CIA/Drug Co. Plot in S. Africa
CIA and drug firms out to get me, Mbeki says
Chris McGreal in Johannesburg
Friday October 6, 2000
The Guardian
The South African president, Thabo Mbeki, claims that the CIA is working
covertly with American drug companies to discredit him because he is
challenging the world economic order and threatening profits by questioning
the link between HIV and Aids.
The Guardian's sister paper in Johannesburg, the Mail and Guardian, reports
that Mr Mbeki painted a picture of an international plot against him to a
meeting of 200 African National Congress cabinet ministers and MPs last
The president said that criticism of his Aids policy was a foretaste of
foreign attempts to undermine his government to protect the existing balance
of economic power. He called on MPs to resist the campaign.
Mr Mbeki said that his advisers were seeking to discover who was spreading
the idea that he was "deranged", itself a part of the conspiracy against
On Wednesday the ANC's national executive committee alleged that press
criticism of Mr Mbeki was part of "a massive propaganda onslaught against
the ANC, its president and its government".
The government has begun a public relations offensive to deflect criticism
of Mr Mbeki's Aids policy by focusing on his statement to parliament a
fortnight ago that government policy was "based on the the sis that HIV
causes Aids", and by admitting that he may have caused confusion.
But Mr Mbeki angered some of his own MPs by once again raising the issue in
private. He told them that because big western drug firms stood to benefit
from treating HIV infections it was in their interests to insist that the
virus was the cause of Aids.
He then said that the CIA was actively promoting the belief that there was a
link to protect the profits of companies making anti-retroviral drugs. But
he said the CIA's campaign went further because it was also aimed at
discrediting him as an effective voice for reform of a world economic order
working at Washington's whim.
Mr Mbeki told MPs that there was a link between the struggle for a better
economic deal for developing countries and the "propaganda" put out
"covertly" by the CIA and drug companies.
But the Mail and Guardian quoted one ANC MP as pouring scorn on Mr Mbeki's
address. "We have a president who is arguing against his own government's
policy," the MP said. "And he talks like this after telling us he knows
talking like this has caused confusion in the past and hurt the campaign
against HIV-Aids."
To back his claims, the president said that a large drug company, which he
did not name, had confessed to him that it had abandoned the search for an
anti-Aids vaccine but would not admit it, fearing a collapse in its share
Mr Mbeki spoke approvingly of a conference of about 60 dissident scientists
held in Uganda last month which said there was no scientific proof that HIV
caused Aids. He also said that reports that Uganda had had significant
success in the fight against Aids was untrue, despite its president, Yoweri
Museveni, being praised for bringing down HIV infection rates.
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