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 Greetings. TRAC has prepared a special report on
 terrorism enforcement.  To give you some reporting
 time it is embargoed for Monday, December 3. Using
 extensive internal Justice Department data TRAC
 just received under court order, the report provides
 the most complete and timely portrait ever available
 about the federal government's investigation and
 prosecution of international and domestic terrorism.
 Based on analyses by TRAC's co-directors, the report
 covers the five-year period through September 30 of
 this year and includes summary text and numerous tables
 and graphs.

 Many findings -- only a tiny fraction of FBI terrorism
 investigations in the last five years resulted in the
 bureau actually requesting a  prosecution... even when
 agencies make terrorism referrals federal prosecutors
 declined to bring charges against more than two out of
 three of them... if convicted, many  receive little prison
 time...  how volume of terrorism referrals compare across
 the county. For even more detailed referral-by-referral
 data about terrorism - and a huge range of information about
 many other aspects of the federal government - you may want
 to become a TRACFED subscriber.

 To access the on-line report, go to http://trac.syr.edu/media

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Syracuse University
488 Newhouse II
Syracuse, NY  13244-2100
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