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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

Democrats.com Launches 'Share A Sticker' Site

American Citizen Arrested in Indiana for Bringing Sign Towards Cheney Event

Nick's Crusade Gets a Hearing Before the Alabama Legislature

Al Gore Was Absolutely Right About Bush - It's Time Al Got Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts New York City

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts Children

Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts the Environment

European Parliament Votes to Ratify Kyoto Protocol

The Bushron Administration Began Its Battle Against Enron's Bankruptcy on Inauguration 
Day 2001

Just Like Enron, the Bush Administration's Greed and Arrogance Will Ultimately Cause 
Its Collapse

We Knew FDR - and W is No FDR!!

War without End, against a Shadowy, Ill-defined Enemy: That's Bush's Reelection 

Michael Vreeland Gave 9-11 Warning to Canadian Intelligence Agent Marc Bastien, Who 
Was Then Murdered

If Ashcroft Had His Way, Would He Rid the Country of Nude Statues and Calico Cats?

Is Injustice Scalia a Member of Opus Dei?

Anti-Tax Leader Confesses to Diverting Campaign Funds to His Bank Account

Noelle Bush Is Getting Away with Drug Abuse, Deadly Driving and Perjury - Because 
She's Jeb's Daughter and George's Niece

Betty Bowers Opens Halfway House Exclusively For Bush Children (Humor)

Americans Agree: Evil is Very Bad (Humor)


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__Anti-Bush Protests

On Monday 2/11, protest Bush in Milwaukee, WI.

__Democrats.com Launches 'Share A Sticker' Site

Thanks to the continuing generosity of our members, Democrats.com has created a new 
resource for Democratic activists called "Share A Sticker". These bumper stickers were 
created by the members of Democrats.com. They are designed to be printed on regular 
paper using your regular printer, and inserted in clear plastic sleeves, which are 
available at any stationery store. You can then slide these "stickers" in and out, 
changing your message as often as you like. Have fun - and tell your friends! 
(Registration required)

__American Citizen Arrested in Indiana for Bringing Sign Towards Cheney Event

"Tonight I was arrested for nothing more than exercising my rights as a citizen in 
what I thought was a free country. Dick Cheney came to my town to stump for one of the 
Environmental Dirty Dozen, Indiana 8th District Congressman John Hostettler. I had 
made up a sign which stated, 'CHENEY-19th Century Energy Man.' ... The main cop 
informed me that if I did not go more than a block away to the area he apparently had 
just arbitrarily decided was to be used by protesters, that I would be arrested. I 
complied and started to walk away. When I turned to ask if it was OK to go to the 
parking lot where hundreds of people were, either leaving work or arriving to attend 
the event, he instructed his uniformed men to arrest me." So writes John Blair of 
Evansville, IN. We demand an investigation of the suppression of the First Amendment 
by the Bush-Cheney administration!

__Nick's Crusade Gets a Hearing Before the Alabama Legislature

"Nineteen-year-old quadriplegic Nick Dupree of Mobile traveled to Montgomery on 
Wednesday to tell legislators why Medicaid in Alabama should still pay for in-home 
nursing care after he turns 21. But state Medicaid officials said the proposed bill to 
continue benefits for Dupree and others won't work, and there's no money for it. 
'You're in between a rock and a hard place,' said Dupree, who will turn 21 in a year 
and two weeks. 'You can either stay at home without any care, hoping you don't die, or 
you go to a nursing home, where the care you get will probably ensure that you don't 
live.'...  Dupree's motorized wheelchair, with a rear mounted ventilator connected to 
him by translucent tubing, dominated the small meeting room inside the Alabama State 
House on Wednesday, as senators intently listened to his testimony." So reports the 
Mobile Register - and you can read Nick's own report here in Democrats.community, 
where you can give Nick your personal support and encouragement.

__Al Gore Was Absolutely Right About Bush - It's Time Al Got Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

"If it's open season on Gore all over again, we should give him credit for what he got 
right. Maybe he couldn't connect with voters and maybe he was a stiff on camera. 
Regardless, he sure knew what he was talking about with that 'people versus the 
powerful' stuff. As inconsistent as it seemed with the political moment of 2000, it 
has since proven an uncanny predictor of how the Bush presidency [sic] would unfold." 
On the budget, campaign finance reform, health care, Social Security, and the 
environment, Al Gore's warnings about Bush's extremism were right on the mark. This 
"is yet one more reminder about how the incessant focus on the way politicians 
campaign can crowd out even the slightest consideration of their ideas." So writes 
Jonathan Cohn in The New Republic.

__Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts New York City

Bush has only delivered $11 billion of the $20 billion he promised NYC, and Bush's 
budget contains no additional aid. "Mitch Daniels, the White House budget director...  
first responded that he intended to count $5 billion in relief to victims of Sept. 11 
as part of the aid package - a clear violation of everyone's understanding of what the 
promise meant. Then he lashed out at New York's representatives, saying, 'It's strange 
to me to treat this as a little money-grubbing game.' The White House quickly tried to 
undo the damage. Mr. Daniels retracted his remarks, and Mr. Bush reiterated his 
promise to provide $20 billion - just in time to have another photo op with New York 
police officers and firefighters. But the money is still not in the budget... My guess 
is that it comes down to sheer arrogance. Buoyed by those approval ratings, this 
administration simply believes that its former promises don't matter." So writes NY 
Times columnist Paul Krugman.

__Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts Children

"Now that the Bush administration has taken the tarp off its proposed 2003 budget, 
I've got one piece of advice for all you children of the future: Stay in the womb as 
long as you can... As long as you are surrounded by amniotic fluid -- if you've simply 
begun to subdivide and consist solely of a dozen cells -- you'll have health 
insurance. That's a lot more than 40 million Americans (almost 11 million of them 
actual children) can say... Post-born American children had better hope... they never 
get sick; their parents will never need job protection or training; they live in a 
region in which the weather makes housing unnecessary... Maybe there's a better option 
for future children than staying in the womb. They should figure out a way to turn 
themselves into F-22 fighter jets, AC-130U gunships or Hellfire anti-attack missiles," 
all part of Bush's $70 billion weapons budget. So writes San Francisco Chronicle 
columnist Stephanie Salter.

__Bu$h 'Shift and Shaft' Budget Shafts the Environment

"The budget released Monday by the Bush administration - the nation's first deficit 
budget in four years - is meeting criticism from all corners, particularly from the 
environmental community. At a press conference this morning, representatives from 
several conservation groups denounced the financial 'shell game' employed by the 
administration to fund its priorities... 'When you go through the details,' said 
Wesley Warren, senior fellow for environmental economics at the Natural Resources 
Defense Council, 'there's a series of special handouts to special interests... The 
budget provides an all you can eat buffet for Big Energy, and crumbs for energy 
efficiency,' Warren noted. 'It would enrich the administration's energy industry 
friends, foul our air and water, and do nothing to promote true energy independence.'" 
So reports the Environmental News Service.

__European Parliament Votes to Ratify Kyoto Protocol

Just days after the "state of the union" address by resident Bush, where the focus was 
on military buildup, readying the nation for more war and ignoring the serious 
environmental issues we face, the European Parliament voted OVERWHELMINGLY (540-4) to 
pass the Kyoto protocol. Just last week, the UK and Germany announced their plans for 
the development of wind and solar power projects to decrease their dependence upon 
foreign oil and reduce emissions.  Under Cheney-Bush-Enron, we are still focusing on 
Nuclear, Oil drilling and tax credits to the big energy companies. America - let's get 
with the program!

__The Bushron Administration Began Its Battle Against Enron's Bankruptcy on 
Inauguration Day 2001

BuzzFlash writes, "Political battles are often won or lost depending upon who defines 
the terms of the debate ... Right now the White House has successfully argued that 
Bush Incorporated is innocent of wrongdoing because they did nothing for Enron after 
being notified of its impending bankruptcy last fall. But that is the wrong lens 
through which to judge their Enron complicity: the question is what did the Bush 
administration do to help Enron try to avoid bankruptcy from January 20th until the 
fall of 2001? ... As soon as Bush raised his right hand at his inauguration, it was 
hard to tell whether the White House was a subsidiary of Enron or Enron was a 
subsidiary of the White House... The press and the Senate Democrats are debating the 
wrong point. They are looking for a smoking gun after Enron's autumn calls to Bush 
administration officials. But the smoking gun has been right there for them to see all 
along. It was an Enron starter's gun fired off on Inauguration day."

__Just Like Enron, the Bush Administration's Greed and Arrogance Will Ultimately Cause 
Its Collapse

"'Who cares if there were a hundred meetings?' sniffed Mary Matalin, chief 
spokesperson VP Dick Cheney. In one phrase, she summed up the White House arrogance: 
It's a financial scandal, not a political one. It has nothing to do with the Bush 
administration. It doesn't matter how much money Enron gave George W. Bush, how many 
former Enron officials work in the White House, or how many secret meetings Cheney 
held with Enron executives in putting together his energy plan. Because there's no 
proof that Enron ever got anything for its money or access. Wrong. Maybe there was no 
proof before, but there is now; a secret memo -- personally handed to Cheney by Ken 
Lay, which helps explain why the White House is so skittish about Enron and why Cheney 
and Bush stubbornly refuse to release the records of those energy task force 
meetings... Up until the very end, when it was too late to help, everything Enron 
asked for from the Bush White House, Enron got." So writes CNN's Bill Press.

__We Knew FDR - and W is No FDR!!

"By the time Bush gave his State of the Union speech, countless reporters and pundits 
had proclaimed GWB and FDR to be kindred inspirational leaders... But the oft-repeated 
analogy doesn't only give a monumental boost to Bush's image. It also -- subtly but 
surely -- chips away at FDR's historic greatness, cutting him down to GWB's size. 
Roosevelt's economic reforms embodied and strengthened grassroots struggles for such 
basic goals as the right to form unions, collective bargaining, regulation of 
business, progressive income tax, federal aid to the needy and programs like Social 
Security. These are among the New Deal legacies that have long been under attack, 
frontally or sneakily, from most Republicans. The more that reporters, commentators 
and media-selected historians join the chorus linking Bush with Roosevelt -- as if 
FDR's domestic agenda and his underlying values scarcely merit a mention -- the more 
that the actual FDR fades into the mist." So writes columnist Norman Solomon.

__War without End, against a Shadowy, Ill-defined Enemy: That's Bush's Reelection 

"War without end against a shadowy, ill-defined enemy. That's what we are being 
offered, according to the most ominous State of the Union message in history," 
observes Jack Lessenbery of the Metrotimes of Detroit. (btw - The Metrotimes is suing 
John Ashcroft over the outrageous treatment of Michigan resident Rabih Haddad in the 
wake of 9/11). "What is clear is that our long national Clinton-era nightmare of peace 
and prosperity is over. But if the Bush administration is not to blame, they are at 
the very least attempting to sell us a bill of goods, and we need to pry open the 
crate and check the contents."

__Michael Vreeland Gave 9-11 Warning to Canadian Intelligence Agent Marc Bastien, Who 
Was Then Murdered

Michael "Vreeland claims he traveled to Moscow in the Fall of 2000 to obtain military 
documents regarding Russian counter-measures to US anti-missile defence. His purpose 
was to see they got into the hands of CSIS [Canada's CIA], and to fool Ottawa into 
believing it was a Canadian discovery, so Canada and other allies might be inclined to 
drop their objections to 'Star Wars.' His contact was a 'systems analyst,' Marc 
Bastien, said to be a CSIS agent working out of the [Canadian] embassy [in Russia]. 
Vreeland [returned] to Toronto, where he was arrested on December 6 on an immigration 
warrant. Only days after Vreeland's arrest by Toronto police, Bastien was found 
[murdered] in Moscow... Among the Russian documents Vreeland says he retrieved was one 
describing impending terrorist attacks in the United States, naming Osama bin Laden as 
an agent and the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as likely targets." So reports 
Canada's Frank magazine.

__If Ashcroft Had His Way, Would He Rid the Country of Nude Statues and Calico Cats?

"Andrew Tobias, the financial writer and Democratic Party treasurer, had written...in 
November that an Ashcroft advance team 'had shown up at the American Embassy in The 
Hague to check out the digs, saw cats in residence, and got nervous. They were worried 
there might be a calico cat. No, they were told, no calicos. Visible relief. Their 
boss, they explained, believes calico cats are signs of the devil. (The advance team 
also spotted a naked woman in the courtyard and discussed its being covered for the 
visit, though that request was not ultimately made.)' Mindy Tucker, then Mr. 
Ashcroft's press secretary, told me he had laughed and said it was silly...But then a 
few days later, a friend…told me that the Art Deco statue of Justice, 12 feet high, 
buxom and partly nude under a toga, which had been in the Great Hall since the 
department was built as a W.P.A. project, had been hidden behind a 'blue-nosed blue 
curtain'...Now it turns out the prudish curtains are a permanent fixture of the 
Ashcroft era at $8,650."

__Is Injustice Scalia a Member of Opus Dei?

FBI double-agent Robert Hanssen was "a devout member of Opus Dei, an ultraconservative 
Catholic organization. He was a regular parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena Church, 
in a Virginia suburb of the capital, where an elite congregation, which includes 
Supreme Court justice Antonia Scalia, attend traditional Latin masses... Opus Dei, 
Latin for 'Work of God,' is a secretive lay group within the body of the Catholic 
Church, with more than 80,000 members worldwide [Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is 
also alleged to be a member]. As the only personal prelature in the Church, it is an 
entity unto itself, separate from the diocesan structure." Scalia won't confess the 
truth, but Americans who believe Scalia stole the Presidency for Bush need to know: Is 
Scalia's first loyalty to the American people and the U.S. Constitution - or to the 
Vatican and Opus Dei?

__Anti-Tax Leader Confesses to Diverting Campaign Funds to His Bank Account

"As the driving force behind several tax-cutting initiatives, Tim Eyman has sometimes 
been called 'unelected governor' of Washington State. But in a confession that stunned 
his supporters and opponents alike, Mr. Eyman, a 36-year-old businessman, said today 
that he had lied when he told reporters in recent days that he had never profited 
personally from the fund-raising drives he conducted for his initiatives. At a news 
conference this morning, Mr. Eyman fought back tears as he announced that he had 
diverted at least $45,000 he had raised for his tax revolt…Mr. Eyman's confession came 
after he faced persistent questioning from The Seattle Post-Intelligencer about his 
diversion of $165,000 in campaign donations to a private account over which he had 
sole control…he could be in legal trouble if he lied about it on disclosure forms, 
said Doug Ellis, a spokesman for the state Public Disclosure Commission." Eyman's 
weepy, self-flagellating confession brings to mind Jimmy Swaggart.

__Noelle Bush Is Getting Away with Drug Abuse, Deadly Driving and Perjury - Because 
She's Jeb's Daughter and George's Niece

Once again, a Bush is getting away with a crime, thanks to powerful family ties. Jeb's 
daughter Noelle, 24, was busted for trying to buy drugs. (Unlike the terror-supporting 
pot users in Bush's TV ads, Bush family drug abusers don't buy drugs on the street. 
Instead, they impersonate doctors and write themselves fraudulent prescriptions.) 
Noelle then PERJURED herself in Florida court when she swore she had no prior arrests 
- she WAS arrested for shoplifting lingerie in 1995 and paid a $305 fine. To conceal 
her criminal record, Noelle gave Florida police a different Social Security number - 
yet ANOTHER fraud. Noelle also received more than 12 driving tickets (including 
driving 95 MPH in Palm Beach County) with 4 crashes, including one influenced by drugs 
- why was she never arrested, or her license revoked? Call State Attorney Willie Meggs 
at 850-488-6701 and demand that Noelle be prosecuted like any other drug abusing, 
recklessly driving perjurer - for her own good, and ours!

__Betty Bowers Opens Halfway House Exclusively For Bush Children (Humor)

"America's Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers has announced plans to open a halfway 
house exclusively for George and Barbara Bush's grandchildren. 'We wanted it to be 
available to others, but with the nursing shortage, we are probably going to be too 
busy already just attending to the sundry addictions of America's First Family of 
Politics,' said Mrs. Bowers as she cut the ribbon. 'Whereas White House occupant Betty 
Ford opened a facility to keep Liza Minnelli off the street, this is a way of 
returning the favor by – finally – providing a place for people in the White House to 
dry out.'" Betty, you are SOOOO kind!

__Americans Agree: Evil is Very Bad (Humor)

"In an indication that President [sic] Bush has been effective in communicating his 
message to the American people, a new survey released today indicates that a majority 
of Americans now believe that evil is bad. Of those responding, 54% strongly agreed 
with the statement, 'Evil is bad,' with 21% strongly agreeing with the statement, 
'Evil is very, very bad.' By wide margins, those surveyed also agreed with the 
statement, 'Evildoers are bad.' In one of the most persuasive pieces of data in the 
survey, 87% agreed with the statement, 'Evildoers are bad because they do evil, which 
is bad.' However, those responding to the survey still had some difficulty identifying 
the three members of the 'Axis of Evil' whom President Bush identified in his State of 
the Union Speech. Only 12% correctly identified Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, while 23% 
incorrectly named Batman super-villains The Joker, The Riddler, and Catwoman." So 
writes humorist Andy Borowitz.

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