Silver Sewer Award?    This sainted holy man Lieberman?   Think this
little award will cause a ripple in the Seagram Kingdom - now Lieberman
is on a board of directors in Israel, is a Zionist member of CFR, and
his wife is active Zionist......

Beware of those who say they are Jews and are not......for this is
NWO/CFR.....see the blood trails and see Canada go down the tubes to NWO
where all sing out of the same song book, for this is the beginning of
organized crime takeover.

Thirty years ago Hank Messick wrote or Ed Reid that the mob had taken
over everything but government......this is it, this is the push.

For these Zionists are not Jews....they are traitors to Jews and to
their Arab Brothers - these Zionists are the anti semites breeding upon
the hatred they themselves create.


Lieberman's Halo begins to dim for his petticoat is beginning to
and Gold, Oil, and Drugs - the GOD Machine.

March 17, 1998
Lieberman, Former Education Secretary William Bennett Present First
"Silver Sewer" Award To Seagram, Inc.
For Underwriting the Cultural Pollution of the Jerry Springer Talk Show
and the Distribution of Music by Shock-Rocker Marilyn Manson
SPECIAL ATTENTION: Electronic Media/Values
Washington, DC -- Sen. Joe Lieberman today joined former U.S. Secretary
of Education William Bennett in presenting the first "Silver Sewer"
Award to Seagram, Inc. for underwriting the cultural pollution of the
Jerry Springer talk show and the distribution of music by shock-rocker
Marilyn Manson.
The award was announced during a news conference this morning at the
National Press Club. The following is the text of Lieberman's prepared
"Nearly three years ago, Bill Bennett and I formed a partnership based
on our shared concern that the rising tide of sex, violence and
vulgarity in the entertainment media had coarsened our culture, weakened
our values, and hurt our children. Since then we have tried to focus
attention on some of the leading media companies that are responsible
for dumping this cultural pollution into the public square, hoping to
persuade these otherwise credible companies to confront the damage they
are doing with the garbage they are bankrolling.
"We have had some success. But the sad fact is that the people who run
the culture have still too often chosen profit over principle. So we
have decided to in effect turn up the volume on our campaign in a way we
hope will make the voices of millions of Americans who are disgusted by
the popular culture's plummeting standards better heard in Hollywood and
New York.
"We begin today by announcing our plans to regularly recognize the worst
cultural polluters of the moment with what we shall call the Silver
Sewer Award. In this way, we aim to better inform the American public of
the connection between the sleaze that is too often inundating our
children and otherwise respectable companies that make money from it.
"We have chosen the venerable distiller Seagram, Inc., as the first
recipient of the Silver Sewer. While you may be familiar with some of
Seagram's more prominent brands --Tropicana Orange Juice, Captain
Morgan's Rum, and the namesake Seagram's 7 --we doubt most Americans are
aware that Seagram is also responsible for introducing our children to
pregnant strippers, teenage prostitutes brawling with pimps, and a woman
who wanted to go on national television to boast about sleeping with her
sister's three husbands.
"Those are just some of the folks who pop up and punch out each other
regularly on the infamous 'Jerry Springer Show,' which up until recently
Seagram owned, produced and distributed through its subsidiary Universal
Studios. Seagram still co-owns the Springer show after entering into a
partnership with TV mogul Barry Diller, as it does 'Sally Jessy
Raphael,' another talk show that often spews cultural sewage through our
televisions as well. Both of those programs are now produced by the
newly-formed USA Networks. Seagram also is a co-owner of Interscope
Records, a company that made its name distributing obscenely violent and
destructive gangsta rap records for which it made Seagram millions of
dollars, and which continues to trade trash for cash by distributing
Marilyn Manson, who makes music about pedophilia and the benefits of
suicide and targets it to kids.
"That such prominent companies as Seagram and its subsidiary Universal
are associated with such unmitigated junk is both astounding and
disappointing. The Bronfman family that controls Seagram has been known
for its philanthropy and civic-mindedness. And Universal has a proud
history of producing some of America's most wonderful movies, and it
continues today to market many outstanding films and records. They don't
need to go into the sewer to find more silver. They don't need to
underwrite music that celebrates cop-killing and television that
exploits human misery. But they have, and in doing so, they have lowered
not only themselves but us all, and contributed to the anything-goes
mentality that is permeating our culture and eviscerating our morality.
"There is no better example of this than Jerry Springer, which sadly has
recently surpassed Oprah as the top-ranked daytime talk show in
syndication, and which has rightly been labeled by one TV critic as
'very possibly the worst program in the history of television.' An
analysis of the ratings reveals the jolting news that 1 million children
watch the perversity that parades across Springer's stage each day. They
also see the violent riots that regularly break out on the show and
learn the worst lessons about how to resolve conflicts. Just ask the
principals and teachers in the Norfolk, Va., public schools, who have
voiced concerns about the growing number of elementary school students
who are watching the show and then settling disputes 'Springer style;'
in fact, one elementary school principal was so disturbed by Springer's
influence that she took the extraordinary step of sending home letters
with each child urging their parents to make Springer off-limits.
"So we appeal today to Seagram/Universal, headed by Edgar Bronfman, Jr.,
and his new partnership, USA Networks, headed by Barry Diller, to clean
up their acts. Mr. Diller has called on broadcasters to accept
responsibility for their programming and urging them to 'establish a
line. . . beyond which sex, violence, and exploitation cannot go.' We
admire Mr. Diller's principle, and we hope he and his new partners at
Seagram will live up to this standard by moving quickly to pull their
companies out of the sewer that Jerry Springer and Marilyn Manson have
led them into."
-- 30 --

 Keep remembering the music played one month prior to murder of JFK -
the Streets of Laredo......over and over - and coffins strewn with red
and white roses.........Goodbye Old Pal as he was buried in Valley of
Hamon Gog.....

Kapp Recording put out some good music then....and Yellow Bird played on
the juke boxes - the canary who sang, as Frank Sinatra was pulled into
court surrounded by bodyguards to testify against his old friends?  Only
this canary did not sing.....

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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