NewsHawk Update

Due to other pressing priorities, obligations, responsibilities and
general financial conditions, it was necessary for me to discontinue the
NewsHawk email news service in late May. I fact, I was completely
disconnected from the Internet for the past 2 1/2 months.

Fortunately, I will be able to reactivate the operation in the immediate
future, with the assistance of my trusty compadre Bob Anderson.

However, there will be a substantial change in the way things are to be
set up. Namely, the service will be provided only to paid subscribers
for a quarterly fee of 15 dollars.

Most of you already know what NewsHawk is all about and what we stand
for. If you believe our service to be of real value to you in your
lives, then we do hope you will decide to avail yourself of this opportunity.

To subscribe, send a money order only (NO personal checks accepted) made
out to me, John Quinn, in the amount of 15 dollars U.S. to:

P.O. Box 106
Laytonville, Calif. 95454

We plan to begin regular service to paid subscribers by Monday, August
21. If we receive your money order after this time you will simply be
added to the recipient list at the time your payment is received, for a
period of three months from that time.

Below is an example of the kinds of issues NewsHawk will continue to
focus on.

As most recipients know, we devoted a substantial amount of time and
energy to investigating the horrendous shootings at Columbine High
School in April, 1999 as well as to the many other similar incidents of
deadly violence initiated by young people in this country in the past
several years.

Our research focused heavily on clear indications that the great
majority of the perpetrators of these incidents had been subjected to
one or more of a vast number of clandestine, government-sponsored mind
control projects prior to their outbursts of incomprehensible deadly violence.

In fact, in the case of Eric Harris, we obtained and published
definitive, irrefutable PROOF that the boy was subjected to massive mind
manipulation while he lived at Plattsburgh Air Force Base with his
family, immediately before the Harris's moved to Littleton.

Now, clear and convincing evidence has surfaced which shows that yet
ANOTHER perpetrator of a mass school shooting incident, Kip Kinkel of
Springfield, Oregon, was ALSO subjected to mind control experimentation
under the auspices of a Department of Defence-administered program; in
which boys were subjected to mind-altering chemical drugs, EXACTLY as
was the case with Eric Harris at Plattsburgh. As with the Harris case,
it turns out that Kip Kinkel was in FACT "offered up" to the feds for
this purpose by none other than his father, Bill Kinkel.

Reprinted below is an article which appeared on Ru Mills website last
month which discloses the details of this extraordinarily troubling and
tragic story; exposing the drug-based mind control activities Kip Kinkel
was subjected to which led directly to the terrible carnage he unleashed
at Springfield High School. The drug? Why, none other than that
administered to Eric Harris--LUVOX.

And let us not forget: just as our investigations proved that Eric
Harris's father Wayne was closely linked to some of Eric's activities
which preceded to the slaughter at Columbine High, the gun Kip Kinkle
used to kill his fellow students in Springfield was given to him by...
his father. And that was the gun Kip used to kill his father, too.
Perhaps, in some way, Kip realized in his tormented mind that his father
was probably the main cause of Kip's mental, spiritual and emotional destruction.

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Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

Kip Kinkle

Posted By: godmiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 2 July 2000, 1:01 p.m.

For the past 17 years, I have worked as a project coordinator for a
subagency within the Department of Defense. In 1991, I met Bill Kinkle,
then the proud father of a 10-year-old son, Kip. Much has been made in
the media about how Bill Kinkle and his wife were educators, but no one
in the media has looked into Bill Kinkle's background. For 14 years,
Bill was a research coordinator for various educational studies at three
universities in the Pacific Northwest. Much of his work was related to
Department of Defense research into the affect that certain psychotropic
drugs would have on academic performance and overall intellectual
development. Following the Springfield shooting, I have made an effort
to quietly review documents from his work. I have been able to discern
the following information from these reports. - Bill was in no way
involved with the medical aspects of the tests, but was instead hired to
develop complex testing methods for evaluating the effects that this
medication had on children. - 37 children were tested. 

Although the names of the subjects are not in the materials I have
clearance to review, I have found a release signed William Kinkle in
1993 authorizing his son to be evaluated to become a part of the study.
Important note: I did not find any information which would indicate that
Kip was taken into the study although I have found no information to
contradict that he did. Further, the double blind nature of the testing
indicates that a substantial portion of those tested would have received placebos.

- The primary drug that was used in the tests was fluvoxamine, a drug
that was not, at the time Bill Kinkle was involved with the project,
approved by the FDA. It has since been approved and released in this
country under the name Luvox. - The study was stopped at one location.
(I believe it was, based on my memories at the time, the University of
Washington, but the records are incomplete as to where the problem
arose). Three subjects, all on the drug rather than placebo, each
developed significant psychosis that had not been exhibited prior to
entering the study. Although I am not a psychiatrist and I am not fully
able to accurately provide a diagnosis, each of the three suffered from
intense delusions of grandeur and violent and angry impulses. The
decision to take the three off the drug was more or less an end to the
study at that school, where the entire studied population was nine. The
Department of Defense wanted the research to continue, but the
psychiatrist to whom the grant had been issued refused to continue the
project, deeming the project dangerous to the children. - I was shocked
to discover reports in the mainstream press which stated that Kip Kinkle
had been placed on Luvox by a psychiatrist at the University of Oregon,
who's Department of Psychology had sponsored one of the three studies.
Although this psychiatrist is not listed in any Department of Defense
records as being involved in the study, the news reports say that BILL
KINKLE requested the drug.
- Bill Kinkle's signatures are on the reports dismantling the University
of Washington survey. He was undoubtedly aware of the side effects of
this drug.
- Although there are conflicting reports as to whether he was actually
taking the drug at the time, Eric Harris, one of the two boys that was
in the Columbine shooting, was prescribed the drug six months before the
shooting. - When the FDA was in the process of providing approval for
Luvox, they requested any information from government agencies regarding
any testing on the drug, but the Department of Defense did not turn
their information over regarding the studies and the negative effects
that this drug had on children.

I do not claim that Luvox caused the shootings, but it is clear that
serious questions exist as to whether the drug is safe and whether the
government in some way, through testing of the drug, created Kip Kinkle.
I am posting this of this site because I am frustrated in figuring out
the best way to bring this question to the forefront without risking my
livelihood. Much of this is speculation and I am assuming a number of
links-- first and foremost that Kip Kinkle was ever accepted into the
study or given Luvox as part of the study, rather than a placebo. I do
not purport know what has happened, and I have no interest in going to
the mainstream media with these claims. However, I knew Bill Kinkle, and
he struck me as a good, honest man. I would like to know why he died. 

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Best regards to all recipients, and thanks for your interest and concern
regarding the state of affairs here at NewsHawk Inc.

Happy trails, fellow travelers!

John Quinn/
NewsHawk® Inc.

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