"Hot-button issues aren't new for the academy, which also has supported
gun control and banning television for children under 2, and opposed
mandatory disclosure to parents when patients are considering abortion."

So note who writes these "press  releases
rather like ENRON wrote thousands of press releases always mentining
their assets, worth billions of dollars which in effect pushed up the
value of their stock with their oh so How Great We Art?

Here are two stories both put out by Lambda.   This Pediatrics
Association - Note not Pediatraicians - or AMA stuff, this outfit is so
cheap they quibble over a sixty dollar membership fee?

This has the makings of a NEA group but this is a political movement
pushed by whom?

If homosexuals want their own kids by marriage who the hell would care.

Stop and think a kid who is orphaned and then virtually farmed out to
lesbians and homosexuals for fodder?   Like Paula Poundstone.   All this
crap on the web about child abuse and molestations and atrocities and
kids used for perverted purposes but worst of all AIDS?   So here is one
item put out by this LLambda Civil Rights Groups.

There may be a few pediatricians in this group - but this group is not
what it seems to be.   First of all homosexuals, etc. who have kids by a
marriage are protected by laws.  They want money, more scam


The nation's oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to the
civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS.

Documents Every
Lesbian & Gay Man Needs
California Supreme Court to Review Second-Parent Adoption Decision
The California Supreme Court has agreed to review the question of
whether second-parent adoptions are allowed in the state.
January 30, 2002: News Release
January 30, 2002: Lambda's brief to the California Court of Appeal
American Academy of Pediatrics Supports Protections for Lesbian and Gay
Lambda said a new policy from the American Academy of Pediatrics
supporting legal protections for lesbian and gay families is an
important landmark.
January 30, 2002: News Release
Lambda Testifies before the HHS Subcommittee on Privacy and
Confidentiality of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
Lambda Legal warned in recent testimony at a Department of Health and
Human Services hearing that federal regulations on medical privacy do
not adequately protect people with HIV and AIDS, and lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender communities.
January 30, 2002: Michael Adams' testimony
Media Briefing on Lambda's Top Concerns in the South and Nationwide
Lambda invites news reporters, editors, and producers to a February 1
media breakfast briefing about Lambda's top civil rights concerns for
lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS in the South and around
the country.
January 28, 2002: News Release
Judge Agrees Lambda Can Argue that Housing Law Harms Same-Sex Couples
Justice Richard Rivera of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in
Kings County has granted the request by Lambda to participate as a
friend-of-the-court in a case challenging the new housing regulation
that makes it easier for landlords to harass and evict many lesbian and
gay couples if they do not divide expenses equally.
January 24, 2002: News Release
Lambda and GLSEN Team Up to Create a New Publication for LGBT Youth
Two organizations that have long battled bias in the nation's schools
announced today that they have joined forces to create a guide for
concerned community members who, in ever increasing numbers, support
legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT)
students from violence and discrimination.
January 15, 2002: News Release
January 15, 2002: Publication
U.S. Supreme Court Further Constricts Power of the ADA
The United States Supreme Court ruling in Toyota v. Williams, refusing
to recognize workplace-related limitations, further erodes the
definition of "disability" and the strength of employee protections
under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
January 9, 2002: News Release
January 9, 2002: Decision 
More News

What's New | State-by-State | About | Library
Events | Issues | Search | Join | Contact Lambda

Lambda extends thanks to IBM, United Airlines and Prophet Brand
Strategies for supporting civil rights work
for lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS.

Saba note:   So see who Lambda is?   And the name dropping to IBM,
United, etc., as if they had their support in this atraocity>

Site Design and Engineering by
Mediapolis, inc.

part of the

© 1997-2002 by Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund

Saba Note:   Now note this article released again by this Lambda.   Last
night one was on TV - big fat 300 pound woman huffing and puffing (due
for heart attack or something soon) - with two lesbians one over 300
pounds and her "lover" with a child but the child was born to the one
woman.   This is different than now trying to push kids who parents die
or are orphaned into homes of homosexuals or lesiands for fodder - like
Paul Poundstone

So see this article too like ENRON produced by the ones who are pushing
for homosexuals and lesbians to have children who are NOT theirs by
As this one man in our town, George Chamblin, waving big bucks around,
had 3 little kids - and then later after he was released from jail, and
looked like suffering from a wasting disease, ws murdered by his male
live in lover.

These innocent children and see how these people are going afther them.   

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>From the Associated Press

Pediatrics Panel Oks Gay Adoption
Monday February 4, 2002 5:10 AM

Saba Note:   Note this "Oks Gay Adoption - this in itself is a lie - who
the hell are they to "ok" anything.    This is Gay Pride Push to get
kids who are no way related to these homosexuals and lesbians - and this
article put out by the Lambda Assn. for Homosexuals and Lesbians and HIV

CHICAGO (AP) - The American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed
homosexual adoption, saying gay couples can provide the loving, stable
and emotionally healthy family life that children need.
The new policy focuses specifically on gaining legally protected
parental rights for gay ``co-parents´´ whose partners have children,
but it also could apply to gay couples who want to adopt a child
together, said Dr. Joseph Hagan Jr., chairman of the committee that
wrote the policy.

Citing estimates suggesting that as many as 9 million U.S. children have
at least one gay parent, the academy urged its 55,000 members to take an
active role in supporting measures that allow homosexual adoption.

An academy report, based on related research, says ``there´s no
existing data to support the widely held belief that there are negative
outcomes´´ for children raised by gay parents, Hagan said.

``Denying legal parent status through adoption ... prevents these
children from enjoying the psychologic and legal security that comes
from having two willing, capable and loving parents,´´ the policy

Critics say the nation's largest pediatricians' group relied on flawed
data and is meddling in a political issue.
(It is a PEDIATRICS GROUP.....not Pediatrician's Group and members are
not all Pediatricians - it is a front)

``It´s a group of pro-homosexual people ... who want to further tear
down the one-man, one-woman relationship in America,´´ said the Rev.
Louis Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition, a Christian
lobbying group. He called the policy irresponsible and ``a disservice to

But the academy says it's crucial for pediatricians to get involved
because gay households are becoming more prevalent and doctors are
increasingly confronted with related issues.

Gay partners often are the primary caretakers, but without parental
rights they have no legal say in matters as simple as granting doctors'
permission to give a child a shot, said Dr. Barbara J. Howard, an
assistant pediatrics professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical
Center who helped draft the policy.

Also, children in gay households may lack health insurance if the
family's only breadwinner is a gay parent without parental rights, Hagan
In addition, gay partners lacking parental rights may lose visitation or
custody battles when a couple separates or one partner dies, depriving
children they've helped raise of future contact, Howard said.

``It´s not a political issue,´´ Howard said.
``This is an issue regarding the well-being of the child.´´

The policy is published in the February issue of the academy's medical
journal, Pediatrics.
(Saba Note - this is not anything to do with American Medical
Association publications or Boards. _

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American
Psychological Association also support homosexual adoption.

Steven Drizin, an attorney with Northwestern University's Children and
Family Justice Center, said the academy's stance will make a tremendous
difference in legal battles involving gay adoption.

``The stamp of approval from a widely respected and mainstream
organization ... will go a long way to further the movement throughout
courts and legislatures,´´ Drizin said.
(this is not a widely respected "mainstream org - it is a front for Gayi
Pride and a few used Pediatricians - this is a pediatriac front)

Nationwide, about half the states have allowed second-parent gay
adoptions, where one partner already is a legal parent, said Patricia
Logue, an attorney with the gay rights advocacy group Lambda Legal
Defense and Education Fund.

A handful of states have prohibitive statutes. Florida bans any
homosexual from adopting, while bans in Utah and Mississippi affect gay
couples but not gay individuals, said Lisa Bennett of the Human Rights
Campaign, a gay rights group.

Research cited in the academy's report includes a study published last
year suggesting that children with gay parents are more open to
considering homosexual activity than those raised in heterosexual homes,
although not more likely to be homosexual as adults.

Gay rights opponents say that study supports their contention that being
raised in a gay family is harmful.

But the academy's policy statement says ``there is no basis on which to
assume that a parental homosexual orientation will increase likelihood
of or induce a homosexual orientation in the child.´´

Hot-button issues aren't new for the academy, which also has supported
gun control and banning television for children under 2, and opposed
mandatory disclosure to parents when patients are considering abortion.
On the Net:
AAP: http://www.aap.org
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund: http://www.lambdalegal.org

Saba Note:   See Lambda Legal Defense above put out this article on web
and it is picked up.

Focus on the Family: http://www.family.org
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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