Here is more on disease being brought to America but boy the drugs in
the plastic bags will be safe.

Note today children from 2 to 5 are to be given Meningitis shots and
they might as well say Anthrax shots or Nile Encelphalitis.   1 in 5
children will get brain swelling from these shots, you going to let them
put that poison into your child and if something happens - touch, how

This is Clinton and Gore and Admiral Crowe, for he makes this vaccine
too.....the forced this crap on our troops - and the US Department of
Health and Surgeon General, knows this vaccine will cripple and kill so
many children or they will be mentally deprived after they are
done.....$58.00 a shot and 4 shots?

All becaue well they say the ones most likely to get this are blacks,
hispanics and I wonder why....look at the pictures here of Mexicans
swimming in sewage of their own making and bringing disease in to our

Well goodbye California and good riddance - according to many psychics
it is to fall into the drink with Florida anyway.....maybe too much
"peer" pressure.

Read this garbage and when your kids come down with filth disease, are
sent home from school with lice and other disease, remember Moses did
not part the waters for this illegal refuse to our written
by Emma Lazaras and placed on Statue of Liberty.

I pay taxes to this corporation city in which I live and stae and
USA......these people come up and get on welfare rolls and bring down
any environment in which they live.    We are told that they will just
take things, like cars and bicycles, and oh that is supposed to be

Well this lady cop just shot someone who wanted to take her car for a
joy ride, and maybe her too......she got the first shot, and he took his
last breath.....I keep remembring the 6 year old drug through the street
by his heels by an animal at the wheel doing 85 mph......the body was
torn apart.   I imagine someone will try to save his soul before he
burns in hell also.


Having put most of their clothes in garbage bags for flotation, illegal
immigrants in Mexicali, Mexico, head down the New River into the United
States. Border Patrol agents rarely approach the river because it is so
Border river is also sewage drainOfficials fear diseases as immigrants
use route to get to U.S.By Eric Niiler
    CALEXICO, Calif., June 21 —  As it flows north from Mexico
into California's Imperial Valley, the New River not only brings with it
more than 20 million gallons of raw sewage daily, but also a human cargo
of illegal immigrants that may be drenched in bacteria and pollutants
that cause communicable diseases. Public health officials along the
border worry about this toxic, infested river and the people who use it
as a route into the United States. 
 The U.S. EPA is paying nearly $30 million to improve sewage treatment
in Mexicali, Mexico. Should U.S. taxpayers be helping solve what's a
Mexican problem?Yes, it's too serious to wait for Mexico to handle this
aloneNo, Mexico should pay for its own waste problemsCan't decide
Vote to see results
       A RECENT REPORT by the California Water Resources Control
Board found that Mexicali is dumping 20 to 25 million gallons of raw
sewage into the river daily because of breakdowns in the city's
treatment system.
       That hasn't stopped dozens of immigrants who, on any
given night, enter the water in Mexicali and float past a shopping
center parking lot in Calexico, hoping to evade U.S. Border Patrol
agents who usually don't jump in after them due to the pollution.
       Half-naked, the immigrants grasp inflated inner tubes
with one hand and a plastic bag holding their belongings in the other.
The human rafts hide in puffy mounds of greasy foam created from the
river pollution.
       "I can sympathize with them. They're trying to feed their
people," said Jose Angel, a senior engineer with the California Water
Resources Board who tests California's New River each month for
pollutants. "But clearly they may be carrying disease. Once they get out
of the river, they are in grocery stores and other places."
 MSNBC environment coverage
       The New River originates just south of Mexicali and picks
up agricultural pesticides, industrial wastes and human waste as it
flows north.
       By the time it enters the United States at the small
border town of Calexico, Calif., the river violates water quality
standards by several hundred-fold, according to Angel.

       Border agents who have jumped in to rescue drowning
immigrants have been treated for skin rashes and infections.
       The river has been documented as the source of nearly 30
viruses from hepatitis A to polio, as well as caustic chemicals from the
region's maquiladora factories, heavy metals such as mercury, and
pesticides from Mexican farms.
       But the pollution is precisely what attracts illegal
immigrants, or more precisely, the smugglers who are paid about $600 to
bring them across the border. As the U.S. Border Patrol cracks down on
less hazardous crossing points, high-risk conduits such as the New River
look increasingly attractive.
       Health officials say it's impossible to say how many
immigrants get seriously ill or die from exposure to the river pollution
since they rarely get medical help unless caught. Those who escape may
be carrying bacteria and viruses that later develop into communicable
diseases, according to U.S. public health officials.
   The Water Cycle MSNBC Interactive•Earth's fragile water supply.
       A recent report by the federal Centers for Disease
Control noted that California had double the rate of infections of two
food-borne pathogens associated with human sewage, campylobacter and
shigella, than any other state. Some health experts wonder if there is a
connection between the immigrants and these diseases.
       "It is a possibility," said Timothy Shack, clinical
director at the Immigration and Naturalization Service Processing Center
in El Centro, Calif.
       Along the Texas-Mexico border, health officials are
battling tuberculosis brought in by undocumented workers from Mexico and
Central America. Of the 16,500 people apprehended last year in the Port
Isabel, Texas, region, 89 percent tested positive for TB bacteria. The
rate of full-blown tuberculosis in the lower Rio Grande Valley, a
fertile agricultural area that borders Mexico, is triple the national
average, according to Dr. Abraham Miranda, deputy director of
immigration health services for the U.S. Public Health Service in Port
       Tuberculosis is spread by close human contact, which is
common in the cramped living quarters that undocumented workers are
forced to inhabit.
       In Calexico, the New River smells and looks bad, but
that's little deterrent to the river's passengers.
       Fecal coliform, a measure of harmful bacteria from human
waste, measures between 100,000 to 5 million colonies per milliliter at
the border checkpoint, far above the U.S.-Mexico treaty limit of 240
colonies. U.S. water quality officials often take samples from the New
River in Calexico. The river is so polluted that testers wear two sets
of gloves and other protective clothing.
        After floating downstream in the desert night,
immigrants look for an opening in the thick vegetation that lines the
riverbank. They put on their clothes and dodge the border patrol,
waiting for a signal from their "coyote," or smuggler, who takes them
north to find work.
       While a cleanup of the river won't stop immigrants, it
may keep disease from spreading. The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency is paying 55 percent of a $50 million expansion and improvement
to the Mexicali sewage treatment plant scheduled to be finished by
year's end. The city's wastewater collection system is so antiquated
that it needs to be replaced as well. Mexican authorities are aware of
the New River problem but they admit the sheer numbers of people willing
to risk their lives overwhelms them.
       "Year by year, the smugglers try to find new ways to
cross the border," said Rita Vargas, the Mexican consulate in Calexico.
"This year they have found the New River because nobody is taking care
of it on the Mexican side. It is another kind of protection for them."
       U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., said he is frustrated
by the lack of action by Mexican officials.
       "If we want to get this job done, we're going to have to
do it ourselves," Hunter told MSNBC. "Mexico has never shown an interest
in decreasing illegal immigration. It's not politically popular."
       Hunter said his office is working with the border patrol
to design a gate across the river that will stop immigrants while
allowing debris to flow through.
   Earth mattersTalk about the planet•Environment Bulletin Board
       Federal and local environmental officials also are
directing a
       cleanup project of the New River near Brawley, Calif. The
$3.75 million project will use naturally occurring marsh plants to
filter out pollutants before they reach the Salton Sea. The river flows
north into it because the Salton is 225 feet below sea level.
       The sea has been plagued by massive fish and bird
die-offs in recent years that may be linked to rising salinity levels
and an overload of agricultural nutrients from nearby farms. Congress is
studying various clean up solutions, including giant desalinization
       Some observers note that cleaner water may make the New
River more valuable.
          Environment newsKeep up with environment news:
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Environment News
Already, Mexican officials have expressed their desire use the river to
irrigate their own farms, which use much less water per acre than the
farms in California's Imperial Valley.
       "If the water gets cleaned up, it gets so valuable that
the Mexicans will use it," said Milt Friend, executive director of the
Salton Sea Science Subcommittee, a regional group charged with
evaluating cleanup proposals. "(The water) is coming out of their
country and they'll keep it. We'd do the same thing."
 "Environment" - Complete coverage
 Latin democracies threatened Old-style campaigning in
Mexico Chileans protest immunity scheme WashPost: Mexico's middle
class holds sway Elian's dad, U.S. reply to court move
 California EPA reports on water quality along border
 Border EcoWeb
 Salton Sea Restoration Project
 Salton Sea Database Program

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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