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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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Wash Post analysis:
Florida tossed 3X more Gore votes than bush votes
Jan. 27, 2001

An analysis by The Washington Post of a representative portion of Florida's
presidential votes last November shows ballots for Al Gore were FAR MORE
LIKELY to be disqualified due to so-called over-voting than were ballots for
G. W. bush.

Is that the biggest surprise since the beginning of the universe itself, or

The Washington Post reviewed the computer records of 2.7 million votes, from
eight of Florida's most populous counties.

Over-votes -- ballots that are THROWN OUT because more than one candidate for
president was selected -- were THREE TIMES more likely to include GORE as one
of the choices, rather than bUSH.

The eight counties reviewed included Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach.

The Washington Post found that in Palm Beach, 8,000 so-called butterfly
ballots were thrown out because Gore and one of two other presidential
candidates -- one listed either above or below Gore -- were selected.
Significantly, voters chose a DEMOCRAT in the Senate race TEN-to-ONE on those

Butterfly ballots are punch-style ballots that were used by Palm Beach County
and that listed competing candidates on opposite pages, like a book. Many
voters said they were confused by the way candidates were listed on the
ballots and said the confusion may have caused them to vote for candidates
they did not support.

The Washington Post analysis points to problems either with the way voters
used voting devices or the devices themselves.

Beginning next month, CNN, The Washington Post and other media organizations
will analyze Florida ballots disqualified for having more than one vote per
race or having no vote at all. No actual ballots will be reviewed.

The Miami Herald, on the other hand, is currently examining about 60,000
Florida ballots which have NEVER YET BEEN COUNTED; preliminary results show
Gore WON Florida's popular vote: thus the Electoral College "victory" claimed

The "real" President, Al Gore, won the national popular vote by 539,947
ballots, AND the state of Florida.

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