The full piece by Alex Constantine is listed at the bottom for your viewing.
I only choose to respond to a particular part dealing with me.

<<>     Ramsey's support of Kasten largely depended upon a reference from
Robert Sterling, editor of The Konformist newsletter. In a January 20,
1999 telephone conversation with Sterling, he informed me that he had
"lied" to Ramsey about Kasten, that he, in fact, has no confidence in her
credibility, and that she was quite probably planted among the victims of
mind control experimentation to provoke conflicts. Sterling had "lied," he
explained, because he did not want his valid criticisms of her to haunt
him in the future. That is, he fears a backlash from Ms. Kasten and so
failed to speak his mind.>>

First, let me explain that I would rather not be writing this, but clearly I
am left with no option.  Otherwise, opinions will be attributed to me that I
do not have, either personally or publicly.  Though I think Alex honestly was
trying to convey what he heard, clearly the message that was transmitted does
not accurately reflect my own personal opinions.  I take full responsibility
for my inability to state what I wanted to.

The truth is, I called Alex Constantine that night to clarify certain things
in his earlier draft sent to Kenn Thomas, as well as to help clear the air
between Alex and Kenn (since Kenn, like myself, really respects and admires
Alex's work.)  Needless to say, this was a big fucking mistake.  I have only
muddied the waters, and I realize I have NO business getting involved in this
thing further.  And it seems wherever I have tried to help this situation, I
only make it worse.  Therefore, I'm outta here.  He who runs away today can
walk away tomorrow.

Before I run away, though, let me clarify what I believe was said: to begin
with, I thought I had made it clear that anything I did say in our
conversation was between me and him.  He insists I didn't make that clear,
which is why he has included statements he attributes to me.

Further, I do not believe I said I "lied" to Robin Ramsey.  Alex insists that
is a direct quote.  I will not argue with him on this, but if I did say that,
it was a terrible choice of words, since I did not lie to Robin at all.  What
I was trying to say is I kept my private opinions to myself, which is
something that I do quite regularly.

I also do not think that Kathy Kasten is a plant, though I did state, after he
listed some claims of others and reasons why he believes she is, that he made
some good points, and I respected his opinion.  Quite the opposite, personally
I think she is working on her own on her independent crusade, right or wrong.

As for my personal opinions of Kathy's story, well, I do have doubts on her
story, doubts that are based on questions that I feel unneccesary to point
out.  I have told her many of my objections, and that is between me and her.
But where I agree or disagree with her opinions is unimportant, just as my own
private disagreements with Kenn, Robin, and Alex (or anyone else) are
unimportant, unless I choose to make them public.  The fact is, whether I
agree or disagree on certain things she writes, I found "Voices In My Head" to
be something that was thought-provoking enough to print in The Konformist.
Apparentally, many agree, as it has been one of the more popular pieces on the

Again, let me add that I do not mean by my objections here to state Alex is
false in the above: however, I know that how he presents my statements would
not fairly characterize my views.

However, let me add one more thing: I have now informed Alex Constantine that
anything that I did say to him was private, and I want it to remain private.
I don't need anyone telling people what my opinions are: I can do that fine by
myself, thank you very much, and apparently do a much better job at it than he
does.  I imagine that Alex will show enough wisdom to respect my requests.
However, hypothetically speaking, if he were to continue attributing
statements to me, I would not respond to them.  Let me just state here what my
blanket statement would be if he hypothetically continued to attribute quotes
to me: either what he is saying is false, in which case he is a liar, or it is
true, in which case he is a back-stabbing fink.  Neither is a particularly
virtous attribute.

I say hypothetically here, however, because I am convinced Alex is a better
man than that, and would show much greater wisdom.  I have trouble imaging him
doing something so inherently foolish, reckless, and self-destructive.  I
suppose, however, I could be wrong.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Subject: Response to Robin Ramsey
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: 1/21/1999 3:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

     Note: The Steamshovel Web site recently featured an article on mind
written by Robin Ramsey, in which I am taken to task for finding the CIA
complicit in ritual abuse (perhaps he has never heard tell of The Finders,
the most
widely-publicized instance of RA committed by CIA mind control operatives?=
and "alien" abduction (he missed The Controllers?). The following is
my response to Ramsey's nonsensical remarks.

=8B Alex Constantine

>     Editor:
>     Does Robin Ramsay honestly believe that I implicate the CIA in
ritual abuse and "alien" abduction by "ignoring the evidence?"  Curious
statement. Virtual Government, published by Feral House in 1997, offers
over 300 pages of documented evidence that the CIA is deeply involved in
illicit human experimentation and the trauma-based programming of
children. Most reviewers have commented on the wealth of evidence I
provide; some have found it "difficult to refute."  Steamshovel editor
Kenn Thomas found the book  informative and engaging. How is it that
Ramsay comes to make such an obvious error?
>     Curious, also, that Ramsay's post to the Steamshovel site does not
associate the mind control devices described therein with any particular
federal agency. Who, exactly, makes use of mind control implants? The
Office of Management and Budget?  Ramsay has already ruled out the CIA in
the first paragraph, so he daren't go there...
>    In his pretence of knowing something about mind control, he makes
much of the implants. Ramsey provides us with impressive technical and
patent information (dowloaded from the newsgroups, where it is available
to all?), oblivious to the fact that, these days, implants are being
supplanted by frequency allocation registration. As I wrote in Psychic
Dictatorship (1995), "the current state of the art in Radio-Hypnotic
Intracerebral Control (RHIC) depends upon 'Personal Radio and
Electromagnetic Allocation,' or PREMA." Once the subject's frequency
registration is determined, "the brain becomes a link in a cybernetic
system, and the subject (or group) can be surveilled, guided, manipulated,
harassed or controlled from afar" (p. 44). In other words, implants are
not necessary.
>    Mr. Ramsay takes a swipe at me with a demonstrable lie, then promotes
Kathy Kasten =8B a  mole, as a number of victims who have had the misfortu=
to deal with her will attest. She has claimed that "aliens" stole her
child. Kathy, there are no "aliens." She is prone to raging, four-letter
hysterics. Having been the target of her irrational fits of bile, I know
this first-hand.. Kasten often accuses legitimate victims of harboring
intelligence connections, casting suspicion on them unjustly with a
McCarthyite flourish. I have seen her turn Internet MC victim subscription
lists upside down with her antics. I can tell you stories ...  For
instance: When the CIA's Ed Dames first stepped from the black ops closet,
he found an avid supporter in UCLA's Ms. Kasten. In fact, Kasten =8B who,
like Dames, also claims to have been trained in "remote viewing" by the
CIA =8B was so enamored with the spook that she sent a letter of support t=
every mind control victim on her mailing list. She praised him mightily,
and implored all victims to give Dames $4,000 for lessons in "remote
viewing."  Horrified that she would exploit victims this way, I circulated
a bio of Ed Dames to her mailing list. Kasten exploded in an e-mail to her
list, claiming "Alex Constantine abuses women and hates victims." Excuse
me? I do neither. What was the reason for this defamatory rant? What was
my offense? I had circulated facts concerning the dark side of her friend
Ed Dames. I happened to mention that he is an active mind control
operative. I have since received verification from associates of Dames
that he is, indeed, a CIA mind control operative.  And his actions,
particularly his promotion of the "alien" cover story, speak volumes.
Ramsey and Kasten may believe that Dames can "remote-view Satan," but I
call this grist for the brainwashed minions of Art Bell.
>     Ramsey's support of Kasten largely depended upon a reference from
Robert Sterling, editor of The Konformist newsletter. In a January 20,
1999 telephone conversation with Sterling, he informed me that he had
"lied" to Ramsey about Kasten, that he, in fact, has no confidence in her
credibility, and that she was quite probably planted among the victims of
mind control experimentation to provoke conflicts. Sterling had "lied," he
explained, because he did not want his valid criticisms of her to haunt
him in the future. That is, he fears a backlash from Ms. Kasten and so
failed to speak his mind.
       Ramsey himself, as editor of Lobster, rejected an article submitted
by Kathey Kasten because he found it "too weird."
>     BTW, since when is Mr. Ramsay an authority on mind control? A
Northern Light search produced no listing by Ramsay on the subject. He has
written no books on mind control. No articles. Yet he attempts to pass
himself off as an authority. If he was, I suppose he'd already know that
ritual abuse and "alien" abductions are indeed covert operations, and,
yes, the CIA is in this particular business. His denial of the reams of
evidence I've gathered is irrelevant and, to anyone who knows the ropes,
signally careless.
>=8B Alex Constantine

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