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As new FAQs on 9-11 are written they will be posted on the FAQ page at 
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/indict/faq.htm .

FAQ #2: "You charge that the military was made to stand down on 9-11. But planes did 
scramble. They just arrived late."
[Expanded version, Posted 5 January 2002]


The new cover story, that "the planes were sent up but they arrived too late" also 
arrived pretty late: it was first put forth on September 14th on the CBS 6 PM news. 
Until that time, top officials said that no planes were scrambled to protect 
Washington, DC until after the Pentagon was hit. Vice President Cheney was giving out 
the old story as late as September 16th on the NBC TV program, MEET THE PRESS...(1a)

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!" - Sir Walter 


This is the CBS cover story we mentioned in Section 1 of our Summary of Evidence. (1)

According to this cover story, jets were scrambled from Otis Air Force Base on Cape 
Cod to intercept Flight 11, the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. 
Also, supposedly, jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base to intercept 
American Flight 77, the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. In both cases, the 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) supposedly called for the interceptors too late. 
Also, Otis AFB is about 185 miles from New York and Langley AFB is 129 miles from 
Washington, DC. So the interceptors supposedly had too far to travel.

Dan Rather broadcast this cover story on the CBS 6:00 news, September 14th. This was 
the first time that anybody said planes were scrambled from Langley AFB on 9-11. We 
did a little research and found 31 references to Langley in the English-speaking mass 
media, that is newspapers & TV, worldwide, between September 11th and the CBS News at 
6 PM on the 14th.

Not one of these news reports about Langley Air Force Base mentioned Dan Rather's 
excellent new fact!

General Richard B. Myers, Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9-11, 
appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 13th. He testified at 
great length. The Senators asked him three times about the failure to scramble planes 
on 9-11. But Myers said nothing about planes scrambling from Langley Air Force base, 
where he had been stationed from 1987 to 1990. (3)

Apparently there was a communications problem getting the new cover story to some top 
officials. For instance, as late as September 16th, Vice President Cheney was telling 
'MEET THE PRESS' that George Bush personally made the decision to send up interceptors 
and suggesting he had done so only after the Pentagon was hit. (1a)

And during a CBS News Special on September 12th, Dan Rather asked CBS Military 
Consultant Major Mitch Mitchell:

"These hijacked aircraft were in the air for quite a while, they made unusual turns, 
to say the least. Would--why doesn't the Pentagon have the kind of protection that 
they can get a fighter--interceptor aircraft up, and if someone is going to plow an 
aircraft into the Pentagon, that we have at least some--some line of defense?" --CBS 
News Special Report (12:00 Noon PM ET) - September 12, 2001 "Aftermath of and 
investigation into attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon." (1b)

Nobody contradicted the Dan Rather of September 12th until the new reality was 
unveiled by the Dan Rather of September 14th.

How amazing that fighter jets could be scrambled from Langley before the Pentagon was 
hit without a single top leader of the military or the Bush administration knowing it 

What a relief for President Bush, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers (who 
happens to be the most powerful general in the Air Force) and Dan Rather himself to 
learn the good news from Dan Rather on the six o'clock news, September 14th: the Air 
Force had indeed sent up interceptors. It was just that nobody knew...

Read the transcript of that CBS news program. You will see that Rather cites no source 
for his new 'information.' He just says, casually, "CBS News has learned..." (2)

Four (4) days later, also without a word of explanation for this rewriting of history, 
NORAD incorporated the CBS report in its official timeline. The Langley interceptors 
had become a Fact.

We will explore several problems with the CBS/NORAD cover story in 
soon-to-be-published sections of the Summary of Evidence.

The following may be of particular interest.

First, the move from "we didn't put planes up until after the Pentagon was hit," which 
was the official story until Sept. 13th, to "we put planes up before the first World 
Trade Center attack," was for the most part carried out during General Richard B. 
Myers' testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 13th.

Second, if you read the transcript of that Senate hearing, (3) you can witness the new 
cover story being constructed right before your eyes.

Under pressure from the Senators to come up with something convincing, Myers twice 
changed his testimony, putting forward three entirely different versions of what 
happened September 11th. Myers' last 'reality' was pretty close to what Dan Rather 
reported at 6 PM the next day. In between, Myers and the Senators went into a closed 
(i.e., secret) session.

Here is an excerpt from Senator Bill Nelson's comments at the Armed Services Committee 
hearing. Note if you will the highly suggestive language, phrases such as, "Perhaps we 
want to do this in our session, in executive [i.e., secret]  session," and "I leave it 
to you as to how you would like to answer it. But we would like an answer." He doesn't 
outright say, "Your cover story stinks." But he sure suggests it:

BILL NELSON: Perhaps we want to do this in our session, in executive [i.e., secret]  
session. But my question is an obvious one for not only this committee, but for the 
executive branch and the military establishment.  If we knew that there was a general 
threat on terrorist activity, which we did, and we suddenly have two trade towers in 
New York being obviously hit by terrorist activity, of commercial airliners taken off 
course from Boston to Los Angeles, then what happened to the response of the defense 
establishment once we saw the diversion of the aircraft headed west from Dulles 
turning around 180 degrees and, likewise, in the aircraft taking off from Newark and, 
in flight, turning 180 degrees? That's the question.  I leave it to you as to how you 
would like to answer it. But we would like an answer." (4)

The CBS/NORAD cover story did not successfully answer Nelson's questions.

That is, since planes were flying into buildings, and since Washington, DC was the 
city most likely to be the next target, why would planes be scrambled all the way from 
Langley Air Force Base, 129 miles from Washington, as late as 9:30? Why wouldn't they 
be scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base, 10 miles from the Pentagon, at around 8:50, 
when the military knew that a hijacked plane had hit the World Trade Center? Or at 
9:06, when, we are told, the FAA ordered all planes grounded, from Washington, DC to 
Cleveland! (5)

The irrationality of the CBS/NORAD cover story supports our charge that the military 
was in fact ordered to stand down on 9-11.

Emperor's Clothes Urgently Needs
Your Help!
[See Below]

Footnotes and Further Reading:

For more facts and analysis contradicting the official position on 9-11, see 
'EMPEROR'S CLOTHES ARTICLES ON 9-11 * A GUIDE,' which can be read at 
Alternative address is http://emperor.vwh.net/indict/911page.htm

(1) The "planes were scrambled from Langley" cover story was mentioned in Section 1: 
'Why Were None of the Hijacked Planes Intercepted?'
The following link takes you to the place where it is mentioned:

(1a) 'NBC, Meet the Press' (10:00 AM ET) Sunday 16 September 2001.
Full transcript at:
Backup transcript at:

Cheney's remarks are discussed in 'Mr. Cheney's Cover Story.' at 

(1b) CBS News Special Report (12:00 Noon PM ET) - September 12, 2001 "Aftermath of and 
investigation into attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon at 

(2) To read the new cover story floated by CBS on 14 September go to 

(3) Senate confirmation hearing on Gen. Richard B. Myers' nomination as Chairman of 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 13 September 2001
Full transcript at:

(4) Comments by Bill Nelson at Senate confirmation hearing on Gen. Richard B. Myers' 
nomination as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 13 September 2001

(5) 'Newsday,' September 23, 2001, 'AMERICA'S ORDEAL; Where System Failed; Air attack 
on Pentagon indicates weaknesses,' by Sylvia Adcock, Brian Donovan and Craig Gordon. 
The direct link is

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[This appeal was posted January 2002]

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