Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:05:58 -0500
Subject: my website re: George H.W. Bush in WW2

Hello Mr. Lederman:
    I read your website section on the Bush family's ties to Nazis in WW2.

You might like to check my website for the rather funny-looking records
of George H. W. Bush in June, 1944. Was he a courier or attempting to be
a courier for the Standard Oil Company?
    Records of the carriers and destroyers involved in operations with Bush
on June 19, 1944, look odd. I've checked numerous records around these
in time, for comparison purposes. In the summer of 1944, Loftus and
Aarons tell us in _Secret War Against the Jews_, Allen Dulles was
actively--and illegally--attempting to negotiate a settlement with the
Axis, without FDR's approval. Dulles was a business partner of the
Rockefellers at Standard--as well as a partner of James Forrestal, also
at Standard Oil.
    The records that supposedly record Bush and crew's pickup out of the
water after an alleged water-landing on June 19, 1944, have no page
numbers, as do the other pages of the destroyer that holds these records.

    In addition, the records of the aircraft carriers in the immediate
vicinity of this alleged event are confused as to when this occurred,
and which aircraft was involved. There is confusion as to whether it was
Bush's plane, or the aircraft of Richard Houle--that is, whether the
plane involved in the water landing was Bush's, or Houle's.
    Records of the September 2, 1944 Bush bailout mission near Chi Chi Jima
island are also odd-looking, in this sense: there is no date on the
squadron commander's log, though this date was originally apparently
there. Someone seems to have removed it, according to investigators,
such as the authors of _The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush_. Why
would someone go into a WW2 warship log and remove a date?
    Relating to this, Naval records show that Bush was listed as "missing in
action" (MIA) during WW2. Current methodology, at least, tends to use
the standard of 48 hours. Yet, current records about Bush, supposedly
based on the Chi Chi Jima bailout, show Bush was never missing for more
than four hours, and that, related to the Chi Chi Jima raid.
    Yet, the odd-looking ships' records on June 19, 1944, suggest some
confusion as to where Bush was that day. The second record as to Bush's
crew, which also appears in the log of the same destroyer that
supposedly picked them up on June 19, 1944, is on June 21, 1944. In that
second record, the descriptions of Bush and crew are more extensive than
they were on the supposed "first" reference of the June 19 log. That
June 19 record is missing page numbers and such traits as the word
"continued" to show connection to other pages. When the page numbers do
finally resume in the CK Bronson's log, there is no allowance in the
numbering for this--that is, the numbers stop at 598, and resume at 599.
In between, is an un-numbered page, without the word "continued", that
refers to the June 19, 1944 pickup of Bush's crew.
    I've done extensive comparison of the CK Bronson's log to other pages on
other dates. I've also compared the other destroyers and aircraft
carriers involved in his pickup on that date, and found these to be
odd-looking, as well.
    Bush took off from his carrier, the San Jacinto, in the late morning of
June 19, 1944. But when he returned, how, and in what circumstances, is
much murkier. At this time, a critical juncture was occurring in
Dulles's and the Rockefellers' political position. They knew that, after
the War, they'd be prosecuted for treason (as they were: in 1947, as you
no doubt know, Standard Oil was found guilty of violating the Trading
with the Enemy Act), if FDR remained in office.
    They were desperate to defeat or weaken FDR politically, therefore.
idea was to negotiate a "separate peace" with the Axis that they could
present to American voters in 1944: that the Japanese and Germans would
offer to make peace with the Western Allies, but remain at war with the
    Loftus and Aarons tell us, in _Secret War Against the Jews_, that Dulles
used couriers to communicate during this time to communicate with Axis
negotiators. One group of couriers operated out of Japanese-occupied
Manchuria. They worked with the Vatican. One thing Dulles was trying to
do, was work with the Japanese to get them to go along with such a
possible negotiated settlement
    Anyway, please see my website. The evidence is more extensive than you
might think that GHW Bush was in some way "out of pocket" on June 19,
1944. Dulles was his father's attorney and business partner.
            Best wishes,
                Max Standridge
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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