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The Bigger Picture

Israel keeps word: speeds up final solution for Palestinians

Satanist/NWO/Globalist/Trilateralist warmongers and arch-enemies of
HUMANITY, Bush, Toady Blair and ZioNazi mass-murderer Ariel "Mengele"
Sharon, HAVE DECREED that the Middle East -- and thus the entire WORLD
-- are to plunged into all-out, unilateral full-scale war: and
accompanying incalculable chaos; rampant and unimaginable violence; and
MASSIVE, VAST human misery, suffering, and hardship for tens -- even
hundreds -- of millions of innocent, blameless, defenseless human

Beginning with the slaughter of Palestinians, soon to be followed by the
PLANNED slaughter of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Iraqis, then very likely the
slaughter of Lebanese, Syrians, Turkish, Pakistanis, Iranians, (MORE!)
Afghanis, Sudanese, Saudi Arabians, Europeans, Indians, Georgians, ...
(you get the plan) -- these profoundly demonic and utterly corrupted
filth are willfully, intentionally and WITH SICK PLEASURE ignoring ALL
the rest of the world, in pursuing their deranged, Satanic agendas.

These veritable human-sacrifice practitioners and enemies of all
humanity and our higher aspirations and hopes for this planet such as
Bush, Blair, Sharon and certain others ARE TAKING ALL STEPS to make such
a state of affairs a reality; knowing FULL WELL that the almost
inevitable result of unilateral war in the Middle East will be what can
unspeakably evil, foul and despicable scum such as Bush, Blair and
Sharon, as well as so-called "terrorist" organizations which it is
KNOWN/PROVEN they themselves were responsible for organizing and are
STILL directly linked to.

= = = = = = = =

Israel pushes on afterSharon makes pledge

The Israeli army bombarded the Jenin refugee camp Sunday and moved into
another West Bank village near Ramallah -- hours after Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon pledged to end the offensive "as expeditiously as possible."

NEAR JENIN, West Bank (CNN) -- The
Israeli army bombarded the Jenin
refugee camp Sunday and continued
operations around the West Bank --
hours after Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon pledged to end the offensive "as
expeditiously as possible."

Apache helicopters could be seen firing on the Jenin camp, which was
also targeted
by Israeli missiles and tank shells, CNN's Rula Amin reported from three miles
outside the camp.

The Israeli army finished taking control of the West Bank city of Nablus
on Sunday,
and a spokesman said fighting in both
Nablus and Jenin may be nearing an end.

"I expect it to end today or tomorrow,"
said Maj. Gen. Dan Harel, head of the Israel army's operations section.
"It depends on the amount of civilians that are within the area. We
don't want to hurt them, so we are working very slowly."

The Israeli army said it was targeting Palestinian gunmen inside the
Jenin refugee camp. Residents inside the camp confirmed fierce battles
between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli soldiers Sunday.

After Sunday's weekly Cabinet meeting, Sharon read a prepared statement
describing the West Bank operation as "decisive" so that Israel can live
in peace.

"It is a very tough battle that Israel is going through, with a policy
of preventing harm to civilians, which makes the objective worthy and
respectful, and is also causing injuries on our side," Sharon said.

Israeli officials have said the goal of the incursions -- which began
during a wave of Palestinian suicide bombings during the Passover
holiday -- is to eliminate the ability of terror groups to target
Israeli civilians by capturing the terrorists' weapons and destroying
their bomb-making capability.

Powell to leave Sunday on fresh peace

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell was planning to depart for the
region Sunday to push for a cease-fire. Although he has no firm plans to
meet Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, he said he would do so "if
circumstances permit."

"[Arafat] needs to speak positively to his people about the need to end
violence in order to achieve their vision of a Palestinian state living
side-by-side in peace with Israel," Powell said Sunday. "I hope that he
will do everything he can with the powers that he does have, no matter
how isolated he is at the moment."

In a telephone conversation with U.S. President Bush on Saturday, Sharon
had agreed to wrap up the offensive "as expeditiously as possible," a
senior Bush administration official said. That followed a news
conference in which Bush said Israel should halt its incursions into six
Palestinian cities and "withdraw without delay." (Full story)

Sharon repeated the commitment in a late-night statement issued by his
office, saying Israel was conscious of the U.S. desire to have Israel
end its offensive as quickly as possible.

But by Sunday, the Israeli army said it had not received any new orders
from the government to complete the operation.

Azmi Bishara, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament, said Bush could
stop the incursion immediately without confrontation.

"He can impose that with one telephone call to Sharon ... he could tell
Sharon without ambiguity ... 'Stop this and save the refugees of the
Jenin refugee camp,'" Bishara said. He said Bush is giving Sharon four
to five days to finish his job.

"The Palestinians not only are not satisfied, but they are astonished
(Bush) is playing with words," Bishara said. "It's not suitable for a
president or superpower to at one time to say 'without delay' and at one
time to say 'as soon as possible.'"

Israeli operations continue

According to an Israel Defense Forces spokesman, soldiers were
continuing operations Sunday in Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ramallah,
Bethlehem and a number of villages.

The IDF said the Israeli army finished taking control of Nablus Sunday,
and continued operations in the old town, or casbah, in the western part
of the city.

He said more than 30 armed Palestinian gunmen and militants responsible
for detonating bombs had been killed in the past 48 hours in Nablus, the
West Bank's largest city, and care was being taken not to harm civilians.

It is the third day of fierce fighting in the city of Jenin and the
refugee camp.

Saturday night, five Palestinians approached Israeli soldiers in the
camp, and refused to stop when asked. One of the Palestinians detonated
an explosives belt, killing himself and two other Palestinians, an IDF
spokesman said.

Palestinian officials estimated the number of Palestinian dead in Jenin
at 70, including many civilians. The Israelis said seven soldiers have
been killed in Jenin fighting. The numbers are difficult to verify
because journalists are not allowed to enter the camp. Ambulances have
also been kept out, Palestinian officials said.

Near Ramallah, Israeli forces were carrying out searches and arrests in
the village of Beit Rima and also entered the town of Dir a Sana, the
IDF said.

In another incident, two Palestinians were shot and killed by Israeli
forces after the army patrol saw a man trying to infiltrate the Israeli
settlement of Morag in southern Gaza, according to Israeli military
sources. The army patrol found explosive devices near the two men's
bodies, the sources said.

Other developments

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators have taken to the streets in
cities across the world to protest at the continuing violence in the
Middle East. From New York to Sydney and Paris to Jakarta, protesters
have chanted anti-Israeli slogans and called for an end to the fighting.
(Full story)

According to the IDF, since the Israeli operations began March 29, 12
Israeli soldiers have been killed and 143 have been wounded. Of the
1,413 Palestinians detained in the incursions, 361 were on an Israeli
"wanted list" of suspected Palestinian terrorists, the IDF said. Seventy
of them were "seriously wanted" men, Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen.
Shaul Mofaz said Sunday. He also said about 200 Palestinians have died
and 1,500 have been wounded in the last 10 days.

Sharon said Sunday that a 27th victim of the Passover suicide bombing in
Netanya, Israel, had died. The Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas
claimed responsibility for the blast that ripped through a hotel dining
room during a Passover Seder.

For the second day in a row, suspected Hezbollah guerrillas fired mortar
shells and anti-tank missiles Sunday at Israeli army outposts in the
district of Shebaa Farms near the Israel-Lebanon border at the foot of
the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, a military spokesman said. No
injuries were reported, and Israel had not retaliated by Sunday evening.

Lebanese authorities arrested three Palestinians early Sunday, blamed
for a shooting attack a day earlier near Ghajar village, in
Israeli-occupied territory at the foot of the Golan Heights, according
to presidential palace sources. They believe one other Palestinian
responsible for the attack is still at large.

A standoff between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen that began
Monday at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem stretched into Sunday.
Soldiers continued to surround the Christian monument to the birthplace
of Jesus, saying armed terrorists were holding hostages inside. More
than 200 people, including civilians, were said to be inside the
building. Roman Catholic officials in the Holy Land said they submitted
a plan to the Israelis to end the standoff at the church.

Israeli forces shelled buildings and perimeter walls intermittently
Saturday night at the compound in Ramallah where Arafat and dozens of
other Palestinians are confined by Israeli troops, a Palestinian
official said. Four Palestinians were wounded, one of them critically,
said Arafat adviser Nabil Abu Rudeineh, who is in the compound. He and
others have been holed up there for more than a week.
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