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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


World Trade Center-Pentagon Terror Attacks News

Album Cover of the Year: Nominee 1

Wednesday September 12 4:04 PM ET

Hip-Hop Group Yanks Album Cover Depicting WTC Blast

By Sue Zeidler

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Striking a macabre note, a new album cover by 
hip-hop band The Coup -- whose music has a strong anti-capitalist 
bent -- had until recently depicted the World Trade Center exploding, 
the band's label said on Wednesday.

``We changed the artwork as soon as we saw what had happened,'' said 
Daria Kelly, director of sales for 75 Ark, the band's label.

Kelly said the picture, which eerily shows group member ''Boots'' 
Riley holding a detonator in front of the exploding towers, was 
yanked from the San Francisco-based company's Web site at 
(http://www.75ark.com) by 9:30 a.m. PDT on Tuesday, hours after two 
hijacked airliners actually smashed into the World Trade Center's 
twin towers and brought them down, possibly causing thousands of 

Kelly said the artwork was done about two months ago for the band's 
upcoming album, ``Party Music,'' which features a single called ``5 
Million Ways to Kill a CEO'' and is due to hit stores on November 6.

``We were going to print them this week. Thank goodness we hadn't yet 
printed them,'' she said, adding that the new album cover would 
probably just bear the band's logo.

While the label quickly moved to delete the image -- which shows 
explosions in the towers at about the same level as the actual 
blasts -- the picture has begun to circulate on the Internet and 
generate a lot of reaction.

It was featured Wednesday on lifestyle-culture Web site at 
(http://www.ammocity.com) accompanied by the following message: ''The 
album cover for hip-hop group 'The Coup' manages to even outweird the 
quotes from Nostradamus doing the email rounds today.''

Kelly said she had not received any e-mails about the cover, noting 
it hadn't been circulated by the label very much.

``We just started press about a month ago,'' she said describing the 
Oakland, Calif.-band's music as focusing on the ''destruction of 
corporate America.''

The band, considered among the more overtly political rap bands, was 
formed in the early 1990s. Lead rapper/producer Boots Riley, whose 
real name is Raymond Riley, was involved in political activism before 
becoming a musician, according to music industry sources.

Released in 1993, the Coup's debut album ``Kill My Landlord'' was a 
highly charged blend of leftist resistance and 70s funk, which 
received wide critical praise.

Album Cover of the Year: Nominee 2


Gary Condit, Chandra Levy and the World Trade Center - Pentagon 
Terror Attack

The conspiracy theory of the month:

Was Chandra Levy killed because she uncovered classified documents 
surrounding the plans of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks?

Runner up:

Did the BushMob take the month of August off to coordinate the attack?


Tue, Sep 11, 2001

by  Mickey  Z.

September 11: As I sit typing this here in New York City, the radio 
is blaring news of hijacked planes crashing into the World Trade 
Center. Instantly, I feared for friends who work in the area. Next, 
overwhelmed by the inevitability I felt, I made a mental laundry list 
of suspects. Most observers, of course, will reflexively start with 
the generic term: "Arab." It's enlightening that Westerners use that 
word to describe people as diverse as Yemenis and Syrians, but never 
use "European" to label both an Irishman and a Swede. While it's 
clear that only a few groups had the resources to pull off such a 
coordinated onslaught, I still couldn't help but wonder who has the 
U.S. pissed off enough to warrant violent revenge?

I started in our hemisphere and thought of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, 
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador . . . by the time I got to 
Colombia, I changed that to one entry: The entire Western Hemisphere 
(except non-Quebec Canada). Looking eastward, I thought of the 
Hawaiian sovereignty movement, North Korea, East Timor, the 
Philippines, Laos, Burma, and Vietnam before I realized that the 
term "East Asia" would suffice. Moving right along, Kashmir, Sri 
Lanka, Tibet, a whole gaggle of former Soviet republics (plus 
Chechnya), and the entire Middle East (except Israel) all had 
acceptable motives. In Europe, there's Bosnian Serbs, Serbian Croats, 
Croatian Muslims, ethnic Albanians, the Red Brigade, the Basques, or 
even the IRA (to name but a few). The whole continent of AfricaÜfrom 
Libya to Nigeria to Zaire to Rwanda to the SudanÜcould justifiably 
plead self-defense.

But what about right here at home? Well, you1ve got a small army of 
anti-abortion zealots, the Bo Gritz "UN is gonna take over the world" 
crowd, a devoted group of followers waiting for David Koresh to 
return, the Nation of Islam, assorted neo-Nazis and skinheads, and 
Rush1s fans with the means. Toss in anguished welfare recipients, 
veterans denied benefits, Gulf War vets with a strange disease, the 
American Indian Movement, and you have plenty of homegrown suspects, 

By the time you read this, the FBI will have most likely identified 
the culprits and the media will be busy obscuring the real issues, 
but it might be worth your time to contemplate exactly how much 
misery - domestic and/or foreign - your tax dollars are responsible 
for. In fact, in lieu of the U.S. breeding so much fear, paranoia, 
exploitation, oppression, torture, and death at home and across the 
globe, it's surprising this kind of thing doesn't happen more often. 
Maybe this is just a very frightening start. As Malcolm X remarked 
about the JFK assassination: "The chickens have come home to roost." 
As long as U.S. citizens passively allow their tax dollars to fund a 
violent empire and a repressive domestic policy, there are no 
legitimately innocent bystanders in this country. We're all complicit 
in our own way and thus we1re all fair game for revenge. Sweet 
dreams, comrades.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (horowitz)

From: Dr. Len Horowitz
Subject: "Terrorist" Attacks on America

Please Feel Free To Forward This Letter To Those You Care About!

September 12, 2001

My dear friend,

We, like most Americans, are now processing shock and dismay over the 
September 11, 2001 "Attack on America."  In the business of 
collecting and disseminating intelligence regarding various forms of 
terrorism, we have been predicting such horrific realities for 
months, even years. To have these prophesies manifest, leaves remorse 
beyond description. My colleagues and I are additionally pained by 
our collective inability to stop the generally unrecognized forces of 
evil orchestrating these events…. Forces we have identified and 
continue to professionally expose.

On this "day after," following yesterday's tragic losses, the last 
glimmer of hope that Americans might be shaken out of complacency, 
even by these horrific attacks on our home soil, is now gone. Filling 
this void, we are simply aghast by the manner in which the mainstream 
news media is spinning the public's mind. We, like more sheep to 
slaughter, are being directed more rapidly now, towards the emergence 
of a New World Order out of this chaos and coming cataclysms.

Diagnosing the Media Spin

What do I mean by media spin? Did you know that our government's and 
media's alleged greatest nemesis, said to be responsible for most 
terrorist attacks against the United States—Osama bin Laden—took his 
direction and money from the CIA for at least eight years. (See story 
at http://www.msnbc.com/news/190144.asp#BODY)

This also implicates, by association, the British Oligarchy's MI6. 
According to previous MI6 officer, Dr. John Coleman, the CIA is 
largely subordinate to British intelligence agencies and the Royal 
family. Through the MI6 and numerous oligarchy-controlled "think 
tanks," America's propaganda mills--major news networks and agencies--
churn out foul fabrications. Osama bin Laden, the Islamic devil 
incarnate, is a classic creation of this spin.

This evening (Sept. 12) I watched a CBS Evening News special report 
with Dan Rather. He interviewed Milt Bearden, a retired high ranking 
CIA officer with "deep experience in the Sudan and Afganistan." Here 
he apparently directed bin Laden's covert CIA operation known as 
Maktab al-Khidamar—the MAK. Mr. Rather asked Bearden if he thought 
bin Laden was responsible for the terrorist "Attack on America." 
Bearden downright snubbed the possibility. Instead, he explained, a 
far more sophisticated intelligence operation had to be behind these 
precise coordinated attacks. Rather, committed to demonizing bin 
Laden restated his concern. "Look," Bearden surprisingly blurted, 
referring to the intelligence organization(s)responsible for the 
terrorist attack, "if they didn't have an Osama bin Laden, they would 
invent one."

As soon as Bearden left the set, Rather returned to demonizing bin 

What Lies Ahead?

Most people tonight are questioning, "What's next?"  With great 
graveness of heart, I must inform you that this saddest of times 
marks a new beginning for more horrendous terrorist attacks to come. 
Add to this environmental catastrophes, and politically contrived 
intoxications of highly susceptible populations. . . . Especially 
those living in urban America.

Also this evening, previous Secretary of Defense for the Clinton 
administration, William S. Cohen, returned to CBS. He was asked the 
same question, "What lies ahead?" He replied that the terrorist 
attacks on New York and Washington were an aberration. He fully 
expected there to be a full-scale deployment of biological and 
chemical "weapons of mass destruction" very soon.

What to Do?

My first recommendation is for you to work through your remaining 
shock and denial as quickly as possible. You may then be prepared to 
responsibly address, for your children's sake if not your own, the 
genocides to come.

What else can you do to prepare and protect your family?

Know and understand the nature of the enemy, and the dangers posed by 
this stealth "beast."

Shortly, I will be e-mailing you more on this subject. I will 
continue to work to keep you abreast of the latest intelligence we 
gather that can help you and your loved ones be safe, and save lives.

In the meantime, if you have not yet purchased my new book, "Death in 
the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare," it is urgent that 
you get a copy as soon as possible.

You may do so by clicking on http://www.tetrahedron.org.

This text provides all the documented intelligence you need to 
recognize the "beast" and its current operations. People have written 
that this is my best work to date. It provides in-depth analysis that 
may be crucial to you and your family's survival in the months ahead.

Regarding my previous communications predicting increased terrorist 
attacks, and the deployment of biological and chemical weapons, I 
again refer you to our website for many excellent links, articles and 
health resources with which to prepare your "temple of God" to defend 
against the current and predicted plagues.

For the benefit of immunity and humanity, beginning in a few weeks, 
we will also be hosting a Healing Celebrations website at 

God bless you, our bleeding country, and our troubled world.

Sincerely yours in sadness,

Len Horowitz


Jim Marrs


 Many people have compared the horrendous terrorist attack on New 
York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington to the 
attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. It is an apt comparison, though not 
for the reasons most people think.

  For true students of history, it is now nearly beyond dispute that 
certain high-ranking officials in Washington, D. C. knew in advance 
of the Japanese intention to attack the U.S. fleet in Hawaii, yet did 
nothing to prevent it.

 President Roosevelt, who at the time was blatantly violating the 
Neutrality Act, has been quoted as saying, "A Japanese attack on 
us.would certainly fulfill two of the most important requirements of 
our policy [to engage America in the war despite his pledge to keep 
us out of war.]"

 Must the citizens of the United States wait another 50 years to 
learn that the 9-11 terrorist attack was allowed to take place just 
like Pearl Harbor?

 Could such an appalling scenario possibly be true?

 Consider the comment of Kenneth Katzman, a terrorist expert with the

 Congressional Research Service, who told the Washington Post, "How 
nothing could have been picked up [by U.S. intelligence agencies 
regarding the coming attack] is beyond me."

 Simple countermeasures against such an attack now seem apparent. For 
example, if the airlines would assigned just one armed plainclothes 
security man to each flight, this tragedy may have been averted since 
apparently the hijackers were armed only with knives or other type 
blades. So, how were they able to overpower a plane load of people 
and, more importantly, gain access to the cockpits? Who taught them 
to fly jumbo jets?

 As in the case of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 
the key to understanding the event lies not in who actually committed 
the violence but rather who was able to strip away the normal 
security protection.

 Government and airline officials knew immediately that planes had 
been hijacked, yet no interceptors appeared in the air until after 
the attacks were completed. Who stripped away the normal security 
protection of America on 9-11?

 At least in this most recent case, the government cannot blame the 
attack on a lone deranged individual, some Lee Harvey McVeigh. They 
must deal with a full-blown conspiracy, even though authorities were 
quick to point the finger at Osama bin-Laden. Any investigation of 
bin-Laden must look beyond the man, to the backers and financiers 
behind him.

 The trail of the terrorists will most probably become murky, with 
plenty of accusations for all concerned. But one thing appears quite 
clear, the tragic events of 9-11 play right into the hands of persons 
with an agenda aimed at eroding American liberties and sovereignty.

 After decades of bloated and misused defense budgets, there are now 
calls for doubling our defense allocation. In a time of rising 
recognition that the CIA is an agency never sought by the public and 
one which has brought so much condemnation on this nation, there are 
now cries for doubling its size and budget. If the chief security 
officer for a large company fails to protect one of its most prized 
assets, is he more likely to be fired or have his pay doubled?

 Watch for more anti-terrorist legislation to further shred the U.S. 

 As we all scramble to deal with the effects of terrorism, are we in 
danger of losing our few remaining individual liberties? The media 
blithely reported that each of the cell phone calls made by doomed 
passengers on the hijacked airliners was recorded by the government. 
Doesn't this mean that all cell phone calls are, or can be, recorded? 
Whatever happened to telephone privacy? Where is the indignant outcry 
over such Big Brotherism.

 But the biggest threat comes from the inner elite of the globalist 
societies. Within hours of the attack, the television and radio 
airwaves were full of ranking Council on Foreign Relations members, 
such as Henry Kissinger, Wesley Clark, Alexander Haig and Strobe 
Talbot. Talbot, President Clinton's deputy secretary of state, told 
Time magazine in 1992, "In the next century [today], nations as we 
know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global 

 No matter who was speaking, their "party line" was the same: 
terrible tragedy, find and punish those responsible, stop terrorism. 
But, of course, since terrorists move between national boundaries, we 
must joined with other "freedom loving" nations and work with the 
United Nations and NATO to combat this new menace. This is a thinly-
disguised effort to have a mourning and emotional American public 
stampeded into their New World Order.

 Also, consider that we are distracted from a faltering economy [the 
current crisis may require more federal financial controls], a 
plummeting public opinion of George W. Bush and surging energy prices.

 Would leaders allow a public disaster to happen with an eye toward 
advancing their agendas? It's happened before. in Nero's burning 
Rome, Germany's gutted Reichstag, at Pearl Harbor and gain at the 
Gulf of Tonkin.

 While we should grieve for our losses, we must keep our heads. When 
the emotions of the moment run hot, we must remain cool and 
thoughtful so that we can find who is truly behind this attack on 

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John Judge On WTC Disaster

Steamshovel editor Kenn Thomas sent a note of concern to conspiracy 
writer John Judge after the Pentagon plane crash, and got this 

"I am ok thanks, I felt the Pentagon blast shake my windows and 
decided to take a small trip to the Maryland suburbs until the 
situation calmed down. It was heading fast to martial law early on 
here, and they were clamping the exits. So, I packed a bag and went 
to see friends beyond the play zone. Nasty stuff.

The non-response (ground to air missiles -ed) as the Dulles plane 
flew over the White House and turned to go into the Pentagon is 
inexplicable that late in the scenario unless this was in inside job. 
I am sure there is a false sponsor ready to be handed to us.

Now the global corporate/military state will divide the world 
into "freedom loving free market people" and "terrorists" (meaning 
anyone who stands up to the neoliberal takeover) and act in unison 
against them with impunity. The Congressional consensus will be used 
to bolster Pentagon budgets, create excessive security measures, 
limit civil liberties, unleash open CIA skulduggery, and attack 
progressive movements here and abroad.

Retaliation militarily is the most likely and the worst possible 
response to this, it will escalate it into a permanent war. Rumsfeld 
told the troops today to be ready to make many more sacrifices for a 
while. The fraudulent and failed missile defense will get funded I am 

But no one is asking the most basic question. If this is foreign in 
origin (which I think it really is not), then WHY is it happening? It 
is not happening in Canada, for instance (another large, relatively 
wealthy country of "freedom-loving" people) who also have an 
international presence and policy. The rationale for "terrorism" only 
exists when there is long term injustice and oppression to a weakened 
people, and without that these activities would be isolated without 
sanction or support anywhere.

The old saying is "If you treat people right, you can leave your door 
open". No amount of military retaliation and advanced security 
measures can do anything helpful because they discourage the self 
examnination necessary to begin to act with justice to the world 
around us, to end corporate globalism and aggression, and to stop 
making 75% of our "aid" to others in the form of weapons, not to 
mention training and arming the likes of bin Laden to turn them 
around on us.

If we stop creating enemies then we don't have to be a fortress state 
of frightened people. At some point, the chickens come home to roost.

Sometimes, we bring them."

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