Dutch Prince Sparks Anti-Tie Craze

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) -- With the simple tug of a tie, a Dutch prince
has touched off a revolution in the Netherlands.

In a speech opening a show of African fashion, Prince Claus ceremoniously
wriggled free of his Windsor knot, yanked off his navy blue necktie and tossed
it rather inelegantly at the feet of his wife, Queen Beatrix.

``A snake around my neck,'' the 73-year-old prince snarled to a standing

Reporting the story that evening, one TV anchorman peeled off his tie. In
solidarity, so did the sportscaster who gave the soccer scores. Now, a week
later, Claus is a folk hero, and an open collar has never been more in vogue.

The phenomenon already has a name: ``Claustrophilia,'' which celebrates the
prince for denouncing ties.

``I also suffer from Claus's tie phobia, so I'm shouting for joy at the
prince's call for a ban on neckties,'' Wouter van Winden, a businessman in the
central city of Delft, was quoted as saying in Monday's De Volkskrant

``No piece of clothing combines so little function with so much potential to
show bad taste,'' he said. ``For me, a necktie is like a dog leash -- both
symbolize a limit on freedom. Why else does Nelson Mandela never wear one?''

Amen, says Claus, who proclaimed the South African president ``the best-
dressed man I know'' during Wednesday's fashion show at the royal palace in

That even a prince could find a tie a royal pain has resonated across Holland,
where neckwear remains the standard in business but is no less loathed.

The necktie as a nemesis has Internet chat rooms abuzz over Claus and his
fashion statement, which the German-born prince humorously dubbed ``the
Declaration of Amsterdam.''

``I have never worn a necktie in my life,'' said Coen van den Heuvel of
Eindhoven. ``On my wedding day 17 years ago, my mother ran out and bought a
tie. It's still in the box.''

With the necktie a popular, if dreaded, Christmas gift for millions of Dutch
uncles and dads, all this contempt for cravats has the fashion industry
rushing to do some damage control.

A suit without a tie, says Franco DeMartino, a buyer for Amsterdam's tony
Society Shop, ``is like a car without hub caps.''

``This isn't the end of the necktie,'' insisted Dutch fashion designer
Alexander van Slobbe. ``It's still a must for men. It's a form of security.''

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