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From: Abdul-Musawwir Aquil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Kwesi Ohene Aquil
Midwest Region President
Association For The Study of Classical African Civilizations

From: Nzinga Ratibisha Heru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ASCAC
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 20:08:59 -0800
To: Abdul Aquil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: FW: [Fwd: Fw: Africana.com is a Front!]]


Date: Sunday, March 5, 2000 8:33 PM
Subject: FW: [Fwd: Fw: Africana.com is a Front!]

My Sisters:

It looks like my worst fears concerning Africana.com may have
been realized.  These folks have us wrapped up.  Please read
the attached info carefully.

All the best.

Tony M.

Please visit
and you will see the background
information (copied below for your
convenience) on Africana.com (note the
red bolded information).

Then ask yourself the following
questions and consider the following

Who is Dr. Harry M. Lasker?  Is he the
same Harry M. Lasker who is an officer
of Renaissance Solutions in Lincoln, MA?

Why did they make a point of saying
everything is 'multi-racial'?

Even more interesting is the following:

Why is the site developed by Israeli
developers rather than Black people, or
even Americans?

What do I mean?

The Africana.com credits note that Koret
Communications is their developer.  The
staff listed for Harvard Square
Netcasting (which appears to have
copyright ownership, if not business
ownership of the site) lists a Reuven
Koret as the ONLY officer listed.

In case you are curious about Mr.
Koret's political inclinations, check
out some of his opinions concerning the
Oslo accords:

If you notice "Commtouch" next to
Reuven's name, they are probably
referring to CommTouch software
(http://www.commtouch.com/), the
Israeli-owned/managed company
nage.shtml) that provides Africana.com's
free e-mail service.

Speaking of Koret Communications
they have the following stated mission:
"Koret Communications Ltd. helps Israeli
companies get the word out to the world
via the Web, multimedia, and the printed

But check out Africana.com in their
portfolio page at:

So while Africana.com claims to have the
following objectives:
a.. To present accurate, interesting,
entertaining, and socially constructive
information and commentary reflecting
the diverse concerns of people of
African descent;
b.. To create "a Global Grapevine:"
interactive vehicles and forums for
communication and commerce with a
pan-African, global focus;
c.. To contribute to "Bridging the
Digital Divide," promoting technological
literacy and work-readiness for people
of African descent, narrowing
disparities in computer use and
competence vis-=E0-vis other demographic
groups in the U.S. and worldwide.

It makes a point of employing
"multi-racial" groups for everything,
and sends their development dollars to

Hmmmmm, I guess hiring mostly Black
folks and finding some Black web site
developers from the thousands of Black
web sites out there would not help
accomplish those objectives.   Maybe you
Black web developers should see how
easily you can get a job developing an
Israeli-oriented web site in Israel!  At
least they know how to take care of
their own.  Maybe one day we will too,
but not today.



Africana.com was launched in January,
1999, by educator and entrepreneur Dr.
Harry M. Lasker, and Harvard University
Professors Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and
Anthony Appiah, who now comprise the
organization's Board of Directors. It
was conceived with three goals in mind:

a.. To present accurate, interesting,
entertaining, and socially constructive
information and commentary reflecting
the diverse concerns of people of
African descent;
a.. To create "a Global Grapevine:"
interactive vehicles and forums for
communication and commerce with a
pan-African, global focus;
a.. To contribute to "Bridging the
Digital Divide," promoting technological
literacy and work-readiness for people
of African descent, narrowing
disparities in computer use and
competence vis-=E0-vis other demographic
groups in the U.S. and worldwide.

Although the black world is its focus,
since its inception Africana.com has
been the product of fruitful
multi-racial, multi-ethnic and
multi-national collaboration. Editorial
policy is overseen by Professors Gates
and Appiah, two of the nation's most
distinguished scholars of Afro-American
and African Studies, based at Harvard
University's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute
for Afro-American Research. Editorial
content is decided on and managed by
Editor-in-Chief Philippe Wamba, a
journalist and author of African and
African American descent. Content is
produced by a racially diverse group of
experts in black history and culture
based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and
writers from around the country. The
website is designed, programmed and
maintained by New York-based Exoteric
Communications Inc. and its Israel-based
R&D affiliate, Koret Communications
Ltd., employing web design and
technology specialists from around the

'Quotes of the Day' are taken from
Richard Newman, African American
Quotations, published by Oryx Press.

Africana.com is currently recruiting
additional agencies and web
professionals to contribute to the
site's evolution and expansion, both on
a contract basis and as staff members at
our headquarters overlooking Harvard
Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Africana.com is committed to selecting
employees and partner agencies on the
basis of professional skill and
commitment to our educational and social
goals, without discrimination on the
basis of race, color, nationality,
ethnicity, or gender.

Candidates for the Africana.com
management, web design, programming and
production teams are invited to send
credentials and work references to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Candidates for
the Africana.com editorial
team-including researchers, scholars,
writers, and editors-are invited to send
their credentials to

Harvard Square Netcasting, LLC
Rebecca Carroll, Senior Writer
David P. Johnson, Jr., Associate Editor
Reuven Koret, Chief Operating Officer
Ayanna Lonian, Associate Editor
Kate Tuttle, Associate Editor
Philippe Wamba, Editor-in-Chief

Africana.com web site
c Copyright 1999 Harvard Square
Netcasting LLC. Credits

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