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Tales From the Left Side 
Welcome to the good, the bad and the ugly of American politics.  Liberal 
excesses, conservative successes.  Clowns on the left; jokers on the right.  
Catch ‘em all right here in GOP News & Views ... a daily Internet 
e-newsletter for Republican activists, supporters, political leaders and 
elected officials.  If you know someone who does not receive our FREE GOP 
News & Views briefings, send their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You 
can also now read GOP News & Views daily at: . 

Activist Alert

Gun-hatin’ talk-show motor-mouth Rosie O’Donnell is conducting an online 
“poll” to see whether people support gun control.  At last check, Rosie’s 
gun grabbers were getting trampled in their own poll.  Over 85% were saying 
they support the right to keep and bear arms.  Just 2% were in favor of gun 
control.  Help embarrass Rosie and tell her where to stick it by voting in 
the poll at: 

Uh-Oh, Nevadans ... Hide Your Silverware!

"The Post also has learned that (Hillary) Clinton will be making her first 
official trip as a senator April 12. She'll fly to Fallon, Nev., to headline 
a hearing about leukemia alongside Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate's No. 3 

- New York Post, 4/6/01 


"As President Bush ponders matters of state in the Oval Office, another 
question is percolating through the White House -- Where's Ernie? The 
six-toed cat catapulted to fame during the presidential campaign when Bush 
told the story of how he adopted the stray after his dog Spot chased the cat 
into the tree at the Texas governor's mansion. Now Ernie has disappeared."

- Reuters, 4/6/01 

Cleaning Up Behind Clinton

“So Chinese President Jiang Zemin wants an American apology because one of 
his supersonic jets knocked down a lumbering U.S. spy plane over 
international waters.  This is the kind of kowtow China had come to expect 
from the Clinton Administration, which is why President Bush needs to send 
precisely the opposite message. ... Countries that want a place in the 
civilized world don’t knock down foreign aircraft and then hold the crew 
hostage. ... The Chinese learned they could push around a U.S. led by Bill 
Clinton.  Now they are trying to find out if they can do the same to George 

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 4/5/01

Speak Softly and Carry A Small Chopstick

"The Navy and Air Force told the Clinton administration in December that 
Chinese fighter jets had begun a systematic campaign of 'buzzing' dangerously 
close to U.S. planes and ships in waters near China as early as a year ago, 
but officials failed to brief Congress, reports.  The 
provocations started in April 2000 and got closer and closer, congressional 
sources told reporter Paul Sperry, but the Pentagon did not formally complain 
to the White House until December — out of respect for its ongoing 'strategic 
partnership' with China.  'The Clinton administration wanted to keep all this 
quiet, which they did,' a senior Senate aide told the reporter on the 
condition of anonymity. 'They never told the Congress.'"

- Washington Times, 4/5/01

Once a Chinese Shill, Always a Chinese Shill

"The current crisis in China hasn't changed Bill Clinton's plan to speak at a 
Fortune magazine conference in Hong Kong next month. The New York Post's 
Deborah Orin reports that when Clinton spokeswoman Julia Payne was 'asked why 
Clinton won't simply rule out speaking in China if the 24 U.S. airmen aren't 
freed before then,' she said the question was 'too much of a hypothetical.'"

- "Best of the Web," 4/5/01

Once a Loud-mouthed Blowhard, Always a Loud-mouthed Blowhard

"They elected the symbol of Ebonics to the presidency of this nation. There 
ain't no brother in Oakland, or anywhere else, that would run the phrase or 
mix up the words the way this cat does. It raises serious questions about 
whether he's really white."

- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown on President Bush

Once a Stupid Jackass, Always a Stupid Jackass

"At a New York forum designed to 'improve dialogue between Jews and blacks,' 
Al Sharpton lashes out against his interlocutor, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, 
accusing him of 'petty back-biting.'  The Jerusalem Post reports:  'Sharpton 
went on to compare George W. Bush's electoral college victory in Florida to 
Hitler's Final Solution.  'The reality is that Hitler in his wickedness and 
evil burned millions of Jews and the only reason he didn't burn millions of 
blacks is because there were no blacks,' in Europe, said Sharpton.  
'Conservatives fighting to turn back the clock would do the same thing to 
us,' he continued, citing Florida voting problems as proof."

- "Best of the Web," 4/5/01

Enviro-Wackos Torch SUV’s 
“In a statement issued from the North American Earth Liberation Front press 
office, an anonymous environmental group claims responsibility for a fire on 
Friday that destroyed 30 sport utility vehicles at Joe Romania Chevrolet in 
Eugene, Ore. ‘We can no longer allow the rich to parade around in their 
armored existence, leaving a wasteland behind in their tracks,' the statement 
read, the Associated Press reports.” 
- “Best of the Web,”, 4/2/01 
You Have to Be Active To Be An Activist 
Contact your senator or congressman by calling:  (202) 224-3121 
Contact the White House by calling:  (202) 456-1414 
Learn Before You Get Burned 
Don’t play politics blind.  Learn what to do, how to do it and when to do it 
BEFORE throwing your hat into the ring.  Visit today 
and sign up for the FREE weekly e-newsletter, “Campaign Hot Tips.  Because 
coming in second place is like not even being there. 
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the big stuff.  Send $5 check or cash to:  Taxpayers Network Inc, W67 N222 
Evergreen Blvd #202, Cedarburg, WI  53012.   Minibook will be snailmailed 
within 2 biz days.  Thanks, Michael Riley, Founder of TNI.   See also  
*  Full-Day Campaign Training Seminar:  Grassroots Preparation conducted by 
Chuck Muth and sponsored by the Leadership Institute.  Saturday, April 21 at 
the Hampton Inn on Commercial Blvd. near Ft. Lauderdale.  Registration begins 
at 8:30 a.m., program begins at 9:00 a.m. sharp.  $25 includes lunch, seminar 
notebook and all handouts.  To reserve your spot of get additional 
information, contact John Pisula at (954) 473-6362  
Published by: 
Chuck Muth, Editor 
3659 Scotwood Street 
Las Vegas, NV  89121 
Phone:  (702) 454-0350 
Fax:  (702) 454-7798 
The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the 
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the 
opinions of the sponsors, advertisers  heck, even some of our readers.  To be 
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