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[I would have been skeptical of this story if not for seeing many other pieces of evidence from a wide assortment of sources demonstrating that the US government was very well aware of the 9/11 plan long before that date.

Last night I saw "Tora, Tora, Tora", a terrific film about Pearl Harbor which documented in great detail how the US government knew from both intercepted Japanese diplomatic messages and it's own strategic military deductions that the Japanese would invade Pearl Harbor on exactly the date they did, yet did nothing to prevent it and may have actually wanted the invasion to take place. I guess GW Bush wasn't kidding when he compared 9/11 to Pearl Harbor - for details about the 9/11 attack and how it was known and warned about see:

http://baltech.org/lederman/    "9 Unpopular Ideas About 9/11"  -RL]



Western intelligence knew of Laden plan since 1995: Report


Berlin, December 7


Western secret services knew as far back as 1995 that suspected terror mastermind Osama bin Laden planned to attack civilian sites using commercial passenger planes, German newspaper Die Welt said Friday.

Quoting sources close to western intelligence services, Die Welt said that authorities did not take seriously the threat of the plan, known as Project Bojinka.

The plan was discovered in January 1995 by Philippine police who were investigating a possible attack against Pope John Paul II on a visit to Manila.

They found details of the plan in a computer seized in an apartment used by three men who were part of Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

It provided for 11 planes to be exploded simultaneously by bombs placed on board, but also in an alternative form for several planes flying to the United States to be hijacked and flown into civilian targets.

Among targets mentioned was the World Trade Center in New York, which was destroyed in the September 11 terror attacks in the United States that killed thousands.

Other targets mentioned were CIA offices in Virginia and the Sears Tower in Chicago, Die Welt said.

The plot re-surfaced during the trial in New York in 1997 of Pakistani Ramsi Youssef, the mastermind of the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.

Die Welt said the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA would have known about the plan at the latest at this time.




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