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               "GO BACK, WE DON'T WANT YOU!"

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/24:
   General Colin Powell, now combining even more closely than usual the Pentagon
with the State Department, was afraid to go to Gaza; and rightly so.
   So the Israelis let Yasser Arafat take a little trip to the Ramallah reservation
for the first time since Intifada II has been raging.
   Yet the real message to General Powell, and the clear challenge to General
Sharon, is coming from the Palestinian Street, and rightly so; as well from
demonstrations in Beirut, Amman, Baghdad, and other Arab cities.  And there
on the Palestinian street Arafat's credibility is far lower than ever before;
his room to maneuver far more narrow than before; his days numbered...at least
such is the usually unspoken hope.
   As usual the Arab client-regimes, Arafat's included, have been making fools
of themselves with comments about "waiting to see" what Sharon does and expecting
"new policies" from Powell/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush.  They have no serious policies
of their own, they have little strength even all together, and most of all
they have seriously diminished credibility (which wasn't very significant to
begin with).
   The Arab world remains fractured, divided, and confused; everywhere repressive,
corrupt, and inept.  And so the Palestinians face not only blockade, impoverishment,
and  bondage; they also now face the spectre of "transfer" and another "nakba"
(catastrophe).  They try to stand tall and they attempt to maintain their dignity;
doing so under extraordinarily difficult circumstances.  But because of so
many mistakes in the past; and because of such weakness and duplicity in the
Arab world all around them; the foreseeable future may well now be worse for
them than the recent past.


 Palestinians have greeted the arrival of US Secretary of
 State Colin Powell by burning his picture and an American

 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he hoped Powell's
 arrival to the region would herald strong American
 involvement in peace efforts in the tradition of previous US

 The protests come after last week's American and British
 air strikes against Iraq.

 Demonstrators fired weapons in the air and burned posters
 of Powell with the slogan, "Go back, we don't need you".

 Powell has already met caretaker Israeli Prime Minister
 Ehud Barak who told him that Arafat must crack down on
 Palestinian violence and incitement against Israel.

 Arafat spokesman Nabil Aburedeneh said the Palestinians
 want to see American pressure levied on Israel to stop what
 they describe as excessive force by Israeli forces.

 Arafat said: "The most important thing is that there is a
 strong position from the American administration. President
 George W. Bush told me recently that he will continue along
 the path of his father and President Bill Clinton.

 "We hope that Powell's visit will be part of such an
 American strategy (of involvement)."

 The Bush administration has signalled, however, that they
 will tone down the intensive US role in Middle East
 peacemaking that was fostered so ardently under Clinton.
 Israelis and Palestinians have been locked in conflict for
 five months and 407, mostly Palestinians, have died.
 [Ananova News]

Upcoming tomorrow from MER:  Details about the circumstances and
conditions the Palestinians are now being forced to endure --
various forms of collective torture attempting to either bring
about their submission or to provoke them so as to provide the
excuse for their further subjugation and possible "transfer".

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  http://www.MiddleEast.Org
                Phone:  202 362-5266
                Fax:  815 366-0800
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