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Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
<A HREF=" http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

April 11

Commentary on and excerpts from Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

Men, women and suckling infants

Your editor debated Binyamin (Benjamin) Netanyahu in New York in the
mid-1990s at the height of Steve Emerson's hysterical, Arab-baiting
"terror alert." The crowd in New York had easy access to Netanyahu,
there were no metal detectors and I was allowed to sit directly behind
him. The Israelis themselves were not taking seriously Emerson's terror
chatter, which they understood was only for public consumption by the
American goyim (I won the debate, by the way).

Net anyahu, the former Israeli prime minister and one-time political
rival of Sharon, turned up as Sharon's delegated emissary on Capitol
Hill yesterday, to give Congress its marching orders.

I have excerpted a few portions of his Congressional address below. I
draw your attention to Netanyahu's prophecy: "...it is only a matter of
time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities."

This is, naturally, what the Israelis hope will happen in the US as
their Congressional and White House whores continue to pull us down into
the bloody Israeli quagmire. If the US continues to subsidize the
indiscriminate bombing, shelling and machine-gunning of Palestinian
Moms, Dads and kids, the retributive bloodshed will be visited upon our
heads on our shores.

It will be 9/11 plus one, and the "one" may be enough to create a war
fever sufficient to accelerate Israeli military assaults from the
current level of low-intensity genocide of Palestinians to full scale

The attempt at eradication, or at the very least, mass expulsion
("transfer"), is absolutely inevitable for a number of reasons centered
on the Talmud and the Zionist mentality informed by the Talmud's
perverted misinterpretation of the Old Testament. In the eyes of many
Israelis the Palestinians are "Amalek," the Old Testament people whom
God told the Israelites to exterminate "man, woman and suckling infant."

If the U.S. continues to pay the would-be Israeli exterminators $6
billion per year and furnish them with the F16s and Apaches they need to
"get the job done," as Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) calls it, we in
America will inevitably become targets of wrath. Mr. Netanyahu would
delight in this spectacle because attacks on American civilians would
generate nearly blind American support for war-Zionism.

Netanyahu's comments regarding US war crimes in Afghanistan and the mass
murder of German civilians inflicted by the US and Britain during WWII,
are intriguing.

The Palestinian-German analogy is unavoidable because, like the
Palestinians, the Germans have entered the annals of Judaism as
hereditary enemies,a kind of collective Haman deserving collective
punishment for all eternity.

This is why Dresden and other militarily insignificant German city
centers were burned and bombed by the Allies. This is also why the
Israelis do not simply do the necessary detective work and arrest
individual suicide bomb suspects, but instead attack the entire
Palestinian population, since all Palestinians--men, women and suckling
infants--are equally guilty in their eyes.

--Michael A. Hoffman II

Excerpts from Binyamin Netanyahu's Speech to the US Congress, April 10,

"I am concerned that the State of Israel, that has for decades bravely
manned the front lines against terror, is being pressed to back down.

"...unintentional loss of Palestinian life...is the tragic but
unavoidable consequence of legitimate warfare.

"No one, of course, would dare suggest that the United States was the
guilty party in World War II because German casualties, which included
millions of civilians, were 20 times higher than American casualties.

"So, too, only a twisted and corrupt logic would paint America and
Britain as the aggressors in the current war, because Afghan casualties
are reported to have well exceeded the death toll of September 11...what
has destabilized the region is not Israeli action...but rather the
constant pressure exerted on Israel to show restraint...it is only a
matter of time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities."

<end quote>

The Israeli Massacre of the Palestinians: Dramatic photos and text
online at: http://www.hoffman-info.com/palestine52.html


<PRE>Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press

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