Gov. Bush Declares American Indian Nations 'Not Sovereign'!!!

This from the airhead "presidential" "candidate" who several months ago
couldn't even name ONE out of 4 national leaders of 4 countries in
then-current hot-spot regions: the one and only, the inimitable
coke-addled, goofball governor of Texas; G. "Dubya" Bush.

Somebody get this LOSER a history book, for God's sake!! (Guess "Dubya"
slept through that term, too... .)

GOD HELP US if--through some extraordinary efforts (including such
things as massive voter fraud/tampering) on the part of certain
inconceivably wealthy, malignant, misanthropic and generally VERY
dangerous people--this moron actually becomes the next President of the
U.S.!!! Obviously, for Native Americans the situation would be even more
disastrous if dweeb Dubya were to be President.

NewsHawk® Inc.

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Subject: Bush's View on Sovereignty Status
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:24:19 EST

John- I thought I'd pass this on to you. 

Recently in the GLIFWC News, MASINAIGAN,

George W. Bush has DENIED sovereign status of Indian nations.
The following is a complete reprint of the article published
in the Winter 1999-2000 issue:

Indian Tribes should be subject to state law, says Republican
presidential candidate and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Either ignorant or unmindful of hundreds of years of treaties,
the U.S. Constitution and several Supreme Court decisions,
Bush denied the sovereign status of Indian Nations.

"My view is that state law reigns supreme when it comes to
the Indians, whether it be gambling or any other issue,"
Bush said during a recent campaign swing in New York State.
Tribal leaders were incredulous. "[Only] the federal
government has the authority," said Mark Emery, a spokesman
for the Oneida Nation.

So PLEASE spread the word. It seems our sovereignty
may be in some sort of danger if this fool gets elected.

Thank you

Fredina L. Drye
Kansas University
Indigenous Nations Studies Program
215 Fraser Hall
Lawrence KS 66045
(785) 864-2660

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