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Heading For the Lion's Den

This will be a short edition of GOP News & Views today.  Your faithful
servant is jetting his way back east for the Republican National Committee's
winter meeting and the inaugural festivities this morning.  Stay tuned for a
first-hand report of all the gory details.

- Chuck

Know Thy Enemy

Wanna know what the radicals on the Left are up to as far as nailing John
Ashcroft's hide to the wall?  Check out their state and national plans at:

Pardon Me?

"We are all agreed, then: If (Independent Counsel Robert) Ray can prove his
case, Clinton should be indicted.  Should he also be pardoned?  Yes, and for
the same reason Nixon was pardoned: Not because he deserved it, but because
the American people did.

"'Nixon ... had already suffered enormously,' President Ford wrote in his
memoirs.  'But I wasn't motivated primarily by sympathy for his plight... It
was the state of the country's health at home and around the world that
worried me.'  Let Nixon be prosecuted and 'the story would overshadow
everything else.  No other issue could compete with the drama of a former
president trying to stay out of jail... Passions on both sides would be
aroused.  A period of such prolonged vituperation and recrimination would be
disastrous.'  And 'the spectacle of a former president on trial' would
damage the United States abroad.

"What was true in 1974 is even more true in 2001.  Heaven knows there are
strong reasons to put Clinton on trial.  But the reasons not to are even
stronger.  So, yes, pardon him.  But first make sure he's indicted."

- Columnist Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

Bush Wins Again ... For the 137th Time

"George W. Bush would have gained six votes more than Al Gore if all the
dimples and hanging chads on 10,600 previously uncounted ballots in
Miami-Dade County had been included in the totals, according to a review by
The Palm Beach Post.  That result would have been a hard blow to Al Gore's
hopes of claiming the presidency in a recount. Before the vice president
conceded last month, the Gore camp had expected to pick up as many as 600
votes from a Miami-Dade recount -- barely enough to overtake Bush's
razor-thin Florida lead.  Instead, The Post's review indicates Gore would
have lost ground.  If everything were counted -- from the faintest dimple to
chads barely hanging on ballots -- 251 additional votes would have gone to
Bush and 245 more would have gone to Gore, The Post review showed."

- Palm Beach Post, 1/14/01

Hoping Against Hope

"On paper Bush is dead in the water. He has so many handicaps he can't even
get on the scoreboard.  There is something different about the way this man
operates, however. It is hard to get a grip on it.  The point is this: If
anybody is ready to write him off, they ought to think again. Blindfolded
and with his hands tied behind his back, George W. Bush just might be able
to accomplish more real reform by the end of his time of service here than
all the others combined.  I hesitate to get my hopes up. I shouldn't. He
ought to be an easy target for the left. Call me a fool, but I just have a
feeling he is going to surprise all of us."

- Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation, 1/15/01

Campaign Hot Tips - FREE!

For those of you in the trenches - as candidates, campaign managers,
volunteers, consultants, party leaders, etc. - we're now publishing a new
FREE e-newsletter called "Campaign Hot Tips."  This short e-newsletter will
go out just a couple times each month and will include helpful ideas, hints
and tips on running political campaigns, party organizations or clubs.  To
subscribe and begin receiving your FREE "Campaign Hot Tips," just go to:
http://www.CampaignTraining.com and sign up.  It's that easy.  Here's your
first tip:  Do it right now!

Attention:  "Goldwater" Republicans

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(RINO's)?  Tired of Republican "activists" who are long on words but way
short on actual deeds?  Then join the GOP organization that both talks the
talk and walks the walk - The Republican Liberty Caucus.  Principle AND
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Help Spread the Word

GOP News & Views has a subscriber base of Republican activists, political
leaders and elected officials of over 17,000+ ... and growing each day.  If
you know someone who does not receive our FREE GOP News & Views briefings,
you can sign them up at http://www.GOPNewsAndViews.com.


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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published by:
C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT  84604
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798
web site:  http://www.gopnewsandviews.com

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions and views of C-Four Communications.  To be REMOVED, go to the web
site or send your request to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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