So is the handwriting on the wall and all is going according to Plan?

But who is master planner - who wants the oil?


Forward a message

From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)  To:    Cc: 
Forwarded message:

Delivered-To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] From:    "One Crying in the
Wilderness..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:    MENE MENE TEKEL!
Date:    Sat, Jan 20, 2001, 7:55am (EST-3) Reply to:   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Topica-Loop:    1600009155
UNSUBSCRIBE?   Directions are at the bottom of each post. Before you
do--read what I've got to say! It may involve YOU!
EDUCATION is our only successful weapon to defeat IGNORANCE!
--- Sponsor's Message -------------------------------------- Tech
News...With Attitude!
Get the top stories in your in-box -- commentary included!
You can now enjoy American history on my NEW LIST at:
To join it, send an email to:
"Hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate. It
may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious..." [Amos 5:15]
Our Weekly Quote: "I speak not for others, but for myself. Deprive us of
this right and appropriate this common property to yourselves, it is
then your Government, not mine. Then I am its enemy, and I will then, if
I can, bring my children and my constituents to the altar of liberty,
and like Hamilcar, I would swear them to eternal hostility to your foul
domination. Give us our just rights, and we are ready, as ever
heretofore, to stand by the Union, every part of it, and its every
interest. Refuse it, and for one, I will strike for Independence!"
Alexander H. Stephens--Confederate Vice President.
On this date, January 20, 1901: Frontiersman Henry H. Jaycox, who
fathered four children and whose two wives divorced him, dies alone at
Hooker's Ranch on the Salt River in Gila County, Arizona.
Dear Friends:
Welcome to the Global Age which officially begins at noon eastern
standard time today. (Am I being sarcastic enough?) Several days ago, a
reader sent me some info about an event in Confederate history that I
thought was worth sharing and even somewhat delightful. He has been
unable thus far to find any further info but I wanted to pass on what he
has found. Perhaps some of you could help if you know something about
it. It reads:
The battle of Chicamauga was Dec. 20, 1862, so the snowball fight had to
be in Jan or Feb or 1863
Civil War Memories Of Robert C. Carden
Company B, 16th Tennessee Infantry
BOONE, IOWA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1912 CHAPTER VI I remember a couple
of incidents at Dalton that had slipped my mind. One was a snow battle
between some Tennessee soldiers and some Georgia troops. It commenced in
a small way but grew to be a big battle with at least a brigade on each
side with the officers and colors. The snow was five or six inches deep.
There was a small branch between the combatants and sometimes one side,
then the other would have possession of the field. Sometimes the
Tennesseans would drive the Georgia men back, then they would rally and
drive the other side. They used up all the snow on the field then each
side had a detail to bring up big snow balls to be used as ammunition.
Our Tennessee side finally charged the Georgia fellows and ran them back
to their camp. I never got there for at the branch a Georgia fellow
rolled up a snowball with a lot of ground with it and struck me in the
eye, coming very near knocking my eye out, so I got knocked out and went
back to the rear. I understood that several lost an eye in the fight.
John Dougherty
If any of you have any further information about this incident, John
would like to know--and so would I.
On the world front today, the World Net Daily reports that the war in
the Middle East is to begin again today. The article reads: Next Mideast
war in the offing?
Reports say U.S., Britain, Israel making preparations for battle ©
U.S. military forces in Europe, which are currently at threat condition
"Bravo," are set to be upgraded to condition "Charlie" by Jan. 20, while
other elements of U.S. European theater forces -- as well as British
special forces troops -- may be headed to Israel "within a few weeks,"
sources have told WorldNetDaily.
According to a host of reports from various European and Middle East
military sources, all of whom requested anonymity for security reasons,
European Command, or EUCOM, forces last week were placed on alert status
"Bravo" -- with "Alpha" being the lowest and "Delta" being the highest
-- "across the board," which included all U.S. forces stationed in the
European theater -- Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere. Other
sources said the alert status would be upgraded to "Charlie" -- the
second highest level -- at "2400 hours European time, Jan. 20," the day
President-elect George W. Bush is to be sworn into office, due to
developments taking shape in the Middle East.
Another reader has responded to an article that is worth reading. I
would like to share it with you. It reads: Dear Bob,
I just finished reading your essay on "Religion in China" and being
shocked by what you learned. Sad to say, Christianity and other
religions, excepting Zionism, are persecuted globally by the global
Communist regime.
When the current Pope was elevated to the Papacy and I learned he was
from Poland, I made the comment that "the new Pope is a communist!" and
it irritated several of my acquaintances, a couple who were Catholics.
Several months later Criminal Politics, a publication that I subscribe
to, ran an article that confirmed it.
Reverend Moon is an Oriental Religious Guru that controls a lot more
than the souls of his global following as do many of the Evangelical
ministers who hypnotize their flocks of sheeple to milk and sheer them
clean. Christians have been brainwashed to turn the other cheek, forgive
and love thine enemy. My friend this is not good advice for physical
survival. When the authors of the bible wrote that Jesus
preached...."The meek shall inherit the earth" statistics are show that
the earth inherited by the meek are 6X6X4 plots in cemeteries. Usually
long before the Soul gets prepared for the afterlife. The only way to
defeat evil is not to support its means of sustenance. Unfortunately,
good can be defeated with the same tactic. Presently evil has the
advantage being more profitable. This nation was born on Christian
principles that are being eroded, politicized, corrupted and demonized.
The people it most detrimentally effects are paying for it with their
taxes, earnings for entertainment, pleasure and recreation. We have a
Zionist owned government, becoming socialistic and losing our
sovereignty to the same ideology that rules Russia, China and Cuba.
It is regrettable that prayers aren't answered quicker and more
John S
The next message is one that will benefit you. It is from and
I wanted to share this news with you. It reads: If you've managed a list
for any length of time, chances are your subscribers have asked for help
with their subscription options, such as turning their subscriptions off
temporarily while on vacation. Vacation hold, and many other options,
are readily available to registered Topica users. Since people may join
lists through an e-mail subscription link or a remote subscription box
on your web site, many of your subscribers may not be registered with
Topica. As registered users with Topica accounts, your list members can
use their My Topica page <> to manage all of
their subscriptions, switch to digest or vacation hold and back, access
archives, become eligible for list co-ownership, and even customize the
name they go by for each list they belong to. So next time a subscriber
asks you to suspend her subscription until 6:45 p.m. next Sunday, simply
refer her to Topica's registration page at:
The sky in western Texas is clear today and the sun is shining brightly.
I would like to think this is an omen and that things are going to look
better as George W. Bush takes office. For I have been one of those who
despised Bill "WANTED for TREASON" Clinton and his wife, the Whore of
Babylon, since they took office. I would like to believe still in the
American dream and that it will come true if we but pursue it and apply
ourselves. But I am afraid that I awoke from my slumber a long time ago
and no longer am able to dream.
Yea, I can still remember daddy Bush and how he betrayed America when he
announced that he was turning us over to the United Nations. I can still
remember how he and his predecessor had sold military goods to the enemy
Saddam Hussein. I can still remember the beginning of World War
Three--in early January 1991. I can still remember how some people got
really angry and even supported that first portion of the war not
realizing it was the beginning of what would culminate in the Battle of
Armageddon. Then the people sort of forgot as the "cease fire" was
declared. They went about acting as the war was over. But cease fire
does not mean it is over. It just means our side has, according to the
media, stopped shooting and is giving the other side time to recoup. The
sky may be clear today but the future of this nation is not. It is
heading downhill on a faster pace and is about to fall. Oh, it may soar
higher for a while. But history proves that no nation lasts forever and
also that no nation has ever decayed to the degree this one has and
survived. So I have one message for George W. Bush: "MENE, MENE, TEKEL.
This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy
kingdom and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances and art
found wanting." [Daniel 5:25-27]
I remain the voice of One Crying in the Wilderness.
© 2001 B. A. L'Aloge
Historical Journalist & Ordained Theologian
Non-fiction books on the Old West by B. A. L'Aloge may be ordered.
1. Pistols & Petticoats: 13 Female Trailblazers of the Old West    
2. Yesterdays...Today (2 volumes)                  
                    $26.00 +SH
3. Riders Along the Rio Grande                    
                    $13.00 +SH
4. Knights of the Sixgun                        
                              $13.00 +SH
5. Ghosts and Mysteries of the Old West                
        $11.00 +SH
Also, my CD-rom (IBM & Mac compatible)
                of the OLD WEST (over
12,500 entries)           $50.00 +SH
(shipping/handling charges are $3.00 per book and $3.50 per CDrom.) Make
check payable to:
B. A. L'Aloge
P. O. Box 61161
San Angelo, TEXAS CSA (Yankee Occupation Code) 76906
Quotable Quotes!
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His
compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Thy
faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or
insurrectionary characteristic. The government of the State remains
unchanged as to all internal affairs. It is only its external or
confederate relations that are altered. To term this action of a
Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language." - President
Jefferson Davis
"Men's convictions as to Truth, or what they receive as the Truth,
depend entirely upon their understanding of facts!" - Vice President
Alexander H. Stephens
"Why should Christians be disturbed about the dissolution of the Union?
It CAN ONLY COME if by God's Permission, and will be PERMITTED ONLY if
for His people's good!" - Gen. Stonewall Jackson
Our Sponsors include:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Where you'll find the
Third Confederate National Flag proudly flying!
Other articles may be read at:
Abortion is pre-meditated first-degree MURDER! Please sign the petition
Thank you!
Send an email to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DO NOT write me about it!
Unsubscribing does not change or alter the truth. It simply shows your
refusal to accept it!
T O P I C A -- Learn More. Surf Less.
Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Topics You Choose.

UNSUBSCRIBE?   Directions are at the bottom of each post.
Before you do--read what I've got to say!  It may involve YOU!

EDUCATION is our only successful weapon to defeat IGNORANCE!

--- Sponsor's Message --------------------------------------
Tech News...With Attitude!
Get the top stories in your in-box -- commentary included!

You can now enjoy American history on my NEW LIST at:
To join it, send an email to:
"Hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate. It
may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious..." [Amos 5:15]

Our Weekly Quote: "I speak not for others, but for myself.  Deprive us
of this right and appropriate this common property to yourselves, it is
then your Government, not mine.  Then I am its enemy, and I will then,
if I can, bring my children and my constituents to the altar of liberty,
and like Hamilcar, I would swear them to eternal hostility to your foul
domination.  Give us our just rights, and we are ready, as ever
heretofore, to stand by the Union, every part of it, and its every
interest.  Refuse it, and for one, I will strike for Independence!"
Alexander H. Stephens--Confederate Vice President.

On this date, January 20, 1901: Frontiersman Henry H. Jaycox, who
fathered four children and whose two wives divorced him, dies alone at
Hooker's Ranch on the Salt River in Gila County, Arizona.

Dear Friends:

Welcome to the Global Age which officially begins at noon eastern
standard time today.  (Am I being sarcastic enough?)
Several days ago, a reader sent me some info about an event in
Confederate history that I thought was worth sharing and even somewhat
delightful.  He has been unable thus far to find any further info but I
wanted to pass on what he has found.  Perhaps some of you could help if
you know something about it.  It reads:
The battle of Chicamauga was Dec. 20, 1862, so the snowball fight had to
be in Jan or Feb or 1863
Civil War Memories  Of Robert C. Carden
Company B, 16th Tennessee Infantry
I remember a couple of incidents at Dalton that had slipped my mind. One
was a snow battle between some Tennessee soldiers and some Georgia
troops. It  commenced in a small way but grew to be a big battle with at
least a brigade on each side with the officers and colors. The snow was
five or six inches deep. There was a small branch between the combatants
and sometimes one side, then the other would have possession of the
field. Sometimes the Tennesseans would drive the Georgia men back, then
they would rally and drive the other side. They used up all the snow on
the field then each side had a detail to bring up big snow balls to be
used as ammunition. Our Tennessee side finally charged the Georgia
fellows and ran them back to their camp. I never got there for at the
branch a Georgia fellow rolled up a snowball with a lot of ground with
it and struck me in the eye, coming very near knocking my eye out, so I
got knocked out and went back to the rear. I understood that several
lost an eye in the fight.
John Dougherty
If any of you have any further information about this incident, John
would like to know--and so would I.
On the world front today, the World Net Daily reports that the war in
the Middle East is to begin again today.  The article reads:
Next Mideast war in the offing?
Reports say U.S., Britain, Israel making preparations for battle
© 2001
U.S. military forces in Europe, which are currently at threat condition
"Bravo," are set to be upgraded to condition "Charlie" by Jan. 20, while
other elements of U.S. European theater forces -- as well as British
special forces troops -- may be headed to Israel "within a few weeks,"
sources have told WorldNetDaily.
According to a host of reports from various European and Middle East
military sources, all of whom requested anonymity for security reasons,
European Command, or EUCOM, forces last week were placed on alert status
"Bravo" -- with "Alpha" being the lowest and "Delta" being the highest
-- "across the board," which included all U.S. forces stationed in the
European theater -- Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Bosnia and elsewhere.
Other sources said the alert status would be upgraded to "Charlie" --
the second highest level -- at "2400 hours European time, Jan. 20," the
day President-elect George W. Bush is to be sworn into office, due to
developments taking shape in the Middle East.
Another reader has responded to an article that is worth reading.  I
would like to share it with you.  It reads:
Dear Bob,
I just finished reading your essay on "Religion in China" and being
shocked by what you learned.  Sad to say, Christianity and other
religions, excepting Zionism, are persecuted globally by the global
Communist regime.
When the current Pope was elevated to the Papacy and I learned he was
from Poland, I made the comment that "the new Pope is a communist!" and
it irritated several of my acquaintances, a couple who were Catholics.
Several months later Criminal Politics, a publication that I subscribe
to, ran an article that confirmed it.
Reverend Moon is an Oriental Religious Guru that controls a lot more
than the souls of his global following as do many of the Evangelical
ministers who hypnotize their flocks of sheeple to milk and sheer them
clean. Christians have been brainwashed to turn the other cheek, forgive
and love thine enemy. My friend this is not good advice for physical
survival. When the authors of the bible wrote that Jesus
preached...."The meek shall inherit the earth" statistics are show that
the earth inherited by the meek  are 6X6X4 plots in cemeteries. Usually
long before the Soul gets prepared for the afterlife.
The only way to defeat evil is not to support its means of sustenance.
Unfortunately, good  can be defeated with the same tactic. Presently
evil has the advantage being more profitable.
This nation was born on Christian principles that are being eroded,
politicized, corrupted and demonized. The people it most detrimentally
effects are paying for it with their taxes, earnings for entertainment,
pleasure and recreation. We have a Zionist owned government, becoming
socialistic and losing our sovereignty to the same ideology that rules
Russia, China and Cuba.
It is regrettable that prayers aren't answered quicker and more
John S
The next message is one that will benefit you.  It is from
and I wanted to share this news with you.  It reads:
If you've managed a list for any length of time, chances are your
subscribers have asked for help with their subscription options, such as
turning their subscriptions off temporarily while on vacation.
Vacation hold, and many other options, are readily available to
registered Topica users. Since people may join lists through an e-mail
subscription link or a remote subscription box on your web site, many of
your subscribers may not be registered with Topica.
As registered users with Topica accounts, your list members can use
their My Topica page <> to manage all of their
subscriptions, switch to digest or vacation hold and back, access
archives, become eligible for list co-ownership, and even customize the
name they go by for each list they belong to.
So next time a subscriber asks you to suspend her subscription until
6:45 p.m. next Sunday, simply refer her to Topica's registration page
at: <>
The sky in western Texas is clear today and the sun is shining brightly.
 I would like to think this is an omen and that things are going to look
better as George W. Bush takes office.  For I have been one of those who
despised Bill "WANTED for TREASON" Clinton and his wife, the Whore of
Babylon, since they took office.  I would like to believe still in the
American dream and that it will come true if we but pursue it and apply
ourselves.  But I am afraid that I awoke from my slumber a long time ago
and no longer am able to dream.
Yea, I can still remember daddy Bush and how he betrayed America when he
announced that he was turning us over to the United Nations.  I can
still remember how he and his predecessor had sold military goods to the
enemy Saddam Hussein.  I can still remember the beginning of World War
Three--in early January 1991.  I can still remember how some people got
really angry and even supported that first portion of the war not
realizing it was the beginning of what would culminate in the Battle of
Armageddon.  Then the people sort of forgot as the "cease fire" was
declared.  They went about acting as the war was over.  But cease fire
does not mean it is over.  It just means our side has, according to the
media, stopped shooting and is giving the other side time to recoup.
The sky may be clear today but the future of this nation is not.  It is
heading downhill on a faster pace and is about to fall.  Oh, it may soar
higher for a while.  But history proves that no nation lasts forever and
also that no nation has ever decayed to the degree this one has and
survived.  So I have one message for George W. Bush:  "MENE, MENE,
TEKEL.  This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered
thy kingdom and finished it.  TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances
and art found wanting."  [Daniel 5:25-27]

I remain the voice of One Crying in the Wilderness.

© 2001 B. A. L'Aloge
Historical Journalist & Ordained Theologian
Non-fiction books on the Old West by B. A. L'Aloge may be ordered.

1.  Pistols & Petticoats: 13 Female Trailblazers of the Old West        $15.00
2. Yesterdays...Today (2 volumes)                                       $26.00 +SH
3. Riders Along the Rio Grande                                          $13.00 +SH
4. Knights of the Sixgun                                                        $13.00 
5. Ghosts and Mysteries of the Old West                         $11.00 +SH
Also, my CD-rom (IBM & Mac compatible)
                of the OLD WEST (over 12,500 entries)           $50.00 +SH
(shipping/handling charges are $3.00 per book and $3.50 per CDrom.)
Make check payable to:
B. A. L'Aloge
P. O. Box 61161
San Angelo, TEXAS CSA  (Yankee Occupation Code) 76906
Quotable Quotes!
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His
compassions fail not.  They are new every morning.  Great is Thy
faithfulness."  Lamentations 3:22-23

"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or
insurrectionary characteristic.  The government of the State remains
unchanged as to all internal affairs.  It is only its external or
confederate relations that are altered.  To term this action of a
Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language." - President
Jefferson Davis

"Men's convictions as to Truth, or what they receive as the Truth,
depend entirely upon their understanding of facts!" - Vice President
Alexander H. Stephens

"Why should Christians be disturbed about the dissolution of the Union?
It CAN ONLY COME if by God's Permission, and will be PERMITTED ONLY if
for His people's good!" - Gen. Stonewall Jackson
Our Sponsors include:

Where you'll find the Third Confederate National Flag proudly flying!

Other articles may be read at:

Abortion is pre-meditated first-degree MURDER!
Please sign the petition at:
Thank you!

Send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DO NOT write me about it!

Unsubscribing does not change or alter the truth.  It simply shows your refusal to 
accept it!

T O P I C A  -- Learn More. Surf Less.
Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Topics You Choose.

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