After reading the above subject matter, and assume it to be true - in
particular the death of this Barbara Wise, I find it impossible to
believe that William Jefferson Clinton is anything other than another
Lee Harvey Oswald - is this guy for real.

He cannot get even a security clearance because of his previoius
activities; he now murders the elderly and children in the Balkans, in
the name of humanity - not being satisfied with sending in his butcher
Janet Reno to murder over 100 innocents at WACO

But this list, can only be compare to the witness list after the murder
of JFK.  What is this Bill Clinton and who is he really?  Is he some
brainwashed Manchurian Candidate who spaced out on cocaine was
programmed into a vicious killer - like the kids at Littleton who gave
him the sign of the devil - the Mojo, while alleged to be in deep
mourning.....are all these people some type of an insane, sick
experiment - taking out their malice on the innocents?

I can only compare Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to William Clinton and
Janet Reno, and toss in the butcher Albright too - for their acts and
deeds reflect as a dark mirror - are they not similar acts of murder?

Reno lashing out after consulting with the military, with flame thrower
tanks and he men in black....butchering over 100 innocents.....Reno, an
alleged Lesbian which is something we are to overlook - note what they
kill, is soft and young....

Albright the Butcher of the Balkans - look at her victims....they knew
too much about her past which she tried to hide - the Serbs protected
and sheltered Albright and her family putting their own lives in
jeopardy, hiding them from the Nazis....she returns this kindness with
sheer butchery....causing the mutililation and death of the innocents -
babies and mothers in maternity wards - no wonder this woman's husband
left that old bat.

And last but not least the vicous Clinton - rapist sodomist - a fifty
year old man again praying on the innocents, while his body bag count
evidently grows with time, in particular, if you consider the innocents
he has murdered in the Balkans.....but this Barbara Wise.....Clinton
went home to get a book of poetry the day she was found murdered in her
office at the Commerce Department - where Ron Brown had allegedly made
it clear he would be nobody's Patsy.

Clinton is a vicous, evil, sadistic that really his face we
see or is it like the Masque of Red Death, the bags under his eyes from
time to time indicating drug use - the recent surgery to his nose which
leaves one to wonder - Michael Jackson's nose fell off from using so
much junk to keep his voice pitched high, and from the plastic
surgery.....a peodophile and a rapist, and a sodomist, and in my
opinion, each in their own way, murderers of innocents.

There has never been a President that I disliked...but this President
and his obviously sick egomaniac wife, got to go.  The sooner, the
better......treason is one thing, but how does one explain the murders
leaving a Clinton trail by more than just association.'

The assassins at Littleton are no different from the assassin
Clinton....the assassin Reno, and the assassin Albright....three bloody
assassins, who without a doubt should be removed from their respective
positions using every law on the books to get them.

With Clinton we do not have a reflection of JFK; we have a reflection of
Lee Harvey Oswald....strange, he too spent some time in New Orleans and
in Russia.....did the real William Jefferson Clinton Blythe return, or
did some brainwashed indiot return to take revenge upon the innocents,
who knew something of his past.


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