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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Republican layoff conspiracy 
By Kevin J. Shay
Online Journal Contributing Writer 
February 21, 2002—Lost in the excitement last year over Enron and the 
purported War on Terrorism was this fact: 2001 was the worst year for 
workers since the early Reagan years.

The ranks of the unemployed grew by 2.6 million last year, the most 
since 1982, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Most of those 
new former laborers collecting unemployment were laid off—estimates 
on the number of layoffs in 2001 ranged from 1.8 million to 2.5 

I was one of those 2 million or so layoff victims. I had worked as a 
reporter and editor for Dallas-area newspapers owned by Texas-based 
Belo Corp. for the previous nine-and-a-half years. My last position 
was as a business reporter for The Dallas Morning News. Remaining 
unconvinced that my company was doing as poorly as management said, I 
have conducted some research into the finances of Belo and other 
companies that made some major layoffs in 2001.

My findings may not surprise you: Half of 30 companies picked at 
random that made layoffs of at least 1,000 workers last year made 
money. And only one of those 15 that lost funds in 2001 showed a loss 
the previous year. Most of the firms made good money. For example, 
New York-based financial firm Citigroup Inc. announced it would slash 
7,800 jobs last November, then went on to record a whopping $14.1 
billion in profit in 2001. That came on top of making $13.5 billion 
in 2000 and $9.9 billion in 1999. Why did Citigroup need to cut 
almost 8,000 employees when it made so much and paid its chief 
executive, Sanford Weill, an obscene $225 million in 2000? Weill has 
a history of leaving a trail of layoffs that help boost his pay. 
Between 1987 and 1997, when he was CEO of Travelers Insurance, which 
merged with Citibank to form Citigroup, Weill cut jobs by one-third 
and became one of the highest paid chief executives in the country.

Another company that made off well last year while cutting people was 
the New York Times Co., which said it would send 1,260 workers to the 
unemployment lines last June. The Times Co. made $444.7 million in 
2001, after hauling in $397.5 million in 2000 and $310.2 million in 
1999. Other companies I researched—including IBM, Verizon, WorldCom, 
Dell, Hewlett-Packard, American Express, Bristol-Myers, Sara Lee, VF 
Corp., Wachovia Corp., and Proctor & Gamble—took in similar nice 
profits before and after the layoffs.

So what's going on here? You can't blame all these layoffs on 
September 11—about 63 percent of job cuts tracked last year by the 
Labor Department came before that date. And you obviously can't blame 
declining profits in many cases. Is there some kind of campaign by 
executives, who were complaining about not having enough qualified 
employees throughout much of the 1990s, to make good employees stay 
longer and reduce wages and benefits through increased layoffs? In 
effect, are corporate bigwigs taking it on themselves to turn the 
employees' job market of much of the last decade back into an 
employers' market? Or is it just plain old greed, in which 
shareholders who care more about increased profits than the overall 
welfare of the company and its employees, not to mention the costs of 
job cuts to society, are demanding these layoffs? Where's Oliver 
Stone when you need him?

As you might guess, this layoff conspiracy leads directly to the 
White House. Remember what Bush and Cheney did in December 2000 as 
soon as they had stolen—er, been appointed to—the presidency? Cheney, 
a former corporate bigwig himself, went on major television programs 
and talked about how bad the economy was, blaming it on Clinton, when 
most real economists agreed it was not that bad—yet. Bush, a failed 
corporate smallwig who could only make money through a questionable 
stock transaction with Harken Energy and as part owner of the Texas 
Rangers baseball team by convincing taxpayers to fund most of a new 
stadium, talked the economy down in his own way in front of crowds of 
supporters and in one-on-one meetings with reporters. Bush's handlers 
wouldn't let him go on TV and actually answer a question more complex 
than "How's your golf game?" Their aim was to blame the impending 
recession on the Clinton administration, and to pay back their huge 
campaign contributors, many of whom were these same corporate 
executives who complained before about not having enough qualified 
employees, by aiding the return of an employers' market.

For example, Ivan Seidenberg, president of Verizon Communications, 
the $67 billion telecommunications giant formed by the union of Bell 
Atlantic and GTE, gave $1,000 to Bush's campaign, the legal limit for 
an individual. His company contributed $818,000 to Republican Party 
committees and $3 million to the 2000 Republican National Convention. 
Verizon was one of the first firms to lay off workers last year, 
cutting 10,000 jobs. The company ended up making $590 million in 
2001, after hauling in an astronomical $11.8 billion in 2000. That 
year, Seidenberg amassed $15.7 million in salary alone.

Other company executives gave even more to the GOP. Cisco Systems 
President John Chambers donated $280,000 by himself to Republican 
committees in 2000, the same year he made $157 million. Cisco laid 
off 8,500 people last year after making $2.7 million in 2000. The 
firm did lose $1 billion in 2001, but it made up about 40 percent of 
that loss in the first three months of its 2002 fiscal year.

Then there is Cheney's former firm, Dallas-based Halliburton Co., 
which is vying to become the next Enron and will more than likely 
announce some major layoffs soon. Halliburton's stock dropped to $16 
a share on Feb. 19 after reaching $49.25 nine months before. The 
freefall was blamed largely on multimillion-dollar asbestos court 
verdicts. Pittsburgh-based Harbison-Walker Refractories Co., a former 
subsidiary of Dresser Industries, which Halliburton bought in 1998, 
has already filed for bankruptcy. Will Halliburton be next? And is 
this part of the reason why Cheney is pushing so hard for legislation 
that will benefit his former employer, such as drilling for oil on 
protected federal lands like in Alaska? When Cheney left in 2000 as 
CEO of Halliburton, a position he held since 1995, he sold his stock 
for more than $40 a share. He personally pocketed more than $33 
million in 2000 from Halliburton. You don't think Cheney remembers 
that deal? Cheney presided over several rounds of job cuts, including 
of about 11,000 workers in 1999, a year that Halliburton showed a 
$438 million profit. Since those layoffs, Halliburton's profits have 
risen, to $501 million in 2000 and $809 million in 2001. An 
interesting sidebit to this story is that Houston-based Kellogg Brown 
& Root, another Halliburton offshoot, recently agreed to pay the U.S. 
government $2 million to settle allegations it defrauded the military 
by submitting false claims for delivery orders between 1994 and 1998. 
So here you have Cheney trying to at least indirectly help his former 
company, which is possibly preparing to lay off more workers, through 
friendly legislation as one of its subsidiaries reportedly defrauds 
all of us. [And yes, Cheney still lived in the Dallas area until 
after the November 2000 election in apparent violation of the 12th 
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He didn't sell his Dallas-area 
mansion to a major Republican donor until Nov. 30, 2000, according to 
deed records. Through a local television station's camera, I saw 
Cheney stroll out of his Dallas-area home late at night after Nov. 7, 
2000. Contrary to Republican spin, Cheney never was a resident of 
Wyoming in 2000.]

Company executives and their apologists will tell you they "need" to 
lay off workers—even when the firm is making boatloads of money—to 
remain competitive in today's market. Don't buy that bull. In the 
increasingly merger-friendly environment, competition for many large 
megacorporations is not much of an issue. The main issue for many 
shareholders is to acquire as much capital and return on investment 
as possible. For these multimillionaires and billionaires, money is 
only a way to keep score, not a basic necessity that can mean the 
difference between eating and not eating. And they only feel good 
when that score is going up, even if it is at the expense of a person 
making $20,000 or $30,000 a year. Most really liked Bush's tax cut 
plan last year, which netted the super wealthy millions of additional 
dollars. The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans already own about 40 
percent of the wealth, and that is only expected to grow under the 
current so-called "Christian" administration [idle thought: would 
Christ really support this administration that cares primarily about 
the wealthy and those who want to be wealthy in monetary terms?].

So what do we do about this situation? We stage a nonviolent revolt. 
We organize politically. We educate people on companies that practice 
alternatives to layoffs like reducing hours—Phil Hyde of 
Timesizing.com highlights numerous good examples. We educate people 
on studies that show layoffs actually hurt companies' profits due to 
lower morale, a loss of momentum, and other factors.

We support unions, even though they are not perfect themselves but 
are better than nothing. We demonstrate. We go on strike. We file 
employment discrimination claims with government agencies when we are 
laid off—I have a claim pending against Belo myself. In short, we do 
whatever we can to make the bigwigs feel our pain and perhaps think 
twice about laying us off just to make a few more bucks in the future.

In my daydreams, I see myself taking a page from Michael Moore, the 
populist film maker of Roger and Me who dogged former General Motors 
Chairman Roger Smith after GM closed plants and laid off thousands of 
workers in Moore's native town of Flint, Mich., in the 1980s, despite 
GM continuing to make billions in profits. I see myself bursting into 
Belo shareholders' meetings and firing questions about the layoffs at 
stunned executives. My wife, Michelle, even recently had an actual 
nocturnal dream about her and me and others doing just that at some 
Belo meeting and causing a big stink—things are really getting weird 
when your spouse has dreams about your former workplace. In her wild 
dream, Bush happened to be there and offered to help place a story I 
wrote in a national newspaper or magazine. I turned down Bush's help 
on principle, figuratively telling him to shove it before I walked 
off. It was only a dream, but the scenario sounds good to me.

Some say we shouldn't concern ourselves with this layoff conspiracy 
because executives like Smith and Weill and Seidenberg and Chambers—
as well as their political conspirators like Bush and Cheney—will get 
their just desserts in their afterlives. Some believe the corporate 
and political masters will be sent to Hell—wherever the hell that is—
to live in eternal damnation, if they aren't there already. Others 
say they will have to reincarnate to the Earth as low-level workers 
and see what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck for themselves.

I don't know about those theories. But I do believe that one day in 
the near future, such executives and politicians will be forced to 
search the vacuous depths of their souls, and answer to themselves 
and to a Higher Authority.

And then, perhaps there will be hell to pay. Maybe through their 
redemption, the rest of us will benefit. Maybe not. All I know is we 
have to keep fighting, right here, right now.

Kevin J. Shay is the author of the electronic booklet, No More 
Layoffs: How to Work For a Workplace That Works For All of Us. He 
also started a new Internet site, LayoffWatch, that tracks layoffs 
and the profits of these companies at 
http://www.angelfire.com/biz/shaybiz/layoff.html. Shay can be 
contacted through email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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