show that bullets from an alleged murder weapon did not
match those found at the site of the killings for which they are still
serving life terms. The star witness against them has publicly recanted his
testimony, swearing that he lied after being tortured by police (who
repeatedly jammed an elect
ot commit
suicide before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.
>From 1943-63, the federal civil rights case Socialist Workers Party v.
Attorney General documents decades of illegal FBI break-ins and 10 million
pages of surveillance records. The FBI paid an estimated 1,600 informants
$1,680,592 and used
Remember the Black Panthers who went to a banquet where Mrs Bush was
guest speaker in an attempt to intimidate here - some of these
"Panthers" armed with Uzis, and ones who were not armed with this guns
like the Israelies carry about presumably they were felons and could
have been picked up.