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From: Dan Byrnes
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:57 PM
Subject: The Business of Slavery

Dear Linda, the below will interest you. Meantime, something seems to want to bob about John and Sebastien Cabot, not quite your drift, but I have email from a woman who seems to know a fair bit about Cabot, and the maritime history and English colonial history that I tend to work on, she is into some pretty arcane researches and wants to write a book. She seems to be going ok. Anyway, I must be off, a busy day here - this book arose over Easter, and I'm still a little dizzy from the way it came together - very well, Cheers, Dan 

Dear Friends, This email is to let you know that I have just placed on the Internet a new website-book, titled "The Business of Slavery", which is actually a predecessor to my main production, "The Blackheath Connection", already on the Net and getting a regular 370 hits on average per week.

Business of Slavery is actually a dummy website, as it has no index page. It also will not present Chapter 10, or the last chapter, Chapter 13, for "security reasons" and for copyright protection.

Also, Business of Slavery is written in HTML to date. As printed book it would be 13 chapters plus introduction, about 55,00 words. I will not be able to count the footnotes till I put the final draft into a word processor.

The priority right now is to stabilise and correct the footnotes, which were blistering to gather as the theory presented is concerned with much genealogy, as well as English maritime and commercial history from around 1550 to 1710 or so.

But from today, I’ll be smoothing out the text more, and if any of the filenames indicated below are not on the Net on any given day, that will be because I have removed it from the Net for a rewrite session.

Business of Slavery presents a new theory ranged around four main themes - and crosses-over many topics in English history - I think in some novel ways. Attention is also given to the successive expressions of interest that England had, or thought it had, in what we now call Australia - terra australis incognita - and I suspect that here, I have some facts which have not been seen in print before - at least , not with any prominence - we’ll see. So I’ll be glad to have any reactions people think I should have, at this stage of writing.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Kind Regards, Dan Byrnes

http://whatson.northnet.net.au/users/zantos/merchantz.html - dummy website index page/title page

http://whatson.northnet.net.au/users/zantos/merchantz0.html - Introduction

http://whatson.northnet.net.au/users/zantos/merchantz1.html - Chapter 1











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