"Does the Brotherhood exist?"

"That Winston, you will never know. If we choose to set you free when we have
finished with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you will
never learn whether the answer to that question is yes or no. As long as you
live, it will be a riddle in your mind."

>From 1984 by George Orwell

Ladies and Gentlemen:

During the past year many of you have received sensitive material regarding
criminal abuses within the high command of The John Birch Society from the
following sources:

1. Harry Brandler -- former Illinois Coordinator
2. Tim Weir -- former JBS Staff Fund Raiser and St. Louis Coordinator
3. Donald Prang -- former JBS Comptroller
4. Rex Westerfield -- former JBS Public Relations Director
5. Bruce Taylor -- former JBS Director of Advertising and Sales
6. Dick Weiss -- former South Dakota Coordinator
7. Tim Heinan -- former JBS Ad Hoc Committee Coordinator
8. Nicholas J. Bove, Jr. -- former Research Assistant to Robert Welch
9. John Deckert -- former Coordinator for Central and Southern New Jersey
10. Ted Henrickson -- former Coordinator for Southern New Jersey and Delaware
(This is only a partial listing)

While our staff has been engaged in research for our forthcoming book (which
we shall publish in the very near future), it has discovered some surprising
coincidences in the backgrounds of certain members of the Council of the John
Birch Society (both past and present) -- coincidences we believe demand the
attention of all students of the Master Conspiracy of which we have come to
believe THE BELMONT BROTHERHOOD is an integral part.

JBS Council Members - Past and present

The following biographical sketches were taken, verbatim, from a book, THE
A.J. MacDonald and Associates and, we should add, written in defense of the
John Birch Society. We have reproduced nearby the full title page of this
particular volume. Observe - this copy we are using was once available from a
St. Paul American Opinion Bookstore. When you finish reading these
biographies, which include two thirds of Charter Members present in
Indianapolis on Dec. 8 & 9, 1958, we believe you will begin to understand why
American Opinion Bookstores no longer sells it.






A.J. MacDonald


PRICE $1.25


Published by
3025 W. 7th Street
Los Angeles, California 90005


On the following pages are listed a few of those important people who are
backing and supporting the Society as members of the John Birch Council.

1. William J. Grede

In the February 1977 John Birch Society Bulletin, Welch describes Grede as a
"truly great American (p. 27)." This "great American" was a "director" of
none other than the 7th Federal Reserve Bank - an important arm of the
infamous Federal Reserve System. As Birch authority Gary Allen states in his
Rockefeller File: "For fifty years the Federal Reserve - CFR - Rockefeller
Insider crowd (observe how Allen uses all of these terms together and
interchangeably) has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing
the power of their satellite, the Soviet Union (p. 108)."

That being the case, what was a founding Council Member of the JBS - a man
who is now Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council - doing as a
member of the crowd Allen says increases the power of the Soviet Union?
Coincidence?? No more a coincidence than Grede's membership in the
quasi-Masonic National Council of the YMCA - which we shall deal with later.

Incidentally, Grede is listed by Helen Peters in her treatise, Is the John
Birch Society Subversive? as Chairman of National Bible Week put up by the
Laymen's National Committee of the National Council of Churches. This we
suppose is the "Conservative" Arm of the National Council of Churches.

2. Robert D. Love

Although Bob Love is no longer on the Council, he was still a member for a
number of years and as such is entitled to some examination. Bob Love is
listed here as "a Thirty-second Degree KCCH Mason, a member of the Median
Shrine [emphasis ours]."

What was a Thirty-second Degree Mason doing on the Council of the John Birch
Society? Indeed, he was not the only highly placed Mason on the Council. What
is the significance of this?

In order to understand how significant it could be, we must consult Masonic
authority Albert Pike -- whom Welch himself has identified on numerous
occasions as one of the major Master Conspirators of the Nineteenth Century:

"To the crowd we must say: we worship a God, but it is the God one adores
without superstition. To you Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this,
that you may repeat it to the Bretheren of the 32nd [which by the way was
Love's level - N.B.], 31st and 30th degrees: all of us initiates of the high
degrees should maintain the Masonic religion in the purity of the Luciferian
doctrine... Yes, Lucifer is God, and, unfortunately Adonay is also God...
religious philosophy in its purity and truth consists in the belief in
Lucifer, the equal of Adonay. (Albert Pike, quoted in A.C. de la Rive: La
Femme et l'Enfant dinis la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588. Also quoted
by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 6).

Similar quotations abound in Pike's book, Morals and Dogma -- which can be
found in Welch's library in Belmont, Massachusetts. This writer knows this
because, as his former research assistant, he was in charge of organizing
Welch's personal book collection. Now, knowing this, what does Welch himself
think of one having a self-avowed Thirty-Second Degree KCCH Mason on the
Council? -- especially when, as Pike says, Bretheren of the 32nd Degree
(Love's level) worship Lucifer.

Believe it or not, Welch has given us his answer. It is in the John Birch
Society Bulletin of October, 1973. In this bulletin he does not refer
directly to Bob Love as a Thirty-Second Degree Mason. Instead he comments on
organized Masonry in general. On pages 13-14 he attempts to answer the charge
that he himself may be a Mason. And here is his startling response: "So
What?" (emphasis ours).

Then Welch continues to defend his strange (to put it mildly) defense by
adding "At least ninety-five percent of the four million ordinary (observe
that Pike told us what a 32nd Degree Mason believes -- a 32nd Degree Mason
like Love is no ordinary Mason) American Masons are just as patriotic as you
or I." Which kind of makes you wonder about Welch's concept of patriotism.

But he doesn't stop there. He goes on to state that he was invited on several
occasions to "speak out against Communism at Masonic Lodges (p. 14)." And he
assures us he did this with "no punches pulled." So he must have told them
about Pike - the occult high philosopher of all organized Masonry. In fact
Welch would have had to expose Pike if he was determined not to pull any
punches. He would have had to do this because a man who believes "veracity is
the very core of morality (p. 14)" would never conceal the truth. Or would

Andrew Lane, a member of the Belmont Staff, has stated the following in
response to a concerned Bircher's inquiry (see reproduction of entire letter
nearby): "Mr. Welch had made speeches exposing parts (emphasis ours) of the
Communist Conspiracy before Masonic Lodges on several occasions." We wonder
why Welch declined to expose the whole operation instead of just the "parts"
Lane mentions. Certainly his speeches at some of these Lodges must have been
recorded. If Welch has nothing to hide, why doesn't he make public to
justifiably concerned members of the JBS the up-to-now secret comments which
he himself has admitted making in Masonic Lodges, not just once, but on
several occasions?

3. William Benton McMillan

McMillan is not listed anywhere, as far as we are concerned, as a 32nd Degree
Mason. He was, however, a member of the St. Louis Committee of the Council on
Foreign Relations (see reproduced page nearby from Power Behind The
Government Today by Helen P. Lasell: Liberty Publications, 520 Fifth Avenue,
N.Y., N.Y., 1963).

So McMillan, who was by the way present in Indianapolis for the founding of
the Society and was the first Life Member of the Society -- see pages 258 and
274 of the LIFE AND WORDS OF ROBERT WELCH by G. Edward Griffin) was a member
of what Dan Smoot has called the "Invisible Government." Any informed Bircher
knows that the CFR is a subversive clique preparing to merge us into a
Communist one-world Government. Read None Dare Call It Conspiracy for the
full story.

4. Frederick Chase Koch

If it should seem strange that a founding Council member like McMillan was
also a CFR member, it shouldn't be. Koch, another founding Council member
(JBS* that is) was -- according to the 1964-1965 Who's Who (page 1120),
available at your local non-JBS library (we have reproduced the section in
question nearby). -- President of The Coleman Company, Inc., "builder oil
refineries in England, France, Belgium, Germany, Russia (emphasis ours),
Rumania (emphasis ours), Portugal, Italy, Near East..." We wonder if Koch
signed that JBS petition to stop aid and trade with our Communist enemies. He
probably did. Should you dare to ask Welch about the apparent contradiction
here, he will very likely reply with a form letter saying: "So What? -- And
thank you for checking with this office."

5. J. Nelson Shepherd

Shepherd is a member of the quasi-Masonic Rotary Club, Elks Club, YMCA Board,
and last -- but not least of all -- the very elite Newcomen Society. The
current president of the Newcomen Society is Charles Penrose, Jr. Mr. Penrose
has been its President since at least 1959. Penrose is a member in good
standing of such sophisticated subversive one-world outfits as the "Pilgrims
of the United States" and the "English-Speaking Union" (see reproductions of
page 2456 of the 1976-1977 Who's Who in America (Volume II) and page 545 of
Volume I of the Encyclopedia of Associations on a nearby page).

6. Robert Waring Stoddard

Stoddard is Mr. Big on the Council. He too was a director and president of
the YMCA. Even more interesting is that he is Chairman of the Board of the
Worcester Telegram and Gazette (this according to the 1976-1977 Who's Who In
America, page 3030 -- see reproduction nearby) --influential papers whose
editors belong to the local Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations.

When John F. McManus -- during a speech he gave in Worcester, Massachusetts
in the summer of 1973 -- was asked by a reporter from the Gazette about the
patent contradiction of Birch Council Member Stoddard allowing CFR members to
determine editorial policy for his paper, Birch Society Public Relations
Director McManus replied, "Why don't you ask Bob Stoddard?" The next day
McManus was severely chewed out by Welch himself for "embarrassing" Stoddard.
Jack was so upset over the incident that he told the whole story to his
research assistant who just happened to be this writer during that particular

Stoddard is Mr. Establishment Massachusetts. After all, a Director of the
First National Bank of Boston, the Wyman-Gordon Company, and the Raytheon
Company (a good size defense contractor) is the Establishment. We wonder
about his dedication to the "cause" which so many less fortunate Birchers
have given their all for. Or perhaps Stoddard knows better? And like Welch
would simply say, "So What?"

7. T. Coleman Andrews

Andrews was a founding member of the Society, present at its creation in
Indianapolis -- and like Robert Love -- a 32nd degree Mason (see 1960-61
Who's Who in America reproduced Pg. 12). But we already know that being a
32nd degree Mason does not disqualify one from being on the Council. For
Welch's position on Masonry is expressed in two words "So What?"

Oswald Wirth would not agree at all with those two words. Wirth speaks with
some authority, being a 33rd Degree Mason and an author of many books on
Freemasonry, he held an eminent position with fellow Masons as an initiate of
he Grand Lodge of France. In Wirth's L'deal Iniatique, he explains the great
significance of an initiation into a Masonic Order:

"It is a serious matter to ask for Initiation, for one has to sign a demands that the man's soul be truly committed in the act."
(op.cit., de Poncins, p. 48)

Wirth cites The Book of Genesis to arrive at the cardinal tenet of all

"The beguiling serpent, who incites us to eat the fruit from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, symbolizes one particular instinct. He breaks
away from the conservative instinct and represents both a nobler and subtler
instinct, whose purpose is to make man aware of his need to rise in the scale
of beings".

"This secret spur is the promoter of all progress, and of all the conquests
which enlarge the sphere of action both of individuals and of groups"

"That explains why the Serpent, inspiring disobedience, in subordination and
revolt, was held accursed by the ancient theocracies, while at the same time
he was honoured among the initiated." (op.cit., de Poncins, pp. 87-88)

Welch puts it a little differently. But the more it changes, the more it
stays the same. For Welch calls man's need to rise to a higher scale of
beings his "upward reach." As he wrote in The Blue Book:

"I want to convince you as I am convinced, that even under such leadership
(his, that is -- N.B) we have no chance (emphasis ours) unless the specific
battles are fought as part of a larger and more lasting movement (like
Wirth's or Pike's Grand Orient Masonry perhaps? -- N.B.) to restore once
again an upward reach in the heart of man." (The Blue Book, p. 115)

Andrews, in addition to being a Mason, was also the Commissioner of the U.S.
Internal Revenue from 1953-1955.

8. Spruille Braden

Braden had quite an impressive record with the U.S. State Department. He was
a resident member of the Council on Foreign Relations -- check the index in
The Invisible Government by Dan Smoot. But even more interesting, according
to Volume 26, page 295 of Who's Who in America 1976-1977 (reproduced nearby),
Braden was a director of the W. Averell Harriman Securities Corporation.

For those of you who have not heard of Averell Harriman, we refer you to page
217 of the wirebound paperback edition of The Politician by Robert Welch:

"So we'll skip all of the documentation and most of the comment in listing
just a few more of the Communists, Communist Sympathizers, or extreme left
wingers with whom Eisenhower has been on very friendly terms. Such a list
would include: John G. Winant, Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
Anna M. Rosenberg, Sidney Hillman, Perl Mesta, Jacob Javits, W. Averell
Harriman (emphasis ours), Milton Katz, and Harry Hopkins."

Braden authored a book in 1971 -- "Diplomats and Demagogues" the Memoirs of
Spruille Braden, published by Arlington House.

On page 89 we find the following interesting admission:

"The banking house in which I had agreed to become a partner never passed the
planning stage. I arranged with Averell Harriman to become an associate of W.
A. Harriman & Company, and to make my offices with them, occupying a desk in
the partners' room with Averell and Roland Harriman and other partners in the
firm. Although I was a partner not in but of the firm, I bought about $25,000
worth of stock and about the same amount in the W. A. Harriman Securities
Corporation, a very closely held investment trust."

We have called your attention to one Federal Reserve Bank connections thus
far on the John Birch Society Council.

Therefore, the following quote from page 94 of Braden's 1971 book we believe
merits your attention:

"I was appointed an advisor particularly to help one of the delegates, Paul
Warburg, distinguished (sic) as a principal architect of the Federal Reserve
System deal with the Chilean delegation. I knew Samuel Claro Lastarria, its
chief, and his colleagues on the delegation. I was one of a dozen or so
American advisors. We would all sit around the table with delegates, who were
supposed to be discussing inter-American financial problems following World
War I."

"But if there was little real activity on the financial side, the social side
was lively enough and Maria and I had a fine time. We became very friendly
with Paul Warburg; (emphasis added) also with John J. Raskob (one of my
fellow advisors on the Chilean Committee), the Dupont official who later
became national chairman of the Democratic Party. It was at a reception
during the conference that I first met and briefly chatted with Franklin D.
Roosevelt, then Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He was a magnificent looking
man, still of course in full possession of his physical powers."

So Braden as on a first name basis with Averell Harriman, Paul Warburg and
John Raskob.

Much is available on Paul Warburg. As an example Gary Allen wrote an article
in the March 1970 "American Opinion" entitled "The Bankers" - Conspiratorial
Origins of the Federal Reserve. We quote from pages 27 and 28 of that

"Among other international bankers financing the Russian Revolution were Olaf
Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm, the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, and
a wealthy banker named Jivotovsky whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky.
However, the chief European funding came from Max Warburg of Hamburg,
Germany, who was the brother of Jacob Schiff's son-in-law, Felix Warburg, as
well as Schiff's partner, Paul Warburg. Curiously, the latter was the man
most instrumental in the establishment of the Federal Reserve System."

Reproduced nearby are two photographs of Spruille Braden in the act of making
awards to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and President Dwight David

Apparently Braden wasn't aware of things like Operation Keelhaul or maybe
that's why he is smiling, and if asked about Eisenhower's participation in
the murder of millions of innocent people in World War II and after, he would
simply reply, "So What?"

It is hardly necessary to reproduce here the "position" of the Belmont
Brotherhood on Roosevelt or Eisenhower. Although it is worth noting that
these two photographs are at least 20 years apart, indicating a certain
constancy on the part of Mr. Braden.

About the time of Braden's appointment as "our" Ambassador to Cuba, he
reports on page 264 of his book Diplomats and Demogogues the following
conversation between he (Braden) and Nelson Rockefeller:

"Now," Nelson asked, "what would you like us to do in regard to Cuba?"

"Nelson," I answered, "there's just one thing I insist on, and that is that I
am the Ambassador. I want your solemn promise that nothing - and I mean
nothing - will be done there by your office without my (emphasis added) prior
approval. I'll be coordinating committee there and I'll cooperate with you.
(emphasis added) But absolutely nothing is to be done - no one is to be
employed, no contract is to be signed without my knowledge and approval. If
that is understood I think we can work together very well. (emphasis added)

"Nelson agreed with alacrity."

"Obviously I had averted a great peril by obtaining Nelson's agreement to
keep hands off in Cuba. And he kept his word scrupulously, even to the point
of asking my approval (emphasis added) before sending down representatives to
carry out an order from the President himself."

So Braden was on a first name basis with Nelson Rockefeller. Please note
Braden's promise to cooperate and work with Rockefeller. This even went to
the point of having Rockefeller ask Braden's approval "before sending down
representatives to carry out an order from the President himself."

Braden devotes fourteen pages of his book to a description of a pleasant
relationship between himself and Nelson Rockefeller. What, may we be so bold
as to ask, was a "conservative" and future JBS Council member doing in such a

9. Louis Ruthenberg

The late Ruthenberg, like the living Bill Grede, was a Director of a Federal
Reserve Bank -- this one in St. Louis. Thus we have another man who was once
on the Council associated in a major way with the infamous Federal Reserve

10. Ralph E. Davis

Davis is another Mason on the Council. We are not told what degree he it. Not
that it matters all that much however, for the lower degrees supply the pool
for the higher degrees. So for all we know Davis may be a 34th Degree Mason.
That would even make him higher than Albert Lantoine -- a Mason who aroused a
great deal of controversy with his Lettre au Souverain Pontife in 1937.
Masons of any degree should, if they are truly consistent - concur with his
following observation.

"There is a higher sphere where knowledge and Faith, though they cannot meet,
can at least tolerate one another. To those seeking the one, to those who
possess the other, they give the same delights and the same anguish. There is
much purity and grandeur in the words of the philosophers in the Word of the

So much the better, I say. Possessing critical and inquiring minds, we are
the servants of Satan. You the guardians of truth, are the servants of God.
These two complement one another. Each needs the other." Albert Lantaine, as
quoted in Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 111.

11. Frank E. Masland, Jr.

was listed by Welch as a member of the Council in the JBS Bulletin for
February 1960 (p. 4) which can be found in the wirebound White Book of the
John Birch Society for 1960. Welch forgets to tell you here that Masland was
a Mason. Who's Who for 1964-65 mentions this conveniently omitted fact (see
reproduction nearby of page 1297 of 1964-65 of Who's Who].

12. Cola Godden Parker

Parker was also mentioned in the February, 1960 Bulletin (p. 4) by Welch.
Although Welch forgot to mention that he was both a Mason and a member of the
mysterious Newcomen Society (whose president, Charles Penrose, Jr. is
directly tied in with the subversive Pilgrims and English-Speaking Union).
Observe page 2106 of the 1950-51 Who's Who reproduced nearby.

13. Joseph Bracken Lee

Lee was an early JBS Council member. He is described in the 1976-77 Who's Who
in America page 1856 as a 33rd degree Mason, Knight Commander Court of Honor.
This puts Mr. Lee at the same level as Albert Lantoine and Oswald Wirth who,
as you may recall from the above, say Masons as high as Lee honor and serve

Incidentally, we find in Who's Who in America a whole raft of extreme left
wingers who are either 32nd or 33rd degree Masons. Such a list would include
George McGovern (1972 Democratic Presidential Candidate) and Earl Warren
(former Supreme Court Justice) who we understand the Belmont Brotherhood was
trying to "impeach".

II. Other Council Members

For the most part, the remaining Council members constitute a form of window
dressing to impress the average Bircher (potential, that is) with the
"distinguished" leadership of the Society. We have some doctors to impress
other doctors (e.g. Grady, Adamson, and McDonald); Stillwell J. Conner - a
relative of Robert J. Koenig, former Major Coordinator for the Midwest
currently hiding in Belmont as a Home Office Coordinator after having
instructed at least one Coordinator to commit loan and stock fraud in the
State of Illinois; a couple of military men (Bunker and Stone), and a variety
of directors of publicly held corporations.

III. Other Birch Figures -- Inner and Outer Circles

1. Martin J. Condon, III

Condon is a non-Council member whose name appears on the Editorial Advisory
Committee of American Opinion magazine. It appeared on the flyleaf of a
recent 1976 issue (see page nearby.) He is a director of Schering-Plough
Corporation, one of the many publicly-held corporations represented by
members of the JBS Council. Condon, according to Who's Who in America,
1976-77 (see reproduction nearby of page 634), is also a member of the
mysterious Newcomen Society.

2. George Schuyler - Contributing Editor to American Opinion

Schuyler is reputed to be a "conservative" journalist. Yet in 1934-35 he was
-- according to volume 2 page 2795 of Who's Who in America 1976-77
(reproduced nearby) -- a special assistant in publicity for no less a
notorious organization for the NAACP. From 1937 to 1944 he was business
manager of the NAACP publication: The Crisis. For those of you who are
unaware of the Communist connections of the NAACP, check it out in Volume One
of the Biographical Dictionary of the Left by Francis X. Gannon -- available
at the nearest bookstore. We are in the process of completing a study of the
other current connections of Mr. Schuyler listed at the bottom of the
attached Who's Who and we intend to publish these disturbing facts in an
upcoming book.

3. E. Merrill Root - Former Associate Editor of American Opinion

Root, prior to his death a number of years ago, had numerous articles
published in American Opinion -- not to mention those which appeared in
Review of the News. Western Island (the JBS publishing affiliate) published
the book, America's Steadfast Dream. He was also a close confidant and
personal friend of Robert Welch.

Imagine our surprise when his name appeared in the index of a New York State
Investigating Committee (see the title page of the Investigation and the
article in question) which was charged with exposing the Communist Conspiracy
in America in the early 1920's under the leadership of the Hon. Clayton R.

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