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From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M.A. Johnson)

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Marc Rich: American Hero
by Rob Moody

Peace is a natural effect of trade. ~ de Montesquieu

Much has been written about Bill Clinton's pardon of
commodities trader Marc Rich, but very little has been
written about what Rich actually did that put him on
the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List and made his name
synonymous with white collar crime.

After giving Clinton a pass on treason, mass murder,
rape (he was asked only one question about it),
kidnapping (Elian), bribery, theft, perjury, obstruction
of justice and embarrassment of the nation as no one
could have ever imagined, the liberals in the media
have finally had it with him (conveniently, once he's
out of office and no longer useful to them). In a
recent column called "Forsaken for A Rich Fugitive,"
Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen told Bill,
"You let me down." (Would Cohen be less disappointed
if the fugitive had been poor?) So what is it about
Rich that turned Cohen (formerly a Clinton apologist)
into a "Clinton-hater"? As Cohen writes, "... most
important, Rich fled the country. He was a fugitive,
for crying out loud. A fugitive!" So the fact that
Rich left the country because he didn't want to go
to prison for refusing to subject himself to involuntary
servitude to the federal government is the worst of Rich's
crimes in Cohen's book. Liberals hate it when people vote
with their feet. That's why people who tried to flee
East Germany and other communist regimes were shot. A
welfare state always wants to keep foreigners out
(lest they get on welfare) and its subjects in (lest
it lose tax revenue and control over their lives).

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd called Rich a
"tax swindler" and "a man who made billions of dollars
manipulating foreign markets. Marc Rich bought a
pardon with the money he made betraying America."
So, what are the crimes here? Did he steal money
from the government, as the Clintons and their
groupies did, or did he merely keep the money that
he had earned? Is making money  even billions of
dollars  a crime? How did Rich "manipulate" foreign
markets? Dowd makes it sound as if he had promoted
penny stocks or something like that. It appears that
he did buy a pardon (however, it takes two to tango),
but how did he betray America? Did he, say, sell
nuclear secrets and missile technology to the Chinese
government in return for campaign contributions?

Dowd goes on to describe Rich's crimes against humanity:

  At the hearing, Rep. Christopher Shays [Nothing
  is worse than a Republican pantywaist like Shays.
  RM] scorched Quinn: "Mr. Rich traded with Libya
  when we had the embargo; he traded with Iran when
  we had the U.S. hostages being held captive; he
  traded during the 12 years with Iraq when we had
  our conflict; he traded grain with the Soviet
  Union when we had an embargo; he traded with
  South Africa with the apartheid government when
  we had that embargo ... ."

You mean Rich actually traded with people? He helped
commodities reach their highest, best use and did so
peacefully, leaving both parties wealthier than before?
Off with his head!

"The bombers," as Colin Powell calls them, can't stand
it when Americans trade with a country they're trying to
get us to bomb. It drives them crazy! People have a
financial incentive not to go to war with their trading
partners or countries that produce goods that they buy.
That's why when the bombing class wants to go to war
with a country, one of the first things it does is
impose a trade embargo (as FDR did with Japan) or
sanctions. Edmund Contoski brilliantly divided people
into makers and takers, but it occurred to me that people
can also be divided into traders and bombers. The
bombers would have you believe that traders are the
same thing as traitors.

I first suspected that there might be nothing to the
charges against Rich when I learned that it was Rudy
Guiliani (who once excoriated the owners of a gas station
for charging "too much" for gasoline) who had brought
charges against him. My suspicion was reinforced when
I read in Dowd's column, "At the hearing, Democrats ... were
echoing the complaints of [Rep. Dan] Burton and ... Bob
Barr. Even some black Democratic lawmakers, Bill's biggest
defenders, were appalled [at the pardon]."

After searching the Web for a story that described Rich's
so-called "crimes," I finally found one, an interview
with Craig Copetas, author of the book Metal Men: How
Marc Rich Defrauded the Country, Evaded the Law, and
Became the World's Most Sought-After Corporate Criminal.
In it, Copetas describes Rich's crimes:

  He did a number of things. Here are the three most
  interesting: first, he evaded a lot of taxes. Second,
  he traded with Iran during the hostage crisis, which
  is a treasonable offense. Third, he was doing something
  called "daisy-chaining" oil.  With daisy chaining, he
  was violating a U.S. regulation that said that there
  were three types of oil in the United States. The
  price of each type of oil depended on when the well
  started producing it. What he did, simply put, was
  to rip-off the sticker on the barrel of cheapest oil,
  and put on a sticker that said that the oil was now
  the most expensive oil. The oil was the same, there
  was no difference in the quality. But because he was
  "daisy-chaining," so to speak, he was violating the
  U.S. rules for oil trading.

So, he kept money that he had earned, took advantage of
a black market opportunity that someone else would have
taken advantage of if he hadn't (and perhaps showed the
Iranians that Americans might not be "The Great Satan"
after all), and ignored the ridiculous regulation that
said there were three types of oil, based on when a
well began production. If you're still not convinced
that Rich is a hero, consider this comment by Copetas:
"It would be accurate to say that the very computer that
everyone involved in this chat has contains at least
seven or eight metals that were supplied to the manufacturer
through one of Marc Rich's companies." So Marc Rich
provided the metals that make it possible for you to
read this column and use your computer in countless
other beneficial ways. What has Chris Shays or any of
these other shrieking harpies ever done for their
fellow man, except to loot and enslave them?

Sure, Marc Rich bought a pardon; after all, they were
for sale. But he never should have been charged with
a crime.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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