-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: Bush Will Lose (if you fwd this) even more AWOL dirt to stick

Bush may lose and you can help.
Send this around and help bring about some needed regime change.

Y'see, Bush's avoidance of Vietnam is a lot worse than you may have thought.
Below are a lot more facts and questions than are currently on the table
foot/link-notes) from last time Bush dodged this AWOL bullet during his 2000
campaign. (In fact, I (Jim Kendall, hi!) have been sitting on this link for
nearly a year, waiting to send it to YOU to help get this to stick.) Most
all of
this stuff has been out on the public record since 1999.

NOTE: There's over a dozen "new" items here and each can be a big national

Bottom line: First, what Bush and his family and his friends did to get the
young man out of Vietnam was disgrace, even criminal. Then, since his
in politics started, what these same players have done by flat-out lies and
endless weaseling (and the likely destruction of evidence) compounds their
and criminalty. And most of all, knowing how the media-electoral complex
works, well, "we got him." Feel this momentum building! Have no doubt: this
will "resonate with voters."

Help tip the balance, and forward it fast.

If you doubt how serious this is getting for our president, you must have
seen or read the transcript of Scott McClellan's positively surreal
performance in his press conference as the "conclusive" pay records were
handed out. I
have never ever read ANYTHING so amazing in terms of lame political BS,
astonishing: even neonixonian! You can actually see the cracks opening and
widening in Bunker Bush.

(Google can get you there fast for a read or streaming. But, the best SHORT
update I've found on all these breaking developments is from the Nation's
washington correspondant, David Corn. Go to thenation.com, see "W as in
AWOL: Case
Not Closed," 02/11/2. Corn also includes some of the most breath-taking
exchanges between McClellan and the press corps. Terribly enjoyable reading,
let me
tell you.)

KEEP the FAITH, my fellow americans...
we shall overcome

jim kendall

(ps. Most of the facts and questions below are also in Molly Ivin's amazing
book "Shrub", also from 1999.
Plus, this Texan has a lovely sense of humor, hardballs and all.)


from http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm

(written during the first George W. Bush presidential campaign)

How Bush Avoided the Vietnam War

Most people have heard something about George W. Bush pulling strings to get
into the Texas Air Guard. But the press, while reporting lots of details,
done a poor job of communicating how consistently and shamelessly Bush Jr.
sought and received favorable treatment while he avoided Vietnam.
Furthermore, his story has repeatedly changed -- he has weaseled like
at his worst and even flat-out lied when explaining what happened.
To put it in perspective, here are 9 ways Bush got favored treatment in the
service due to his political connections (he was then son of a Congressman
grandson of a former Senator):

1) He got into the Guard by pulling strings, avoiding the year and a half
waiting list;
2) He took a 2-month vacation in Florida after just 8 weeks, (1 of 3
to work on a political campaign;
3) Bush skipped Officer Candidate School and got a special commission as a
2nd Lieutenant, without qualifications;
4) He was assigned to a safe plane (being phased out of active service), the
F-102 ;
5) During flight school, he was flown on a government jet to Washington for
date with President Nixon's daughter Tricia ;
6) Bush got an illegal transfer (later overruled) to a base with no work;
7) He simply didn't show up for a YEAR, with no penalty;
8) George W. skipped all his medical exams after they started drug tests,
was removed from flight status;
9) He ended his service 10 months early to go to Harvard Business School;

Here are the details:

1. Pulled Strings to Get In.

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student
draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat.
National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam,
had a
huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men
Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was
admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list.
Bush's unit commander, Col. "Buck" Staudt, was so excited about his VIP
recruit that he staged a special ceremony for the press so he could have his
picture taken administering the oath (even though the official oath had been
by a captain earlier.)
Bush and his allies have tried to deny this with several changing stories,
but Bush himself admits lobbying commander Staudt, who approved him, and
documents confirm that close family friend and oil magnate Sid Adger called
Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes, who called General James Rose, the
head of
the Texas Air National Guard, to get Bush in. Rose, who is now dead, told
friend and former legislator Jake Johnson that "I got that Republican
congressman's son from Houston into the Guard."
Staudt's unit, the 147th, was infamous as a nesting place for politically
connected and celebrity draft avoiders. Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen's
was in the unit, as was Republican Senator John Tower's, both of Sid Adger's
sons and at least 7 members of the Dallas Cowboys.

2. Took a 2 month vacation in Florida after 8 weeks in the Guard.

Just 8 weeks after joining, Bush was granted 2 months leave to go to Florida
and work on a political campaign, the Senate race of Republican Edward
Bush took a leave every election season, in 1970 to work on his dad's
campaign, and in 1972 to work in Alabama.

3. Skipped Officer Candidate School and got a special commission as 2nd Lt.

As soon as Bush completed basic training, his commander approved him for a
"direct appointment", which made him an officer without having to go through
usual (and difficult) Officer Candidate School. This special procedure also
got Bush into flight school, despite his very low scores on aptitude
tests --
he scored 25% on a pilot aptitude test, the absolute lowest acceptable
and 50% for navigator aptitude. (Bush did score 95% on the easier officer
quality test, but then again the average is 88%).
What made Bush's appointment doubly unusual was his total lack of special
qualifications. This procedure was generally reserved for applicants with
exceptional experience or skills, such as ROTC training or engineering,
medical or
aviation skills. Tom Hail, a historian for the Texas Air National Guard,
reviewed the Guard's records on Bush for a special exhibit on his service
after Bush
became governor. Asked about Bush's direct appointment without special
Hail said "I've never heard of that. Generally they did that for doctors
only, mostly because we needed extra flight surgeons."
Charles Shoemake, an Air Force veteran who later joined the Texas Air
National Guard and retired as a full colonel, said that direct appointments
were rare
and hard to get, and required extensive credentials. Asked about Bush, he
said "His name didn't hurt, obviously. But it was a commander's decision in
Despite Bush Jr.'s weak qualifications, Col. Staudt was so excited about the
direct appointment that he saged another special ceremony for the press,
time with Bush's father the congressman standing prominently in the
The direct appointment process was discontinued in the 1970s.

4. Assigned to a safe plane -- the F-102 -- that was being phased out.

As Bush has been quick to note, National Guard members do face the chance of
being called up for active duty, though few actually did during the Vietnam
war. So what a lucky break for Bush that he was assigned to fly the F-102
Dagger, a plane already being phased out. In fact, the Air Force had ordered
all overseas F-102 units shut down as of June 30, 1970 -- just 3 months
Bush finished his training. Since training is so airplane specific, Bush was
guaranteed from the beginning to be safe from combat.
Bush's campaign has even used his training on the obsolete plane to justify
his early discharge, almost a year before his scheduled discharge, since
F-102 pilots were also being released early. But they can't answer the
question -- why spend so much money to train a National Guardsman for 2
on a plane that was already being phased out, at a time when the Guard was
letting F102 pilots leave early due to oversupply?

5. Celebrity Political Date.

During his flight training, Bush's celebrity showed in a couple of ways.
famously, President Nixon sent a jet to pick up the young flight student for
a date with his daughter Tricia. Alas, the potential political marriage and
dynasty was not to be. Also, the commencement speaker at Bush's graduation
ceremony was -- his dad, Congressman George Bush Sr.

6. Illegal, overruled transfer to a base with no work.

In 1972, Bush once again wanted to work on a political campaign, this time
Alabama. He applied for a transfer to a nearly defunct base with no active
training or work, the 9921st Air Reserve Squadrom at Maxwell Air Force Base
Alabama. Bush's supervisors approved, but a higher headquarters overruled
noting that the unit had no regular drills.
Lt. Col. Reese Bricken, the unit's commander, told the Boston Globe "We met
just one weeknight a month. We were only a postal unit. We had no airplanes.
had no pilots. We had no nothing." Even Albert Lloyd Jr., a retired Air
colonel who is helping the Bush campaign clarify the candidate's service,
told the Globe he was mystified why Bush's superiors at the time would
duty at such a unit. Lloyd was personnel director of the Texas Air Guard
1969 to 1995.
Now, the officer who did that has stepped forward and very directly admitted
that he tried to get the easiest possible assignment for Bush. The personnel
officer in charge of Bush's 147th Fighter Group, now-retired Col. Rufus G.
Martin, says he tried to give Bush a light load when he told him to apply to
9921st Air Reserve Squadron in Montgomery, Ala. Martin said in an interview
that he knew Bush wasn't eligible for the 9921st, an unpaid, general
squadron that met once a week to hear lectures on first aid and the like.
"However," he said, "I thought it was worth a try. . . . It was the least
participation of any type of unit."

7. Just didn't show up for a year -- with no punishment.

National Guard records and Bush's own supervisor's and friends show no sign
of him attending any drills or performing any service for nearly a year,
May 1972 until May 1973. This period began with Bush moving to Alabama for a
political campaign.
He later applied to transfer to a base that had no work; the transfer was
first approved, then cancelled. Bush did nothing for several months; then in
September he applied to transfer to Alabama's 187th Tactical Recon group for
months. This was approved, but the unit's commander, General William
and his then admnistrative officer, Kenneth Lott, have both said that Bush
never showed up. "Had he reported in, I would have had some recall, and I do
not," said Turnipseed. "I had been in Texas, done my flight training there.
If we
had had a first lieutenant from Texas, I would have remembered."
Bush claims that he did some work in Alabama, but can't remember any
âI canât remember what I did,â he said. âI justâI fulfilled my obligation."
Despite 2 years of searching through hundreds of records, his campaign has
been unable to find any record of Bush's service there, nor could they find
single fellow serviceman who remembers his presence. The best they could
was an ex-girlfriend from Alabama -- Emily Marks --who said George told her
he would have to do some Guard duty later that year (1972) in Montgomery.
all that confirms is that he knew of his obligation.
In December 1972, Bush returned to Houston and was scheduled to resume duty
there. But in May 1973, Bush's supervising pilots wrote in his annual
efficiency report: "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the
period of
the report" (i.e. through April 30, 1972). Bush described one of the
supervisors, the late Col. Jerry Killian, as a personal friend, so it's
likely he would
have noticed Bush and given him the benefit of the doubt. Later that month,
special orders commanded Bush to appear for active duty. He served 36 days
active duty during May, June and July before leaving the Guard early.
Amazingly, Bush was not disciplined in any way for his absence, and received
an honorable discharge. Under Air National Guard rules at that time,
who missed duty could be reported to their Selective Service Board and
inducted into the Army as draftees.

8. Skipped all his medical exams after they started drug tests.

In April 1972, the military started including routine drug tests in
servicemen's annual physical exam, including urinalysis, questions about
drugs and "a
close examination of the nasal cavities" (for cocaine). According to the
regulation, the medical took place in the month after the serviceman's
birthday. For
George W. Bush, this meant August 1972.
It was May, 1972 -- one month after the drug testing was announced -- that
Bush stopped attending Guard duty. In August 1972, he was suspended from
duty for failing to take his physical. (Click here to see the document.) A
Bush campaign spokesman confirmed to the London Sunday Times that Bush knew
would be suspended. "He knew the suspension would have to take place." Bush
never flew again, even though he returned to his Houston base where Guard
flew thousands of hours in the F-102 during 1973. The only barrier to him
flying again was a medical exam (and his lack of attendance).
Careful readers will recall that when Bush issued his partial denial of drug
use, he said (or implied) that he hadn't used them since 1974, but he
pointedly refused to deny drug use before then, i.e. during his military
Several sources have also indicated that it was in December, 1972 -- 4
after his medical suspension -- that a drunk Bush Jr. challenged his father
to a
fist fight during an argument over the son's drunk driving. (He had run over
neighbor's garbage cans.) Shortly thereafter, Bush Sr. arranged for his son
do community service at an inner city Houston charity.
Bush's campaign aides first said he did not take the physical because he was
in Alabama and his personal physician was in Houston. But flight physicals
be administered only by certified Air Force flight surgeons, and some were
assigned at the time to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, where Bush was
living. The staff now admits that this explanation was wrong.
9. Left service 10 months early.

Even after that easy stint, Bush couldn't fulfill his obligation. He quickly
made up the missed days he had to and applied for an early release, before
had to take his next annual physical exam (with drug test.) While the
discharge date was October 1, 1973, Bush's last day in uniform was actually
July 31 -- a full 10 months before the end of his 6-year, part time
Al Gore also requested and received an early discharge (from the Army, in
case) to go to school.

Weasel words; his story keeps changing.

When asked about his service, Bush has lied, changed his story repeatedly,
and weaseled in a manner eerily reminiscent of Bill Clinton. First of all,
has flat-out lied. In his official autobiography, ''A Charge to Keep,'' Bush
said he flew with his unit for ''several years'' after finishing flight
in June 1970. His campaign biography states that he flew with the unit until
he won release from the service in September 1973, nine months early, for
graduate school. Both statements are lies. Bush only flew with the 111th for
year and 10 months, until April 1972 when he was suspended for failing to
his medical exam (and drug test), and never flew again.
Then there is his Clintonesque weaseling and word choice. Bush and his
campaign claimed that no Bush family or friends pulled strings. Under
pressure, this
changed to "All I know is anybody named George Bush did not ask him [Ben
Barnes] for help." By that he meant, himself or his dad. Of course, it later
out in court that a close Bush friend, Simon Adger, had asked Barnes to get
Bush Jr. into the Guard, and that Barnes did so, via General Rose.
Now's it's not even clear that a George Bush didn't ask for help. When
pressed, the former president's spokeswoman (Jean Becker) said he is "almost
positive" that he and Mr. Adger never discussed the Guard matter. "He [Bush
Sr.] he
is fairly certain - I mean he doesn't remember everything that happened in
1960s..." In any case, Bush Sr. and Adger were very close. Ms. Becker
acknowledged that "President Bush knew Sid Adger well. He loved him." Adger
may have
needed only a hint.
Furthermore, George Bush Jr. admits that he knew Adger socially at the time,
and further admits that he lobbied Col. "Buck" Staudt, the commander of the
VIP unit Bush joined. Staudt claims that he, not General Rose (who he later
replaced), was the one who made the decision on admissions anyway. Bush Jr.
that he met Staudt in late 1967, during Christmas vacation of his senior
year, called him later, and -- in Bush's words -- "found out what it took to
When asked how Bush came to call Staudt, his spokeswoman Karen Hughes said
"heard from friends while he was home over the Christmas break that ...
Colonel Staudt was the person to contact." She says that Bush doesn't recall
those "friends" were. But we know that Sid Adger was also a friend of
served with him on the Houston Chamber of Commerce's Aviation Committee, and
in 1967 held a luncheon honoring Gen. Staudt and his unit for winning an Air
Force commendation. In fact, both of Adger's sons also joined General
unit, in 1966 and 1968 respectively.
Bush and his staff also claim that he vaulted ahead of the Air Guard waiting
list because he was willing to fly an airplane, and there were openings.
is nothing to support this claim, however. For one thing, the F-102 was
phased out at the time and F-102 pilots were being released from service
early, as indeed Bush himself was. And Tom Hail, a historian for the Texas
National Guard, says flatly that there was no pilot shortage in the Guard
squadron at that time. Bush's unit had 27 pilots at the time he applied;
while they
were authorized for 29 pilots, there were two more already in training and
awaiting a transfer.
Bush also weasels on whether he was avoiding combat or not. He has stated on
several occasions that he did not want to be an infantryman, and
that he came to oppose the war itself. He claims that he joined the guard to
fly planes, and would have been happy to go to Vietnam, but ignores the
choice of the Air Force or the Navy -- which his dad, a genuine war hero,
joined. Furthermore, when he signed up for the Guard, he checked a box
saying "Do
not volunteer for overseas service." Later, he made a perfunctory
to transfer to a program called "Palace Alert", which dispatched F-102
to Europe or the Far East -- and just occasionally Vietnam -- for 3 or 6
month assignments. But Bush was not nearly qualified, as he must have known,
was immediately turned down, and the F-102 not used overseas after June,
in any case.
And, as noted above, his story also changed on why he refused to take a
medical exam -- including a drug test - in 1972. (The refusal ended Bush's
career.) His staff first claimed that he didn't take the physical because he
was in Alabama and his personal physician was in Houston. But flight
can be administered only by certified Air Force flight surgeons, and there
surgeons assigned at the time to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, where
Bush was living. His staff now admits that that explanation was "wrong",
without saying where it came from or what the real reason was.

Draft & National Guard Sources

Avoiding Vietnam (and National Guard Favoritism) Sources

Here is an web site with actual photos of the military documents from Bush's
career: http://www.cis.net/~coldfeet/document.htm
"2 Democrats: Bush Let Guard Down", By George Lardner Jr. and Howard Kurtz,
Washington Post, November 3, 2000; Page A22
Questions remain on Bush's service as Guard pilot , By Walter V. Robinson,
Boston Globe, 10/31/2000, pA14
"1-Year gap in Bush's Guard duty", by Walter Robinson, Boston Globe, May 23,
"Ex-Lawmaker Says He Helped Bush Join the Guard in Vietnam War", by Jim
Yardley, New York Times, September 27, 1999
"Barnes moves to block questions about Bush, Guard", by Ken Herman, Austin
American-Statesman, September 9, 1999
"Records of Bush's Ala. Military Duty Can't Be Found", by Wayne Slater,
Dallas Morning News, June 26, 2000 pA06
"Friends: Barnes was asked to help get Bush in Guard", by George Kuempel and
Pete Slover, Dallas Morning News, Sept. 8, 1999
"Texas Speaker Reportedly Helped Bush Get Into Guard", by George Lardner,
Jr., Washington Post, Setember 21, 1999 pA04
"Bush's Air Guard career an unusually easy flight", by Richard Serrano, Los
Angeles Times (reprinted in the San Francisco Chronicle), July 4, 1999 pA-6
"At Height of Vietnam, Graduate Picks Guard", by George Lardner Jr. and Lois
Romano, Washington Post, July 28, 1999 pA01
"Bush flies into an air force cocaine cloud", by Tom Rhodes, The London
Sunday Times, June 18, 2000
"Ex-Pol at Center of Bush Flap", by Michael Holmes (AP), Washington Post,
September 8, 1999
"Barnes says he urged Guard slot for Bush", by Pete Slover and George
Kuempel, Dallas Morning News, September 29, 1999
"Adviser asked Barnes to recall Guard details before Bush joined race", by
Pete Slover and George Kuempel, Dallas Morning News, September 26, 1999
"Bush Worked Campaign While in Guard", by Chris Williams (AP), Washington
Post, May 23, 2000 "Gtech settles Littwin lawsuit", by Ken Herman, Austin
American-Statesman, October 30, 1999 Gtech paid Littwin $300,000 and got a
confidentiality agreement from him.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceânot soap-boxingâplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'âwith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsâis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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