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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

On Mother's Day, Let's Honor our Feminist Foremothers

Democrats Plan for Wins in the West

Save the ABM Treaty - Send a Free Fax to your Senators, Courtesy of Ben & Jerry

John Bolton's Penchant for Armageddon

U.S. Military Proposes Illegal Bioweapons Research!

Why Can't the FBI Find the Anthrax Terrorist? Because He Is a Republican!

The War on Terror Flounders

If the CIA and Bush Administration Weren't Involved in 9/11 What WERE They Doing?

Fear As A Weapon (Rollback To The Right)

Bush's Complicity in the California Enronegy 'Crisis'

How Does Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Destroy the Environment? See the EPA's Secret 
Slide Show for Yourself!

BUSHIT! 'We've Got Too Much Polling and Focus Groups Going On in Washington Today' – 
Guess Who Said THAT, George?

Karl Rove LIES About Bush's Class Warfare From Above

Bush's Media Guru Grovels to Karl Rove for Donating to Democrats

Corporate Media Cover-up: HarperCollins Destroys 4,000 Copies of Book Exposing Jim 

Connecticut AG Throws Monkey Wrench into Stanley Works' Plan to Evade Taxes by 
'Moving' to Bermuda

Companies that 'Move' to Bermuda to Evade Taxes are Spitting on America

In the Ohio Democratic Primary, Voters 'Fast Track' Rep. Tom Sawyer from the 
Congressional Race

GOP 'Family Values'? Newt Wants an Anulment

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 5/13, protest Bush in Hodgkinds, IL and Chicago. On 5/16, protest Cheney in New 
York City. On 5/18, protest Ashcroft in Columbia, MO. On 5/20, protest George and Jeb 
Bush in Miami - a twofer! On 5/21 and 5/22, protest Bush in Berlin. On 5/24, protest 
Chief Injustice Rehnquist in Milwaukee, WI. On 5/25, protest Bush's wars in San 

__On Mother's Day, Let's Honor our Feminist Foremothers

"It used to be common parlance, but in these politically correct times it's just not 
politic to use the "f" word in public. The "f" word? Feminism. Arguably the defining 
political movement of the 20th century - more potent and world-altering than Marxism 
or Maoism - feminism is being forced from the political landscape and popular lexicon, 
its enemies not men, but women. Unlike the "M" movements, feminism is neither 
oppressive nor outmoded; far from it. A cursory glance at compelling books such as 
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America by Barbara Ehrenreich, Sex & Power by 
Susan Estrich or My Forbidden Face: Growing Up Under the Taliban: A Young Woman's 
Story by Latifah, all of which detail the stunning lack of advancement women have made 
despite decades of feminist struggle, makes it obvious that feminism is more necessary 
than ever." So writes Victoria A. Brownworth in the Baltimore Sun.

__Democrats Plan for Wins in the West

Susan Milligan writes in the Boston Globe, "Democrats are looking to the Rocky 
Mountain West to make gains in this fall's elections, hoping to capitalize on 
resentment over the Bush administration's decision to locate a nuclear dump in Nevada 
and demographic changes that might help crack the longtime Republican dominance in the 
traditionally conservative region. [The Yucca Mountain] dump issue, when combined with 
a heavy influx of Latino voters in parts of the West, has Democrats plotting a new 
electoral strategy for this November and beyond. While Republicans scoff at the notion 
that the Democrats could make substantial gains in the region, Democratic operatives 
are mapping out a battle plan for New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado."

__Save the ABM Treaty - Send a Free Fax to your Senators, Courtesy of Ben & Jerry

"Dear Senator: Please don't be silent while President [sic] Bush seeks to withdraw 
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. The Senate ratified this treaty three 
decades ago, and the president has no right to unilaterally walk away from it without 
the advice and consent of the Senate. Withdrawing from this treaty could lead to 
dangerous new nuclear arms races with Russia and China and move the world closer to 
nuclear war. Please stop Mr. Bush from taking this dangerous action. We need to live 
by the rule of law and the US needs to set an example. Disavowing treaties is the 
worst possible example. Don't let the president shred our constitution to pursue 
foolish dreams of weaponizing outer space and deploying unworkable missile defenses. 
US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty will become effective on June 13, 2002 unless you 
act now to prevent the president's unilateral action. The time is short. I urge you to 
TAKE ACTION NOW." Send a free fax to your Senator!

__John Bolton's Penchant for Armageddon

So who is Undersecretary of State John Bolton? Ian Williams answers the question in 
Salon: "It depends on what you think of Sen. Jesse Helms' political legacy. The two 
men share the same contempt for the United Nations, and most of the rest of the 
world... And despite years of attacking the U.N. -- in 1994 he said, "There is no such 
thing as the United Nations" and "If the U.N. Secretariat building in New York lost 10 
stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference"... Nor did his contempt for the U.N. 
stop him from taking $30,000 from the Taiwanese to [help them become members]. Giving 
Bolton the title of undersecretary of state for disarmament had a seriously Orwellian 
feel: [Jesse Helms] endorsed his nomination with unintended irony: 'John Bolton is the 
kind of man with whom I would want to stand at Armageddon.' [If Bolton has his way] 
Armageddon is closer than the rest of us would like."

__U.S. Military Proposes Illegal Bioweapons Research!

Russ Kick writes in the Village Voice, "According to documents unearthed by a 
nonprofit government watchdog, the United States military has proposed the development 
of biological weapons that would violate international treaties and federal law. In 
fact, they may have already developed some of these illegal, treaty-busting 
bioweapons. Using the Freedom of Information Act, the Sunshine Project has recently 
pried loose some damning documents from the Marine Corps, which seems to be overseeing 
this area of research... The military scientists take great care to point out that the 
germs they want to create would be 'nonlethal.' But this doesn't matter. The 
international Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention treaty absolutely bans member 
nations from possessing or developing microbes, toxins, or any other biological agents 
for use in battle or other hostile situations."

__Why Can't the FBI Find the Anthrax Terrorist? Because He Is a Republican!

The NY Times opines, "It has been seven months since the anthrax attacks claimed their 
first victims, yet investigators seem no closer to finding the culprit than they were 
at the beginning." Why? Because the FBI is missing the point by focusing on the DNA of 
the Anthrax. Of all possible political targets, two were chosen to receive the 
deadliest Anthrax of all: Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Pat Leahy (D-VT). What do they have 
in common? Hint - it's not an R. There are only a few dozen scientists in US 
government labs familiar with weaponizing Anthrax. Has the FBI checked their party 
registrations, and asked their colleagues about their political views? The Pink 
Panther could find this guy, so the question must be asked - is the FBI looking for 
the Republican Anthrax Terrorist (RAT)???

__The War on Terror Flounders

Nickolas Kristof writes in the NY Times, "To understand why America's war on terrorism 
is beginning to sputter, infiltrate the Bush administration's Bat Cave at the 
intersection of Intelligence Way and Cryptological Court (no, I'm not making this up) 
at a Navy base here. This is the brand-new homeland defense center from which America 
will respond to anthrax, smallpox, nuclear attack, multiple hijackings or other shoes 
still to drop. Tom Ridge, his chest puffed out with pride, showed off the command 
center on Wednesday to a group of reporters. You had to feel sorry for him, for it was 
a color-coded moment. Standing in front of four 50-inch plasma television screens, Mr. 
Ridge hailed the super-classified capabilities of the SCIF. [Unfortunately] the huge 
plasma screens were devoted to television broadcasts. One of them was showing 'Divorce 
Court.' The command center is symptomatic of something broader: After an excellent 
start, the war on terrorism is floundering."

__If the CIA and Bush Administration Weren't Involved in 9/11 What WERE They Doing?

Investigator/journalist and former LAPD officer Michael Ruppert is sure that the CIA, 
a secret cartel of major corporations and the Bush administration colluded in the 
events leading to 9/11. Ruppert has spent several months trying to reconstruct the 
significant events leading up to the suicide attacks. Here he presents 34 separate but 
connected and well-documented "steps" that lead to the horrendous disaster of 9/11. 
After reading them, you will find yourself wondering why ANYONE would question Cynthia 
McKinney's call for a REAL investigation of what may prove to be the most heinous 
inside job ever pulled off on American soil.

__Fear As A Weapon (Rollback To The Right)

"Much has been made of Le Pen's scandalous victory in France, and greater Europe's 
wartime march towards the right. This while the US Administration uses its convenient 
terror war to justify massive internal societal engineering to the right. What's 
behind both? Fear... Fear leaves little room for logic or moral platitudes - it 
demands simplistic responses to otherwise complex problems... [But] is neverending 
"total war" really the goal? Is the authoritative, xenophobic leadership demanded by 
war desirable? Each day we are trained to be fearful and to see weaponry as the 
solution. That makes the war on terror seem like a war on the hearts and minds of 
common citizens. And for those unlucky souls in Cheney's 40-50 countries, or the 
thousands who have already been slaughtered as collateral damage, the war on terror is 
looking more like terrorism everyday." So writes Heather Wokusch.

__Bush's Complicity in the California Enronegy 'Crisis'

Paul Krugman writes "there is powerful circumstantial evidence that market 
manipulation played a key role in [California's electricity crisis]. Energy companies 
had the motive, the means and the opportunity to drive prices sky-high... Yet federal 
officials, from George W. Bush on down, offered California nothing but sermons on the 
virtues of the free market... The great risk now is that this will be treated purely 
as an Enron story [which] shows just how easy it is for companies to cover their 
tracks, especially when the regulators are in their corner... And I'm sure that there 
will be a determined effort to ignore even these latest revelations. After all, why 
let facts get in the way of a beautiful, and politically convenient, theory?"

__How Does Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Destroy the Environment? See the EPA's 
Secret Slide Show for Yourself!

A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency slide show – prepared to privately brief Bush 
administration officials and obtained by Trial Lawyers for Public Justice and the 
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment on May 2, 2002 – documents 
wholesale deforestation, toxic pollution, burying of streams, and other environmental 
destruction caused by mountaintop removal mining. For example, the EPA's internal 
briefing materials state: 560 miles of Appalachian streams "have already been 
eliminated by valley fills;" Aquatic life forms downstream of valley fills are being 
impaired; and "Stream chemistry monitoring efforts show significant increases" in 
concentrations of selenium – a metalloid that according to the EPA "can be highly 
toxic to aquatic life even at relatively low concentrations" – downstream of 
mountaintop removal mining and valley fill operations. See the slideshow for yourself! 
(Warning: English speakers may find this bureaucratic product impossible to decipher.)

__BUSHIT! 'We've Got Too Much Polling and Focus Groups Going On in Washington Today' – 
Guess Who Said THAT, George?

"White House strategists realize they need to focus on education and other non-war 
issues to win this election. 'Republicans said it was no accident that Mr. Bush 
gathered all the major domestic themes of his presidency — from tax cuts, health care, 
education and welfare — into his 'compassionate conservative' speech in California, or 
that he spent two days this week reminding voters of his education bill, signed into 
law in January, that he considers one of the major achievements of his 
administration.' And Democrats will seize on this blind quote, since it comes 
perilously close to suggesting the unthinkable — that the president decides what to do 
based on polling: "'If you look at a lot of the polling data, and you look at public 
opinion about the economy, people link the issue of education to our future 
prosperity,' a senior White House official said." So reports ABCNews.

__Karl Rove LIES About Bush's Class Warfare From Above

John Nichols writes in Common Dreams, "In Texas... Karl Rove was always referred to as 
'Bush's brain.' In fact, Austin reporters used to note that ideas Rove went on about 
in the bar on Saturday night had a funny way of popping out of his candidate's mouth 
on Monday morning. The Bush White House has gone to great pains... to downplay the 
influence that Rove has over the administration's political and policy agendas. But 
the Republican faithful know the real story, and they have made Rove a star of the 
[GOP's] fund-raising circuit... Rove told Wisconsin Republicans [that] its candidates 
must stop sounding so mean and greedy... Rove is buffing up the mantra, suggesting 
that 'compassionate conservatism' is now about shaping 'a different kind of politics' 
[and] that Republicans aren't about cutting needed programs in order to give tax 
breaks to the rich..." Well, there's a trainload of Bushit!

__Bush's Media Guru Grovels to Karl Rove for Donating to Democrats

Dan Balz writes in the Washington Post "President [sic] Bush's chief media adviser 
from the 2000 campaign infuriated top Republicans and White House officials yesterday 
with news that he made hefty contributions to the Democratic nominee for Senate in 
Texas and two other Texas Democrats running for statewide office this fall. Mark 
McKinnon, a one-time Democrat who led Bush's media team in the presidential 
campaign... contributed a total of $14,000 to the three Democrats out of friendship 
and past professional relationships... McKinnon said he had apologized to Rove 
yesterday and would attempt to talk to the president or write him a note of apology... 
McKinnon said that in addition to contributing to Kirk and the other two candidates, 
he will also vote for the three Democrats in November. But he said he has learned a 

__Corporate Media Cover-up: HarperCollins Destroys 4,000 Copies of Book Exposing Jim 

HarperCollins ordered the destruction of 4,000 copies of a newly released book, 
"Trading with the Enemy: Seduction and Betrayal on Jim Cramer's Wall Street." This was 
purportedly because the subject of this exposé of corporate-media collusion and inside 
trading - James Cramer - threatened to sue for libel. Oh, boo hoo! As if the subject 
of every exposé since the dawn of publishing hasn't threatened to sue for libel! The 
reissued version of the book contains a disclaimer - from HC, not the author. Why is 
HarperCollins protecting Cramer? Especially as it now appears Cramer may indeed have 
(among other things) used info gleaned from celebrities at CNBC to conduct lucrative 
inside trades? It's just another case of the one tentacle of corporate media 
protecting another tentacle - and those tentacles include their toadies in office. 
Look at how the media continues to protect Bush, Ken Lay, and all the other creeps who 
SHOULD be in jail!

__Connecticut AG Throws Monkey Wrench into Stanley Works' Plan to Evade Taxes by 
'Moving' to Bermuda

Connecticut's Democratic Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal, filed a lawsuit "to 
block Stanley's move to Bermuda on the ground that the company, which makes tools, 
used deception to win shareholder approval of the plan." By simply filing the lawsuit, 
Blumenthal pressured Stanley Works management into scheduling a new vote by the 
shareholders. Blumenthal said, "This victory is a major win for shareholder rights, 
but the debacle has decimated the company's credibility. If there is a revote," he 
added, "we will critically scrutinize it to stop management's misleading statements 
about the move overseas. Even before any revote, Congress should close the federal tax 
loophole that is motivating Stanley Works to abandon America and Connecticut." The 
latest report is that the shareholders will have a revote.

__Companies that 'Move' to Bermuda to Evade Taxes are Spitting on America

US companies that "move" to Bermuda "are still traded on the NYSE, they still can sell 
products in America, their offices still have all the benefits of security provided by 
the American law enforcement agencies, the American Court System, and the U.S. 
Military. Several... still receive very lucrative U.S. Government contracts. They can 
still lobby congress, they can still do every single thing they could do before the 
move, but they just don't have to pay those oppressive U.S. taxes. Now let me get this 
straight. We're fighting a war right now to protect our very way of life. Our budget 
is back in deficit again. The government is on the border of being forced to default 
on the national debt. In the midst of all this turmoil, the patriotic response of 
these companies is to buy a mailbox in Bermuda so that they don't have to pay their 
portion of these expenses... How in the world can these people live with themselves?" 
So writes Brian Balta in the Hoosier Review of Indiana U.

__In the Ohio Democratic Primary, Voters 'Fast Track' Rep. Tom Sawyer from the 
Congressional Race

"These 'trade agreements' are actually 'corporate governance agreements' as they shift 
power and authority from elected officeholders... to corporations. By wagging a magic 
wand over local, state and federal laws that at least modestly protects the 
environment, human rights, workers, and local/state sovereignty, corporations claim 
under NAFTA that such laws are 'impediments to trade' and therefore, shazam, should 
disappear to allow corporations and capital to move where they want, when they want, 
however they want... Yet for people concerned about corporate globalization, Tom 
Sawyer is not the real problem. Corporate governance is. 'Global trade' is not 
innately bad, only so when corporations possess the power to determine global trade 
rules. 'Fair trade' can be equitable and sustainable, but only so when corporations 
aren't in the drivers seat defining workers rights and the environment as toothless 
'side agreements.'" So writes Greg Coleridge of the Economic Justice Program.

__GOP 'Family Values'? Newt Wants an Anulment

The AP reports, "Newt Gingrich is asking the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta for an 
annulment of his second marriage, which ended in divorce after 19 years. Gingrich's 
second wife, Marianne Gingrich, said Thursday through her attorney that she learned of 
the request this week when she received a letter from the archdiocese. The letter, 
given to The Associated Press, says the annulment request is based on the fact 
Marianne Gingrich was married previously. Archdiocese officials did not immediately 
return a call seeking comment 'We were married 19 years, and now he wants to say it 
didn't exist,' Marianne Gingrich told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution." So would that 
mean that Newt was having sex out of wedlock for 19 years? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE, BILL 

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