicians they feel secure even if the officials are themselves covering up the truth. But when it comes to medicine we are playing around with people's and children's lives so it really matters what the truth is. The public has put a great trust in their doctors, medical officials and in the medical press. People depend on the press for important information on which to make important decisions. 

     ABC news last night competed with the worst science fiction horror movie showing how corporations can totally highjack the news media into totally lying to the public. Bracketing the show with advertisements for drugs, ABC showed who its real masters are and what they really care about, the advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical companies. This represents a huge betrayal of public trust and demonstrates how seriously compromised this news agency is. 

     Interesting enough the American Medical Association on Tuesday refused to back a ban on prescription drug ads, despite rising concerns about the dangers of certain heavily marketed painkillers and antidepressants. Health activist Tim Bolen is calling for a halt to drug advertising to the general public and even wants to make it against the law for drug "detail" men to talk directly to doctors at all. Bolen suggests that by stopping pharmaceutical advertising, "We'd get our media back.  National Television news channels, the last time I looked, had fifty percent of their advertising devoted to drug ads." 

     If you cannot trust the medical press and your doctor to inform you of different opinions that exist on important medical issues who can you trust? Trust is leaking out of the medical press and the overall medical community like oil leaking out of a damaged supertanker and last night ABC widened that hole considerably. Today more people are dying at the hands of the medical establishment than ever before. What does that tell us about modern medicine and the press that reports on it? The common myth that vaccines are harmless, for example, or that doctors are infallible and that medical researchers are seldom unethical contributed to the blind trust that only causes people to die or to be seriously harmed by medicines they should never have taken in the first place.  

     Human greed gave rise to an exceptionally poisonous idea, perhaps the most evil idea in human existence, the idea of short-term gain or profit. With this as the backbone of corporate philosophy the way was cleared to earn profit at the expense of the environment and at the expense of people's very lives. One anonymous person said, "Robert Kennedy, Jr. has done this country a great service by taking on the pharmaceutical companies and exposing them for what they truly are, greedy. At the expense of a generation of children born during the last 15 years these legal drug dealers have made billions of dollars, bought our government and now own the airwaves. It is time for Americans to realize that evil doesn't only happen in other countries, it also happens right here at home." Many believe sincerely that this is the most corrupt period in American history - a legacy of the Reagan era when corporations grew exponentially in their power due to deregulation. Last night ABC showed this to be true. Some people go as far as asserting that the weapons of mass destruction, that Bush so ardently tried to find in Iraq, have been found and that they were administered to American children by US doctors with the knowledge of the US government, the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry."

    The thimerosal issue is threatening the entire fabric and integrity of the medical industrial complex as well as the fabric of society which now has more than one in six children falling to one kind of neurological disorder or another. It is also political dynamite when you learn that the Bush family and the present administration have too many ties to Eli Lilly. There is President Bush's father, who after stepping aside as Director of Central Intelligence in 1977, was made director of the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company by the family of Dan Quayle, who owned the controlling interest in the company. There was White House budget director Mitch Daniels, once an Eli Lilly executive; and Eli Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel, who served on the president's homeland security advisory council. And when we learn that on the Institute of Medicines Governing Council is Gail H. Cassell, PhD, of Eli Lilly and Company we have reason to fear for our children. 

    There is nothing small about this issue. And even though in the United States most of the thimerosal has been taken out of children's vaccines it is still present in the flu vaccines given to children. The ever present danger of this is exemplified in the personal story you will find below by Dr. Alan Clark. His story shows clearly that parents have every reason to continue to fear our doctors and medical officials and the medical establishment in general who do not want to come clean with the truth. We need to nail down the truth about thimerosal in vaccines so we can then get on with the business of helping the generation of children who have been grievously harmed. 

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association 


My son was 7 1/2 years old when he reached his "toxic tipping point" with mercury after he received two doses of Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine in November 2002 and December 2002 (approximately 30 days apart per the ACIP/CDC guidelines). Within a matter of weeks he experienced dramatic changes...he suffered severe neurodevelopmental changes, neurobehavioral symptoms, exacerbated allergies, asthma, eczema, etc.

Within 10 months, he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. Only when we identified mercury as the culprit and started to remove the heavy metal from his system, did he begin to recover. Are you aware the symptoms of mercury poisoning are virtually identical to those of autism?

As a "mainstream" physician for 30 years this seemed to go against all my "conventional" training and was outside the realm of my previous standard of practice. I sought additional training with heavy emphasis on environmental medicine and spent many hours speaking with researchers and clinicians familiar with mercury toxicity and its biomedical symptoms. I shared this knowledge and research with my son's health care team (pediatrician and endocrinologist) and we implemented these new modalities into his treatment protocol. As I stated previously, only then did my son begin to improve.

If it was not mercury causing his problems then explain with medical certainty why he only improved when we addressed the mercury issue. Do not make the mistake of thinking there is "no credible scientific evidence" of how and why this is true. There is a plethora of peer-reviewed scientific studies published over the last 50 years that mercury and specifically, Thimerosal (49.6% ethyl mercury by weight) is genotoxic (damages DNA), nephrotoxic (damages kidneys), immunotoxic (damages the immune system), cytotoxic (causes cell death), cardiotoxic (damages the heart), thyrotoxic (damages the thyroid) and neurotoxic (damages the neurological system).

Many of the biological mechanisms for the damage caused by Thimerosal have been identified. Thanks to numerous studies published within the last few years, we have a better understanding of why some children are more susceptible than others. 

Dr. Alan Clark[ii]


[i] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thenewswire/archive/2005/06/abc-vs-robert-f-kennedy-j.html

[ii] Posted by: Dr. Clark at June 23, 2005 11:11 AM on HuffingtonPost.com


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