The major media has tried to frame private investigative
  journalists such as James Sanders and myself as having
  invented the story that the military was involved in the
  crash of TWA Flight 800. That sham is exposed by the fact
  that the first reports of a possible connection to the
  military came from the major media itself. As Chris Bury
  said only hours after the crash on Nightline (7/17/96):

    "The U.S. Coast Guard tells Nightline that about
    8:30 tonight, a New York State Air National Guard
    C-130 was performing some kind of pyrotechnic exercise,
    perhaps setting off flares, off the southern shore of
    Long Island..." [The time of the crash was 8:31 PM.]

  Bury then reported that calls came in right away of "flares"
  being fired and he hypothesized a connection between witness
  accounts of flares and the activities of the C-130, saying:

    "At about 8:30 tonight they got numerous calls both
    from boaters and from people on Long Island of perhaps
    flares going off from this C-130." [It turned out that
    the flares eyewitnesses observed were shooting upwards,
    such as revealed in an account given on Nightline that
    night: ]

  ABC anchor Chris Bury then committed perhaps the last act
  of investigative inquiry by the major media in the Flight
  800 case when he questioned: "Did the C-130 have anything
  to do with tonight's crash?" The official answer was "no,"
  and a few days later the stated location of the C-130,
  along with that of other military assets, was changed from
  having been close to the crash to having been further away
  and not involved in any kind of "pyrotechnic exercise."
  The Coast Guard's report on Nightline was then forgotten.

  At the FBI's final Flight 800 press conference (11/17/97)
  a reporter observed: "Within 24 hours of this disaster
  there were stories of military friendly fire circulating;
  they were not stories that happened later." Even as the
  major media knows that, they consistently frame friendly-
  fire theories as a hoax created later by individuals
  like James Sanders and myself. The major media have made
  no real effort to challenge the government; they have
  instead bent over backwards to defend the government
  and inflict catastrophic injury upon private individuals
  who display the rare courage to challenge the government.

  Perhaps the most injured individual has been James Sanders,
  who was financially wiped out while unsuccessfully defending
  his right to engage in time-honored investigative journalism
  after his inside source removed small pieces of evidence to
  ( be subjected to independent
  testing. Sanders even gave CBS some of the material so that
  they too could test it, but they obediently returned it to
  the FBI without testing it or telling their viewers about
  it. The following is the first part of a series on James
  Sanders, who has paid a high price for speaking out:

    ================== NEWSMAX.COM ===================

    TWA 800: 'Obstruction of Justice Was Ongoing'

    January 11, 2000

    First in a exclusive series of
    installments based on James D. Sanders' book
    "Altered Evidence," exposing the government's
    tampering with evidence, cover-up and misleading
    the public in the crash of TWA Flight 800.

    It has it all: political villains, a lawless
    "Justice" Department and government shills
    masquerading as major media journalists.

    Two hundred thirty-five years ago John Adams
    warned that "Liberty cannot be preserved without
    a general knowledge among the people, who have a
    right . . . and a desire to know; but besides this,
    they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable,
    indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and
    envied kind of knowledge, I mean of the characters
    and conduct of their rulers."

    The Clinton administration began its shameful
    march through the 1990s by framing Billy Dale,
    longtime head of the White House Travel Office.
    The FBI enthusiastically joined in the mandated
    witch hunt to use the awesome power entrusted by
    "We The People" to the government in a shameless
    effort to frame and destroy Dale.

    Simultaneously, the Justice Department engaged in
    a sordid affair now simply known as "Waco," and
    the cover-up of the death of Vince Foster soon

    Bimbo eruptions saw White House harassment,
    intimidation and vilification of a multitude of

    Every step of the way, major media's first reaction
    has been to help the Clinton administration destroy
    the messenger. Reluctantly, grudgingly, major media
    have occasionally engaged in timid, superficial
    coverage of the immoral/unethical/criminal act of
    the moment. But never, ever have major media sallied
    forth when the end result could be the destruction
    of the Clinton administration.

    "Altered Evidence" gives the reader an inside view
    of what happens in America today when a journalist
    takes on a hopelessly corrupt government. The
    introduction to "Altered Evidence" by James
    Sanders follows.

                        * * *

    I'm a retired police officer and investigative
    journalist. For almost 15 years I have used the
    skills learned on the job in Southern California
    law enforcement to investigate wrongdoing within
    the federal government. This is my fourth book
    related to the subject.

    On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747
    with 230 passengers and crew, crashed less than 10
    miles south of Long Island. All on board died.

    During the first hours after the crash, the airwaves
    were filled with eyewitness accounts of a missile
    streaking up into the air and a plane falling from
    the sky.

    Within two months the New York Times was
    carrying Flight 800 stories that sounded more like
    FBI propaganda than journalism. And NBC Evening
    News became the preferred method by which the
    National Transportation Safety Board began to spin
    a story around a mysterious mechanical event that
    may have been the cause of it all.

    Reporters began to tell me stories that questioned
    the official government line, intimating that it had
    been spiked. Stories about Navy divers removing
    highly sensitive debris from the ocean floor within
    48 hours after the crash; about military officers
    admitting off the record that a major "screw-up" had
    caused the crash; that Navy sources were talking of
    a large concentration of Navy ships south of Long
    Island, the launch of a drone and "friendly fire."

    I eventually developed sources within the
    government and the Flight 800 investigation. A
    stream of documents -- and forensic evidence --
    became available establishing beyond a doubt that
    obstruction of justice was ongoing at the
    senior-most levels of those government agencies
    that controlled the investigation.

    I wrote a book entitled "The Downing of TWA
    Flight 800." Released in April 1997, it provided
    the American public with a view of the TWA Flight
    800 investigation never before revealed.

    Next: Missile Evidence Doesn't Lie


    You may order your copy of James D. Sanders'
    book "Altered Evidence" from's Book

    For more on TWA Flight 800, visit Hot Topics.



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