London Times

Nepalese editor held for 'conspiracy'article

THE editor and two executives of a Nepali newspaper were arrested last night
after printing Maoist claims that the royal massacre was ³a grave political
conspiracy² orchestrated by the Government.
Human rights campaigners condemned the arrests of Ubaraj Gimira, Editor of
the Nepali-language daily Kantipurıs, Kailash Sirohiya, its managing
director, and Binod Raj Gyawali, the director, who were all being held last
night in a police station in central Kathmandu.
Police told newspaper staff that they were to be questioned for sedition,
the same day that Kantipur ran an editorial by the underground Maoist leader
Dr Baburam Bhattarai urging the Army to stop protecting the new King
Gyanendra and to join the people who oppose him.
The official explanation for the deaths is not accepted by Maoist rebels,
who began an insurgency in 1996. In Kantipur Dr Bhattarai claimed that the
establishment ³stage-managed² explanations blaming Crown Prince Dipendra for
the massacre and claimed that King Birendra was killed because he had made
enemies within the ruling elite by refusing to use the Army against the
Maoists. Guna Raj Luitel, a senior Kantipur journalist, who visited his
colleagues last night said that they had no access to lawyers but had not
been mistreated. 
He defended the decision to print the editorial, saying: ³We donıt support
the Maoists. We are the media, it is our job to print the views of all
sections of society.²

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