--- Begin Message ---
I had a great deal of difficulty sending this email out. After many attempts,
I do not know if you got it or not, so please forgive me if you somehow got
it, but I was not informed by my server.

My dear concerned coworkers,            6 February, 2002

    This letter is written concerning offers to financially assist me (Fritz
Springmeier) in my upcoming legal battle, and the latest news on our
situation.  Some legal battles are so lopsided that it is of little value to
spend money on a good attorney. However, I believe that my legal battle will
be largely determined by the contest of wits in the courtroom and not the
evidence. I will explain why later in this letter. In other words, I need the
help some of you have offered, and the help I get will make the difference
between me going to prison or not. It may also prevent them from trying to
discredit the work I have done.

    Allow me to remind us what is happening.
We have known that the enemy would not remain idle. He is cynically
indifferent to the values we uphold and attempt to defend. The only high
ground we hold in our battles with tyranny is the moral high ground. I request
that we all maintain that position, and not surrender that advantage. I
believe the victory (my release) obtained on Monday was the result of prayer
moving God to bend the hearts and circumstances of those involved.

We have a sure hope, and the question is not whether we personally shall
succeed in dismantling tyranny, but what is right for our nation. I am only
one warrior for Christ, and we don’t want to lose track of the bigger picture.
God can raise up stones, if He so desires, to speak His truth. I have never
doubted that I am expendable, or that I was above suffering. It is no longer I
that live, but Christ in me. And Christ will win.

Does my arrest signal a general arrest of Patriots and Christian Patriots? I
do not think so. My take on what is happening is that this is simply part of
an ongoing campaign to destabilize any opposition to the New World Order. 
Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat to deflect criticism of the Nazi Party. I
would expect that today’s tyrannts would like to gain some mileage from
persecuting Christian Patriots, and will wait for their large roundups when
the situation will make them look good. Why round Christian Patriots up
without gaining some advantage?  When you see that the government will gain
widespread popularity from rounding us up, then you know the time is short. In
other words, our persecution be a stepping stone on their safari for

I have been charged with an armed bank robbery from 1997. I have been charged
with conspiracy to distribute marijuana. I did not rob a bank, nor did I
distribute marijuana. I can honestly say that. Whether I can prove that in an
American Federal Court or not remains to be seen. While some of my beliefs and
some of my actions are controversial, and perhaps very few people would see
eye-to-eye on everything I say and do, I myself have a clear conscience and
feel good about what I have done. As Braveheart said (to paraphrase), “I never
gave alligiance to this tyranny.”  I am not defending myself in this letter at
all, I have no need to explain myself.  I am simply trying to state the

My desire is that all contributors feel good about what happens with their
money. I will allow anyone who contributes to get a complete accounting of how
the money is spent. If you contribute, you can rest assured that contributions
will go only toward my legal battle. If any funds remain from what is donated,
I will donate them to the next Christian Patriot who is needing legal
assistance. (This was suggested by others, and I agree with their imput.) But
before I worry about a surplus, I need to focus on getting a retainer for an
outside attorney. My experience in legal affairs is that a public defender
will not be able to do the job as well as a hired attorney, if for no other
reason than the government is very tight with what money the Feds allow them
to get to do a case. They can’t work hundreds of hours, when they are only
paid for a couple. I already have a lawyer, who has the reputation for being
the best Federal lawyer in this area. I will need to come up with a retainer
to have him apply himself to my two cases. 

Some people feel I should argue due process and Constitutional law, but I am
reluctant to make this a case of side issues. I feel that their cases against
me lack much substance, and at the moment I question whether it is wise to
make my cases a battle against the entire judicial process.

Please also understand some things. After I plead not guilty, it will take a
minimum of 60 days before there is a court battle, and it often takes up to a
year. If I am found guilty, I may or may not be jailed at that time. After
guilt is determined, it often takes an additional 3 months in federal court
for the judge to pronounce a sentence. In other words, everything takes time.
Please also understand something else. I have probably been far more open in
discussing these legal problems than any attorney would want. Since I have not
financially retained an attorney, I am taking advantage of that to discuss the
case. But I already know how my attorney feels, he doesn’t want me to trust
anyone, and based upon all the Benedict Arnolds I have endured during just my
lifetime, I’m sure his advice is wise.

I also just need to let people know that there is no reason on our end if your
emails are not getting through. Perhaps technology is glitching, or Big
Brother is playing his games. 

One person criticized me for not shooting the police when arrested, and blamed
such arrests upon people being to pacifist. The parrot should not be blamed
that he got caught and sent to the zoo. Another person felt that I am not
pacifist enough. The parrot should not be blamed that he wants to fly free in
the forest. Anyway this just released jail bird could use your financial
assistance if you feel lead to send some. I will send a receipt to every
contributor, and you will certainly be on my list of people to remember if I
am ever in a position to send out free books.

Thank you, and may God bless His faithful people, yours in liberty & Christ,

                        Fritz Springmeier
                        2870 N.E. Hogan Rd., Ste. E, #135
                        Gresham, OR  97030

--- End Message ---

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