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Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
<A HREF=" http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

April 2

Our website's intensive hour-by-hour coverage of the latest Israeli
massacres in Palestine is garnering a host of attention and
appreciation. Here is one gratifying e-mail we received late last

Dear Mr. Hoffman,

I am a frequent visitor to your website and an admirer of your
willingness to ensure that somehow the truth is spoken.  I don't
consider myself  anti-Jewish, but I definitely believe the creation of
Israel was a gargantuan, barbarous mistake.  Thank you sincerely for
bringing to light  the many atrocities committed against the Palestinian
people by Israelis.   Criticizing Israel in any form seems to be hugely
unpopular in the US and  I'm sure you receive your fair share of
criticism for that.  I feel the very
least I can do is commend you on a job well done.  Thank you for the
courage  to say what some know deep inside to be true, but are afraid.

Best wishes,
xxx xxxx

We are spending several hours a day online and on the telephone
researching and reporting the latest chapter in the relentless,
low-intensity genocide perpetrated by the Israelis against the
Palestinian people. The fruits of our reporting may be found at:

Please tell a friend about the preceding webpage and  URL. It may be the
best documentary record online. With enough attention on the genocide we
might save lives.

Michael A. Hoffman II

P.S. My letter to the editor was published in the April 2 edition of the
metro Spokane "Spokesman-Review" (S-R) newspaper. My letter will be
online at the S-R website from now, until about 2 a.m. Pacific Standard
Time (PST) tomorrow morning (April 3). It is hard-hitting and was
published unedited. You may view it before 2 a.m. PST  at:


Last Night the Israeli Military Tried to Kill Me

By Jordan Flaherty
March 31, 2002


I'm staying in the al azzeh refugee camp, in Bethlehem, along with about
twenty other international civilians. We're here to act as human
shields, because we've heard an Israeli invasion is imminent. It's
1:30pm right now, on Easter Sunday, and some are expecting the invasion
within the next two hours.

I'm staying with a lovely family. They have been so hospitable to us. As
with most residents of the camp, they've been here since 1948, when they
were expelled from their village in what is now Israel. The village is
now a national park in Israel.

On the hill above the camp is a Israeli miltary snipers post. The main
street that runs down the village is in plain sight of the snipers post.
To get where we were staying in the village, most of us had to cross
this street. It was a quick, low, dash across the street. As I ran, the
sniper fired. I heard at least six shots fired in the short distance I
ran, exposed. The shots began as I came into view, and stopped shortly
after I made it to the other side. They were clearly aimed at me. And,
by the sound of them, they were close. All night long, there was the
sound of gun shots, as the military shot into our village. We stayed
clear of the windows. Some of the windows were blocked with sandbags.

The gun and bullets were, no doubt, paid for by my tax dollars. Which
is, of course, why we are here.

Meanwhile, there are others of us in the other two camps in Bethlehem.
Also, some of us are riding in the ambulances, which the military has
been firing at. Again, the idea is to use our priviliged status as
international civilians to act as human shields against these outright
violations of international law and human decency. There are about 100
international observers from the US and Europe here. Mostly US, British,
and Italian. Deheisha refugee camp has mostly Italians staying there.

There is also about sixty international observers in Ramallah.
Yesterday, they defied curfew and went to the hospital to give blood.
There were gunshots, but they made it. Today, we have just heard they
are trying to block the Israeli tanks from reaching the hospital.

When the Israeli military comes, we expect them to act as before: taking
all the men in the camp, stripping them down, arresting them, torturing
them. We will tell the military that we live here with them, we are
Americans, and if they take them, they must take us as well.

Jordan Flaherty is from Brooklyn, N.Y.

<end quote>


<PRE>Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press

The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, 
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

24 Hour Revisionist News Bureau: <A HREF=" http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 


Disclaimer: The Hoffman Wire is a controversial and politically incorrect e-mail 
letter intended only for those who have requested it.  We have a strict anti-spamming 
policy. The views expressed in the Hoffman Wire are the sole responsibility of the 
author(s) and do not reflect the views of advertisers or the transmitter.

Freedom of the Press: A hallowed right.
Responsible Dissent: A contribution to understanding and dialogue.

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