From: Betty Martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 00:02:15 -0400
To: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Metroactive Aspartame Story

>User-Agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.01 (1630)
>Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 12:28:16 -0700
>Subject: Metroactive Aspartame Story
>From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: Rich Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
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>      Don't know if you-all have seen this one, so I'm sending it along just
>in case. ‹ Alex
>MetroActive Central
>Killing Me Sweetly
>Is aspartame really a safe sugar substitute? If not, why is the FDA blocking
>the release of a better alternative?
>By Bill Strubbe
>EVELYN BLAKE'S downhill spiral began in 1994 when she decided to lose
>weight: she switched to diet sodas and began using Equal as a sugar
>substitute. "After about four months I began feeling nervous and uneasy,"
>Blake recalls. "My heart was beating so irregularly that I wondered if I was
>having a heart attack! Then one night I woke with this very strange feeling,
>like I was in a zombie state. I felt as if my tongue was swelling, my teeth
>clenched tight."
>Blake began to shiver, and by the time she reached her son's room her body
>shook uncontrollably and she couldn't talk. The frightening incident
>eventually subsided, and they decided against visiting the emergency room.
>"Not making any connection, I continued to use Equal in everything--coffee,
>bread, cereal, salad--and the seizures got worse."
>Though millions of people sip diet sodas, ingest yogurt lite, and stir the
>contents of those little blue packets into their coffee without noticeable
>side effect, Blake's ordeal is only one of thousands of alleged
>aspartame-poisoning complaints registered over the last two decades. By the
>federal Food and Drug Administration's own admission, 73 percent of all food
>complaints are aspartame-related--most commonly headaches, memory loss,
>depression, heart palpitations, and vision problems. Some contend that
>prolonged use of aspartame is the root cause of their permanent nerve
>damage, their brain lesions and tumors, and even the untimely deaths of
>family members.
>"Since many consumers may never make the connection between their maladies
>and aspartame intake, conceivably those complaints are only the tip of the
>iceberg," says Betty Martini, who heads Mission Possible International,
>which attempts to educate the public about the dangers of aspartame.
>Industry and FDA spokespersons point out that these accounts are "merely
>anecdotal" and "unscientific," but the sheer volume of accusations in itself
>should raise questions about aspartame's approval process--the independence
>of industry-funded research, the ethics of the revolving door relationships
>between FDA officials and industry--and call for the re-examination of this
>chemical that is now commonly found in grocery stores, on kitchen shelves,
>and in children's lunchboxes.
>Sweet Nothing: Proponants of stevia, a natural sweetener, do battle with
>NUTRASWEET--along with Equal, Spoonful, Indulge, Equal-Measure, etc.--is a
>brand name for aspartame, discovered by accident in 1965 when a chemist with
>G. D. Searle pharmaceuticals was testing an anti-ulcer drug: he happened to
>lick his hand, and the rest is history. Originally approved for use in dry
>foods in July 1974, aspartame was put on hold several months later owing to
>objections filed by neuroscience researchers and consumer attorneys.
>When ingested, NutraSweet breaks down into aspartic acid, a chemical found
>in the brain; phenylalanine, an amino acid; and methanol (wood alcohol),
>which converts to formaldehyde, which at high levels can cause brain damage
>and blindness. Monsanto--the former manufacturer of NutraSweet--and the FDA
>argue that methanol is present in such a small amount that it poses no
>health risks and is harmlessly passed from the body.
>They also insist that except for people with the rare disease
>phenylketonuria, aspartame is safe. (G. D. Searle, the original makers of
>NutraSweet, was bought by Monsanto in the 1980s. This past year, Monsanto
>sold NutraSweet to J. W. Childs and divested itself of Equal, which is now a
>registered trademark of Merisant Co.)
>Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, professor of neurosurgery at the University of
>Mississippi's medical center, explains in his book Excitotoxins: The Taste
>That Kills that though aspartate (and glutamate in the chemically related
>substance MSG) is a neurotransmitter normally found in the brain and spinal
>cord, when aspartate reaches certain levels it causes the death of brain
>The risks to infants, children, and pregnant women are higher because the
>blood/brain barrier, which normally protects the brain, is not fully
>developed until adulthood. Dr. Blaylock and numerous other experts believe
>that long-term exposure to excitotoxins may play a part in diseases such as
>early-onset Alzheimer's, Parkinson's (Michael Fox, coincidentally the former
>spokesperson for Diet Pepsi, may be an example), lupus, brain lesions and
>tumors, epilepsy, memory loss, multiple sclerosis, and some hearing
>Dr. John Olney, a neuroscientist at Washington University Medical Center in
>St. Louis, who has demonstrated the harmful effects of excitotoxins and
>testified before Congress, believes that both glutamate and aspartate damage
>areas of the brain controlling endocrine functions leading to obesity.
>He posits that the 30 percent increase in obesity in America in the past
>decade might be related to the increased use of aspartame.
>"While there were a few inaccuracies [in the original safety tests], there
>was nothing convincing to keep aspartame off the market," insists David
>Hattan, Ph.D., acting director of the FDA's Division of Health Effects
>Evaluation. "The large body of animal and clinical research carried out in a
>controlled environment convinces me that aspartame is safe."
>But a number of his colleagues have disagreed. During a congressional
>investigation in 1985 to scrutinize Searle's aspartame safety tests, Dr.
>Jacqueline Verrett, a former FDA toxicologist and FDA task force member,
>testified that the tests were a "disaster" and should have been "thrown
>out." Dr. Marvin Legator, professor of environmental toxicology at the
>University of Texas, characterized them as "scientifically irresponsible and
>disgraceful" and said, "I've never seen anything as bad as Searle's."
>Because of FDA budget limitations, it is standard procedure for the bulk of
>initial safety tests to be financed, designed, and carried out by the
>company with a vested interest in the product. The reliability of their
>results is called into question when 74 out of 74 industry-sponsored
>articles attested to aspartame's safety, while 84 out of 91 of the
>nonindustry-sponsored articles identified problems with the chemical.
>"I'll admit there's validity to these concerns, but it's not unusual for
>industry to fund studies, because they're expensive--and who else will?"
>counters a spokeswoman at Merisant Co. "It's a disservice to the fine
>scientists involved whose reputations are besmirched by aspartame
>AND WHAT'S to keep adverse industry test results from disappearing
>altogether? According to a reliable source, who chose to remain unnamed but
>has signed a sworn affidavit, Searle in the early 1980s conducted aspartame
>research in five communities in Central and South America; the groups were
>told they were ingesting a papaya extract.
>By the end of these 18-month studies, the source recalls from translating
>the reports from Spanish into English that many subjects experienced grand
>mal seizures and damage to the central nervous system, causing muscular and
>neural instability, hemorrhaging, brain tumors, and other maladies.
>"When I finished the project, I was told to destroy all my records and
>copies. If those studies had reached the FDA, there's no way they could have
>approved aspartame," the source says.
>"Imagine my surprise when I found out soon after that aspartame is being
>consumed en masse! I urged my family and everyone I knew not to use anything
>containing aspartame because, as I said, 'it would make their brains into
>mush.' "
>The late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, former senior FDA toxicologist, stated in his
>testimony before Congress, "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, aspartame triggers
>brain tumors," and "therefore by allowing aspartame to be placed on the
>market, the FDA has violated the Delaney Amendment," which makes it illegal
>to allow any residues of cancer-causing chemicals in foods. His last words
>to Congress were: "And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is
>left to protect the health of the public?"
>The cancer-causing agent referred to above is diketopiperazine, or DKP. So
>concerned was Searle about toxic DKP that it's mentioned several times in an
>early 1970 internal memo distributed by Herbert Helling: "My prime concern
>at this time is with the production of DKP and our lack of complete
>toxicological data on DKP if [aspartame's chemical code broke down]
>completely to DKP. We then must consider how much DKP could be formed from
>the time the system is converted to a wet system to the time of consumption
>allowing for maximum likely abuse."
>"SOUNDS LIKE the tobacco fraud all over again. But this time it's the drug
>industry, and it's big," says former U.S. Department of Justice attorney Ed
>Johnson, who for the last 10 years has served as president and CEO of a
>large law firm in San Antonio. Several years ago, he was diagnosed with a
>pituitary adenoma and underwent two life-threatening surgeries to remove the
>tumor, which he believes was caused by his heavy ingestion of Diet Coke and
>"When the class actions [lawsuits] hit, and they will, I predict that
>they'll rival the tobacco litigation we have seen in the past few years."
>Aspartame tests in the United States continued until July 18, 1981 when FDA
>Commissioner Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. disregarded the Food Drug and
>Cosmetic Act, which states that a food additive should not be approved if
>tests are inconclusive, overruling six of the nine scientists on two agency
>review panels who thought the studies of brain tumors in rats had been
>Applying an "acceptable daily intake" measure, the FDA approved the chemical
>for use in dry products and then raised the ADI in 1983 to enable the
>introduction of aspartame into beverages.
>In subsequent years, $30 million to $40 million annually was pumped into
>advertising by NutraSweet Co. alone, and ads--featuring the likes of Bill
>Cosby, Raquel Welch, Joe Montana, and Geraldine Ferraro--by diet soft-drink
>manufacturers and other companies employing the chemical pushed that figure
>past $100 million a year, quickly making NutraSweet a household word.
>Soon after, complaints to the FDA began rolling in: headaches, dizziness,
>anxiety, depression, memory loss, joint pain, vomiting, heart palpitations,
>slurred speech, seizures, brain tumors, comas, and even deaths attributed to
>The FDA took "some of these early reports quite seriously," and Monsanto
>performed follow-up studies. But, according to the principles of science,
>"if test results cannot be reproduced in a controlled setting, then you
>cannot preclude other factors that might have caused seizure expressions,"
>explains Hattan at the FDA, who declares that he consumes copious amounts of
>aspartame with no ill effects.
>"I think that many of the symptoms attributed to aspartame are actually
>caused by something else in the individual's environment."
>EVELYN BLAKE'S seizures got worse, racking her body on a regular basis,
>sometimes twice a day. She recalls entering into a "zombie stare . . .
>looking but not seeing," and feeling as if her body "were attached to an
>electrical current," her heart racing.
>More EKGs, EEGs, and blood tests followed, but the doctor could determine
>only low blood pressure and a slight thyroid problem. Meanwhile, she says,
>her hair started falling out by "the handful." Temporary relief finally
>arrived when she visited her brother in Georgia and she skipped her "diet,"
>which included the use of Equal. For three weeks, she began to recover.
>Upon returning home--and back to her use of Equal--the nightmare revved up
>"I thought it might be stress from the house remodeling and other duties,"
>she says. "My memory was getting so bad I couldn't remember where I was
>going when I got into my car. My eyesight suddenly got worse. I was afraid
>of being alone, never knowing when the next seizure would hit! The doctors
>could find nothing wrong with me."
>WITHIN SEVERAL years of aspartame's appearance on the market, a number of
>FDA and government officials left their posts and took jobs closely linked
>to the food, beverage, and NutraSweet industries. Shortly after pushing
>aspartame's approval, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes left the FDA under a shadow of
>improprieties and became a consultant--at $1,000 a day--with
>Burston-Marsteller, Searle's public relations firm. Wayne Pines, Hayes'
>former top spokesman, previously had joined the firm.
>In July 1986, Anthony Brunetti, an FDA consumer product officer who drafted
>the 1983 notice approving NutraSweet's use in soft drinks, joined the Soft
>Drink Association as a science adviser.
>In the late 1970s, Samuel Skinner and William Conlon, two senior Justice
>Department prosecutors investigating criminal allegations against G. D.
>Searle & Co. for falsifying NutraSweet safety-test results, later joined the
>law firm of Sidley & Austin, which represented Searle during the lengthy
>investigation. Skinner, who knew of the statute-of-limitations deadline,
>delayed pursuing prosecution, thus placing Searle out of reach. He
>subsequently defected to Sidley & Austin in July 1977.
>"The aspartame manufacturer has a lot of political influence, and when the
>FDA director refused to allow aspartame on the market, he was replaced by
>one who would, and did," says attorney Ed Johnson, former assistant U.S.
>attorney under William S. Sessions (who went on to become the head of the
>"Though it's against ethics laws for an FDA official to sit in on any action
>regarding a firm with which they had any prior relationship," explains
>former FDA investigator Arthur Evangelista, "there is nothing to stop
>federal officials from being influenced with promises of a position in a
>firm they are meant to be regulating."
>Evangelista believes that influence-peddling is rife throughout the FDA,
>both directly and indirectly, via government PAC monies influencing
>politicians, who in turn use their influence on regulatory agencies.
>And the revolving door continues to spin. In 1999, Dr. Virginia Weldon, vice
>president for public policy at Monsanto (the former parent corporation of
>NutraSweet), was considered for the FDA's commissioner post. On June 14,
>1999, retiring FDA Commissioner Michael Friedman became the senior vice
>president for clinical affairs at Searle's drug unit.
>How can the FDA effectively safeguard the public's health while being
>influenced by the corporations it is meant to regulate?
>For two decades the aspartame controversy has continued to simmer, leaving
>respectable organizations with opposing verdicts. The American Diabetes
>Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical
>Association, and the Epilepsy Institute endorse aspartame as safe (though it
>is a matter of record that several of these organizations have received
>donations from NutraSweet).
>But hundreds of airline pilots reporting adverse effects from aspartame,
>including grand mal seizures while in the cockpit, led a dozen aviation
>publications, including Navy Physiology, Planes & Pilot, Canadian General
>Aviation News, and Flying Safety, to warn pilots not to consume aspartame
>before or while flying.
>"I am not denying these people's symptoms," says Hattan at the FDA, "but it
>is entirely possible that when patients stopped using aspartame they might
>also coincidentally have had remission of their symptoms."
>Both the FDA's and NutraSweet's categorical dismissal of the thousands of
>aspartame consumer complaints as coincidental, anecdotal, or unscientific
>has not diminished the convictions of thousands of unpaid volunteers at
>Aspartame Victims and Their Friends; the Aspartame Detoxification Center in
>Atlanta; and chapters in dozens of countries of Mission Possible
>International that compile aspartame-related articles and personal accounts.
>As of 1987, the last year that NutraSweet publicized records, Americans
>consumed about 17.l million pounds of aspartame, and the number is now
>estimated to top 25 million pounds. Since the chemical additive is now sold
>in dozens of other countries, aspartame-poisoning complaints now are fielded
>from around the world. Those who suspect that they have any symptoms of
>aspartame poisoning, nutritionists say, should take the aspartame test: For
>one month stop using aspartame-containing products and see if your symptoms
>Evelyn Blake decided to try eliminating, one by one, everything she was
>eating, but the seizures continued.
>"When I finally eliminated Equal, I never had any more attacks or seizures!
>Since I stopped Equal on Sept. 13, 1997, my health has slowly improved: my
>eyesight and memory returned, my hair quit falling out, my blood pressure is
>good. My heart continues with an irregular beat, which my cardiologist says
>only a pacemaker can correct," Blake says.
>"Because of Equal, my life for four years was one living hell. Can't someone
>do something about this unregulated chemically engineered drug called
>Equal/aspartame that has affected thousands?"
>BEWARE of any food product that contains the words "lite," "diet,"
>"low-calorie," or "no calorie."
>Among these are:
>diet iced teas
>diet soft drinks
>Crystal Light
>yogurt lite
>Diet Jell-O
>some cereals
>some children's vitamins.
>Bill Strubbe is a California-based freelance writer who confesses to having
>once been addicted to SweetTarts.
>[ Sonoma County | MetroActive Central | Archives ]
> >From the September 28-October 4, 2000 issue of the Sonoma County
>Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Maintained by Boulevards New Media.

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