So inasmuch as a religious test is not necessary to run foir any office
in this country, why does religion enter into it at all?   Religion was
used to assist in the murder of JFK, but not the reason for the KGB
equated JFK to a Gog....while some, call the KGB and Russia, the Ezekial 38 and 39 for clue here, for according to Communist
Timetable it is time to knock off another King or another President for
the new millenium is up coming.....thre will be three presidents.

So Lieberman - does he run as a Jew or as Kennedy did, does he run like
a man?

Only think, Kennedy was his own man, and now Joseph Lieberman, is lackey
to a dumhead falling on all fours moslem style, at Gore's previous feet.

So much for Mr. Integrity for I liked that guy, until he praised Gore as
new new king of the Hill.....and believe me, it would not be long before
Gore was knocked off that mountain.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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“Road to Victory” National Campaign Training Tour

*  August 10 - Chicago
*  August 12 - St. Louis
*  August 15 - Kansas City
*  August 17 - Denver
*  August 26 - San Diego

FREE!  For course agenda, exact locations and registration information, go 
to: or call Trevor at (801) 373-4735.

Cleveland Rocks!

We just wrapped up our Cleveland stop on the “Road to Victory” campaign 
training tour.  And I gotta tell ya, it was one of the finest groups of 
candidates I’ve had the pleasure to work with.  The fact that they took off 
an entire day in the middle of the week to attend the workshop says a lot 
about their commitment to winning in the fall.  Especially the folks who said 
they drove 2 1/2 HOURS to get there.  Next stop:  the Windy City.

If you haven’t signed up for one of our FREE seminars ... you should.  But 
don’t take my word for it.  Here are a few comments from some of our 
Cleveland participants...

“Already today I’ve come up with new ideas and new focus that I think will 
improve the outcome of my race.  Thank you.” - Jennifer Nichols

“I cannot think of any higher praise than:  It was worth a day off and a 2.5 
hour drive.  Thank you.” - Sam Thurber

“Until today, the only advice we could get was to ‘knock on doors.’  Chuck 
was the first to tell us how important it is to fundraise - AND how to do it. 
 This was a day well spent.” - Rebecca Nicholson

“This is my first campaign and everything presented was informative.” - Steve 

“On the money with how to win an election.” - David Kluter


Psssst.  Did you know that Al Gore’s running mate, Joe Lieberman, is ... 
Jewish?  The political pundits and intelligencia breathed a collective, “Oy 
vey” when the announcement was made.  But around the rest of the country, 
ordinary, average Americans said, “So what?”  The fact that an individual’s 
religious beliefs are no longer considered a serious factor in that person’s 
ability to get elected or hold high office says a lot about Americans. The 
fact that Al Gore used Lieberman’s religion as a determining factor in his 
selection says a lot about him, too.


Michael Dukakis, who got his butt thumped back in 1988 by George Bush the 
Elder, was thrilled with Gore’s choice for a running mate.  ‘Nuff said.

Sullying a Good Name

Al Gore selected highly-respected Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate in a 
crass attempt to cleanse himself of the ethical stench commonly known as “The 
Clinton/Gore Years.”  But as GOPN&V reader Tim Dreste pointed out, “If you 
throw a clean towel into a pile of manure, you don't clean up the manure, you 
simply end up with a permanently stained towel."  The Clinton/Gore politics 
of “reputation destruction” continues. 

Allies and Opponents

The can’t-we-all-get-along Republicans fell all over themselves on Monday 
praising Al Gore’s veep choice because he seemingly agrees with George W on a 
handful of issues.  It reminded me of something Ronald Reagan used to say:  
Someone who agrees with you 80% of the time is your ally, not your enemy.  
However ... the converse is also true:  Someone who agrees with you only 20% 
of the time is your opponent, not your friend.  We don’t know Joe Lieberman; 
he’s not a friend of ours - but Joe Lieberman is no ally to the Republican 
Party.  I’m starting to get the feeling that the GOP intends to fight for the 
White House this year with feather pillows - just as Al Gore whips out the 
brass knuckles.  Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.  Speaking of which...

W’s Lead Goes Up In Lieberman’s Smoke

“Vice President Gore on Monday chose Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, a 
political centrist sometimes called 'the conscience of the Senate,' to be his 
running mate on the Democratic ticket. ... A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken 
Monday night after Lieberman's selection shows Texas Gov. George Bush's lead 
has almost disappeared among registered voters.  Bush's lead was reduced to 2 
points, 45%-43%, in the poll that included Lieberman on the Democratic 
ticket.  That's down from 19 points among registered voters in a USA 
TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll conducted Friday and Saturday.”

- Laurence McQuillan, USA TODAY, 8/8/00

Flip-Floppin’ In the Wind

No sooner did Al Gore tap Sen. Joe Lieberman as his #2 than the good senator 
pulled a one-and-a-half-twist and reversed himself on partially privatizing 
Social Security.  Heck, he even adopted Al Gore’s favorite buzz word, calling 
George W’s reform plan a “scheme.”  It’ll only be a matter of time before the 
man who openly castigated Bill Clinton’s dalliance with “that woman” reverts 
to referring to him as one of the country’s greatest presidents.  What a 
sell-out.  What a disappointment.  But certainly not very surprising.  
Clinton/Gore have that kind of corrupting effect on everyone they come in 
contact with.

If This Idea Passes, IRS Better Watch Out

“In a letter written to his Congressional colleagues, Representative Ron Paul 
urged support for the ‘Cost of Government Awareness Act of 2000’ (H.R. 4855), 
a bill he recently introduced for consideration by the House Ways and Means 
committee. The principal feature of the legislation is the elimination of 
withholding taxes, a measure designed to restore to taxpayers a sense of how 
much they pay each month to fund the federal government.  ‘Withholding taxes 
are fundamentally deceptive’ Paul stated. ‘The government knows that the 
easiest way to tax workers is by taking payments directly out of their 
paychecks. The premise is that the taxpayer won't miss the portion of his 
paycheck he never gets. As a result, Congress has had an easier time of 
steadily raising taxes. I want taxpayers to keep all of their paychecks, and 
pay for government each month with their mortgage and other bills.’”

- Freedom Watch, 7/31/00

TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message 

*  Taxes - Lower & Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

*  George W. Bush’s web site:

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Published by:  C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT  84604
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the 
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the 
opinions and views of C-Four Communications.  

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