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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

50 Reasons Not to Vote for Bush
Order at Amazon at:

JULY 22, 2004

Immediately below is an open letter to Michael Moore. I need reader
help in getting this letter to him. I've already emailed him through
his site. Of course, he gets thousands of emails every day, so the
chance that he'll read my message is small.

If you know Michael, or know someone who knows him, try to work your

This is all based on the assumption that Moore's next film will
tackle the MEDICAL SYSTEM. Such a rumor is already circulating. I
hope it's true. If it isn't, it should be.

>From a purely commercial point of view, this subject has infinite
legs. Everyone is intensely interested.


I hope it's true you're going to work over the medical system in your
next film.

As an investigative reporter who's been on that beat for 20 years,
I've accumulated a great deal of information. It goes way beyond
price gouging and obscene profits and insurance fraud and even
conflict of interest.

It's about the actual effects of many of the drugs.

If you have the courage to go there and REALLY put an arrow in the
heart of the medical cartel, you'll do more good than you can dream
of---and I don't say that lightly.

How about 100,000 deaths every year in the US from the correct
adminstration of FDA-certified pharmaceuticals? Wouldn't that be an
interesting fact from which to lead?

100,000 deaths. How many planes into buildings would that represent?

How about 2.1 million annual hospitalizations in the US from the
adverse effects of these drugs?

I tell you up front: if you focus on drug prices and people who can't
get drugs because they're too poor and so on, you'll be stopping
short. You'll be telling one small part of the story. You'll actually
be increasing people's thirst for drugs...and running right into the
100,000-deaths situation.

I know all about the power of visuals of people who are very sick and
have no drugs to take, because they have no insurance. But, and
really think about this, what if many of those drugs kill people?
Does this sound too inflammatory? Does this sound too wild and weird?

What if you could talk to mainstream researchers who would educate
you about the true and hidden adverse effects of the drugs? What if
you could see the studies?

Would you go there?

Would you carry the water all the way?

And we're not even touching on the lives lost and ruined by INCORRECT
prescription of medical drugs and medical errors. That's a whole
other horror story.

We're not even talking about the lives lost and ruined by botched

We're not even adding in the figures from the US government's own
data reserve on the adverse effects of vaccines.

We're not even broaching the very fertile area of fraudulent medical
research that ultimately leads to all these deaths.

And we're certainly not getting into the so-called underground of
people who have put their health back together by using alternative
approaches. I'm sure you know about government raids on the offices
of alternative practitioners who use, for example, nutritional
approaches to illness. I can lead you to video footage of a raid on
the office of a distinguished medical doctor. It's quite powerful.

To say nothing about parents who have been threatened with government
seizure of their children because these parents have (successfully!!)
brought health back to their kids through non-drug approaches. It
isn't just threats. Some kids have been torn from their parents and
put into foster care over this issue.

If any part of what I'm writing about interests you, feel free to
contact me. This subject has a constituency you would not believe.
It's immense.



Paul Krassner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Starring in the role of governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger
called the legislators who weren't going to vote for his proposed
budget "girlie-men." Although he was attempting to rabble-rouse the
crowd, he unthinkingly insulted women, gays and metrosexuals alike.

On Larry King Live, Bill Maher referred to accusations of sexism and
homophobia as "fake outrage." There had been a sort of precedent. Two
days after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Ann Coulter -- former
Justice Department attorney and Senate aide, now a professional
reactionary and Stepford pundit -- wrote in National Review
Online, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and
convert them to Christianity." The Web site refused to run her
syndicated follow-up column, because it included a reference
to "suspicious-looking swarthy males." Coulter publicly dissed
National Review, which had received "a lot of complaints" from
sponsors and readers, so her column was dropped, and the magazine
dumped her as a contributing editor. After she was fired, she went
on "Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher," accusing "National
Review" of censorship and calling the editors "just girlie-boys." But
the question remains, how do you separate the girlie-boys from the
girlie-men? And the correct answer is: With a shoehorn.
* * *
Fox News has a weekly program called Newswatch, which presents a
group of journalists discussing various controversies in the media.
On Saturday, panelist Jane Hall revealed her growing skepticism of
Martha Stewart because "she compared herself to Nelson Mandela."
Actually, Stewart had "contrasted" herself to him, indicating that a
measly five months was a pittance as opposed to the twenty-seven
years that Mandela was imprisoned. Hall's false statement was not
contradicted by fellow panelists James Pinkerton, Cal Thomas and Neal
Gabler, nor by moderator Eric Burns.

When Stewart revealed to Barbara Walters on 20/20 that she was going
to research Danbury, which might be her involuntary home for five
months, I contacted my own source within the penal system. This is
how he responded: "Boy o' boy, Martha Stewart sure fucked up getting
the judge to recommend to the B.O.P. [Bureau of Prisons] that she be
sent to FCI [Federal Correctional Institution] Danbury. FCI's are
medium security facilities. There are two mediums for women in the
U.S., no maximums. Danbury is where they send the bad girls. All the
scooter tramps, Latina gang-bangers and otherwise crazy, whacked-out
broads too vicious to place in camps. Danbury will be a particularly
nasty experience for her. I wonder if she's ever contemplated being
raped by a woman." Although the possibility of prison rape isn't a
joking matter, that may not stop late-night TV talk-show hosts--
desensitized by their own need to be topical--from including such
cheap shots in their monologues. The mere possibility deserves "real"
Paul Krassner is the author of Murder At the Conspiracy Convention
and Other American Absurdities. To read George Carlin's introduction,
check out www.paulkrassner.com.


New Records Indicate Gap
In Bush Military Service
The Daily Mis-Lead

Earlier this year, the White House released documents it said proved
President Bush fulfilled his National Guard service during the
Vietnam War. White House spokesman Scott McClellan at the time said
the documents "means he served" and that there was no longer any
question about whether the President actually showed up to fulfill
his duty. But according to new records released late last week, Bush
did not accumulate any flying hours at all for several months during

According to Bloomberg news service, newly released computerized
records provide no record of Bush's whereabouts between July 1972 and
September 1972 when he was supposed to be serving in the Alabama
National Guard.[1] Earlier this month, the Pentagon said those
documents had been "inadvertently destroyed."[2]

The Associated Press is currently suing for the release of copies of
all the records, which are legally required to exist at the Texas
state archives.[3] However, President Bush has refused to authorize
their release, forcing AP to invoke the Freedom of Information Act.

Sources: 1. "Bush Records Show No Flight Service During July-
September '72," Bloomberg.com, 07/23/04.
aVrgPXBNkPG4&refer=us 2. "Bush Military Records Destroyed,"
CBSNEWS.com, 07/09/04. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/20
04/07/23/politics/main631547.shtml 3. "AP Sues for Access to Bush
Guard Records," SunHerald.com, 06/22/04.


AP story giving Bush electoral lead is faulty
By Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence
Online Journal Guest Writers

July 26, 2004 - Recently, the Associated Press ran a story that was
widely published in newspapers and on the Internet, headlined "Bush
Leads Kerry In Electoral Votes," that could have been written by the
Bush campaign. The assignment of states to candidates, the headline
and the conclusions were all simply wrong. The Associated Press
should print a retraction and work to see that it is widely published.

In the story, it stated that 14 states and Washington, DC, were
either solidly behind Kerry or leaning toward Kerry. These states
give Kerry 193 electoral votes. The leaning states were Maine,
Minnesota and Washington with a total of 25 electoral votes.

They assigned 25 states to Bush with a total of 217 electoral votes.
These states included seven that leaned toward Bush. These were
Missouri, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Colorado, Louisiana and
Arizona for a total of 73 electoral votes.

This AP story listed 11 states as toss-ups. These states were
Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Wisconsin,
Michigan, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Oregon with 128 electoral

The story basically posed the question, "Can Kerry catch up with the
Bush lead?" Actually, there is no Bush lead. Here is why these
writers made this statement.

Tennessee has been assigned as a solid Bush state in the AP story.
The most recent polls in Tennessee have the state tied. Zogby has the
race at 48 percent for both candidates. The most recent Mason-Dixon
poll had Bush ahead by only a single percentage point. Tennessee
should be added to the toss-up states. No state is as closely
contested as Tennessee. The trend is Democratic. These electoral
votes must be removed from the Bush total.

The latest Pennsylvania polls have Kerry up by 5 to10 percentage
points. The Kerry lead does not indicate a toss-up state. It is
likely a solid Kerry state and definitely leans toward Kerry. Using
the AP methodology, Pennsylvania's electoral votes should definitely
be added to the Kerry total. The article suggested that might soon
happen, but the writers should have reassigned the state since this
change alone drastically changes the analysis, the headline and

Oregon and Ohio are actually leaning Kerry and are not toss-ups
unless you are a Republican campaign strategist. Almost every recent
poll gives Kerry leads in these states.

Using their numbers, the solid Bush states (even including the faulty
assignment of Tennessee) have only 144 electoral votes. The solid
Kerry states (even without adding Pennsylvania) give Kerry 168
electoral votes.

The Associated Press owes the American people an apology for this
sloppy story that gives a distorted view of the current presidential
race. Kerry has a definite advantage at this point in the campaign in
terms of the Electoral College!

Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence are the hosts of Democratic Talk


John Tully

Los Angeles Daily News
L.A. is top dog in hot dogs!
Los Angeles savors being America's wurst city
By Brent Hopkins
Staff Writer

Friday, July 23, 2004 -

Los Angeles' reputation as a calorie-counting salad town and home of
the lean California cuisine is in jeopardy -- the City of Angels
turns out to be the hot dog capital of America and the world beyond.

Chicago and New York are known for their franks, but when it comes to
hard numbers of who consumes the most, Los Angeles blows them away,
according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. And that makes
L.A. top dog in America and the world.

Local wiener lovers bought 44 million packages of hot dogs from
supermarkets and 22 million packages of sausages last year, Los
Angeles' fourth straight year with a greater volume than any other
market, according to the Hot Dog Council, which released its data
because July is National Hot Dog Month. In comparison, New Yorkers
bought 35 million packages of franks last year, while Chi-Town diners
bought only 19.6 million.

Dodger Stadium also topped the ballpark consumption list with 1.61
million dogs sold, edging out Denver's Coors Field. Dodger Dogs have
been the most-eaten wiener for the past two years.

And despite all the talk about health-conscious diets, hot dogs are
booming in popularity.

"They're right up there with Mom and apple pie as a symbol of
American dining," said Barbara Fairchild, editor-in-chief of Bon
Appetit magazine.

"The whole idea of the upscale hot dog is coming back into vogue.
It's a great thing, because with anything from foie gras to hot dogs,
you should always go for the best."

Hot dogs were once just a fat-laced teenager's snack, something
chomped down at the fair or skewered on a coat hanger to cook at the
beach, but no longer.

At The Stand in Encino, Murray Wishengrad is serving more than 600
people a day, making $1,300 an hour at lunchtime. His fare's a bit
different from the glistening links rolling around at the local
convenience store, however. He employs hand-chopped condiments, fresh-
made sauerkraut and a wine list, all crucial to his plans to expand
the restaurant into a regional chain with up to 30 stores.

"There's nothing more iconic than a great hot dog or sausage," he
said, a chili-and-onion-laden dog in front of him. "But there's no
great place to eat them. We bet people would respond to a new

His bet appears to be paying off. Wishengrad, president and chief
executive officer of the restaurant, partnered with Richard Shapiro,
co-founder of The Grill on the Alley and Daily Grill concepts, with
the intent of building a chain for the well-heeled hot-dog lover.
Less than a year into their experiment, they've begun showing a
profit and have plans to expand into West Hollywood, downtown and
near Culver City beginning in early 2005.

The Stand isn't the only one to pick up on Angelenos' frankfurter

Pink's, which has anchored the corner of Melrose and La Brea avenues
since 1939, reports business has increased steadily for the past four
years. It serves 21 varieties of hot dogs, including versions heaped
with guacamole, barbecue sauce and nacho cheese. While customers are
waiting in its seemingly perpetually packed line, co-owner Richard
Pink doubts many are thinking about their fat and sodium count.

"It's an egalitarian food," said Pink, president of the family
business that owns the stand. "Even if you come up in a limo,
everyone likes the taste of a hot dog. It's not like fancy French
food only certain people can afford. We see movie stars and
workingmen. It brings you down to the common denominator."

Dodgers fans have long held affection for their long, thin Farmer
John franks, revering the links with all-out adoration.

"You don't come to a Dodger game without them," said Rich Cervantes,
57, of Camarillo, slathering a dog with mustard at Thursday's
noontime Dodger game. "That's what we come for. If it's done right --
grilled with mustard -- Dodger Dogs are the best."

"It's perfect," added Martin Reyes, 40, his tray piled with four
Dodger Dogs. "Not too salty, not too dry. The steamed buns do the
job. It's perfect."

In addition to loading up at the ballpark, the El Monte resident goes
through a case a month of the dogs at home. So beloved are the
telescopic franks that even out-of-towners have learned to respect
the Dodger wiener.

"We've heard about 'em, supposed to be really good," said Greg
Strunk, 26, of Cincinnati, lining up for an L.A. treat before the
national anthem. "They say you can't go to Dodger Stadium without
getting a Dodger Dog."

Phil Heeger, a Sherman Oaks lawyer, wasn't considering the
philosophical aspects of his dog-and-fries lunch at Rubin's Red Hot
in Sherman Oaks. The only things on his mind were a little mustard, a
bit of relish and a touch of kraut -- and not what they'd do to his

"They're fattening, who know's what's inside them, but once a month,
you figure you can take it," he said. "Plus they taste awfully good."

Inside the stand, the sedate Maximillion Chong stands behind the
counter. He bought the restaurant nine years ago and says his all-
beef kosher dogs manage to win over even devoted Chicagoans. A Korean
immigrant running a Chicago-style restaurant in Los Angeles, he
thinks his chosen fare will be around for years to come.

"Hot dogs are part of American culture," he said, handing over a
frank buried under a mound of iridescent relish to a
customer. "They're not going to stop eating them."

Staff Writer Dana Bartholomew contributed to this report. Brent
Hopkins, (818) 713-3738 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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